sets the transparency of your accessory. 100 is fully in view, and as with secondary coats, lesser or negative amounts will result in 'glitches'.
scales the images between zero and 200%.
0 = normal size (disabled)
.25 = 25%
1 = normal size
2 = 200% size
a good place to start playing around is setting your scale to .5 to see a noticable change, then you can adjust up and down afterwards to your liking.
adjusts the layer by x / y pixels horizontally to the right by (x) and vertically down (y).
legacy alacrity layers comprise a full size image, with most it being a transparency. so when scaling down, you will likely have to re adjust your x/y again.
negative x/y will have the opposite effect
if your accessory is on the left, setting x=300 is a good way to get the images to the other side of the screen.
if your are in the middle of the portrait, try something smaller like 50-100.
sets the accessory to display above or below the dog.
some of the accessories are mis configured, or you may have a different preference. now you can manually set where they appear.
hides the accessory from view
rotates the accessory x degrees. b/c the legacy images are the same size as the overall portrait, when you rotate it, its position on the new portrait can change dramatically, you will likely have to reposition it
flips the accessory. keep in mind b/c of the way the old items are laid out, you may have to reposition it!