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Flight of Fancy Wing CA Collection
Started By

Bat Wings

Phoenix Wings - Fire

Phoenix Wings - Ice

Phoenix Wings - Toxic

Phoenix Wings - Crevan Style

Wings of Thoth

Alien Wings for Catahoulas (Original Green)

Alien Wings for Catahoulas - Pink

Alien Wings for Catahoulas - Purple

Alien Wings for Catahoulas - Steel Blue

Avalible Wings:
Bat Wings for Pit Bulls (only purchasable from Crevan's shop)
Phoenix Wings for Shelties - Fire, Ice, Toxic, or Crevan Style (purple & orange)
Wings of Thoth for Corgis

Alien Wings for Catahoulas - Green, Pink, Purple or Steel Blue (Preorder due to CAM malfunctions)

These can be found in my user shop

11-21-2011 at 4:44 PM
Added Catahoula wing set. <br /> <br /> Sorry but due to a known malfunctions with the CAM in conjunction with the new breed the alien wings are preorder only.<br /> <br /> Please message me if you wish to preorder a set. The Alien wings are 10 bones per copy.<br /> <br /> User Name & Number:<br /> Which Wings: (green, purple, pink, blue)<br /> How Many: <br /> Total Cost:

11-10-2011 at 2:36 PM
Updated to include the new phoenix wing recolour and a preview of each set of wings :>


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