this dog cannot breed. requires the following:
males: age >8 months, and not neutered.
females age > 12 months, not spayed, and "in heat"

if your not the owner of this dog, stud / lease pricing must be set and >0.

Dogs which are spayed or neutered may not use the lease/stud request pages.

this dog " Foo\'s Roulette" # 87600
age: 261.42
fixed: no
stud/lease price: 10000
Are you sure you wish to give away this dog?
once you give them away, its no longer yours!

All items worn by this dog will be given to the new owner. Remove them before transferring if you want to keep them!

Any Breeding agreement will be transferred to the new owner.

this dog " Foo\'s Roulette" # 87600
age: 261.42
fixed: no
new owner ID:
Foo\'s Roulette (#87600) (TP: 9105.91), the male German Shepherd
you do not own this dog
Featuring the background: Catacombs Background.
br />

My full name is Roulette Ronald Shepherd

My show name is Round

About Roulette, well he\'s known as the imfamous zombie knight. There is a story about him, but in case you don\'t know I\'ll tell you. When Roulette was a young puppy, a knight found him. He had been dumped by the castle, which rested by Hollows Hill. With no female dog in sight, the knight took the pup inside. He was a big hit with all the other knights, and even the king. The king named him Roulette, for that was his favorite game, and this pup played an awful lot of games. From messing with the horses to tackling the knights, this pup always seemed to be messing around. Eventually he matured enough, so the knights took him training. They strengthened him up, and one of the knights even fashioned him a suit of chain-mail. They would play train in mini fights, to teach Roulette where to go and what to do. The king got word of a party of nights from the neighboring realm planning to take over the land of Hollow. The king sent his best knights, and Roulette to fight them. The knights mounted their horses, and one of them put Roulette in his chain-mail. The group galloped out to Hollows Hill, and met the party head on. Roulette had managed to topple many horses so his knights could easily attack the others. He was heading for a horse when something caught his eye, and he stopped. A groundhog was waddling around the hill. Roulette gave chase, and didn\'t see a horsemen come up behind him. The horsemen thrust his saber into poor Roulette. He was dead instantly. The people from Hollow lost, the king was slain, and so were most of the people. It turned into a wasteland with dead trees, and gray skies. The only color that came through was the orange sky on the anniversary of the battle each year. It is said that if you are on that hill the night of the battle\'s anniversary the sky will turn a brilliant orange, and Roulette will appear. You will see him going after that groundhog, but he is completely destroyed. Bloodied all over, a rib sticking out of the ruined chain-mail, and half a face. He will turn back and look at you, then howl and slump to the ground. That is how he claims the lives of many people, whatever you do, do not visit Hollow Hill, or now known as Haunted Hill.

Accessories Wearing:
Zombie Skull
Dark overlay
Zombie Ribs
Ground Fog
Vampire Bite
Chain-mail Armor
Zombie Gore
Vampire Fangs
Zombie Eye Gore
Chilly Wind
Zombie Gore
Dark Demon Mask
Devil Horns
Blazing Eyes
Hellhound Teeth
Komodo Dragon Claws
Zombie Glazed Eyes
Demon Wings
name: Foo\'s Roulette
dogTag: SW2
owner: 14332
previous owner: 16175
gender: male
age: 261.42
height: 26.00
weight: -14.91
immortal: yes
breeder: 91
vital signs
health: 92.00
energy: 94
hunger: 9.94
mood: 100
social attributes
attention span: 2
sociality: 2
self confidence: 2
physical attributes
speed: 631.74
mental attributes
drive: 839.20
Skill training panel for:
__skill name__
(__current__ / __max__)
amount :
Agility trials:
Beauty Show Wins:
Skill (completed: 108.76%)
Weave pole: 1127.48
A-frame: 1166.27
Teeter totter: 1060.46
Tunnel: 1144.08
Chute: 1081.41
Jumps: 1099.47
Tire: 1061.45
Dog walk: 1082.41
Pause table: 1080.63


Username: *
  • = required field
  • two accounts per person
  • email verification necessary
  • the secret question is in case you forget your username or need to reset your email address