Public, Home or Private Schooling?
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As a high schooler who has been in the public schooling system since kindergarten, I'm interested in people's opinions of which is better: public, home, or private schooling?
Here are some statistics:

(Just to be clear, the above articles are not my studies and I do not own any rights to them.)

Of course because I have been in the public schooling system all my life, I am biased towards preferring it. I have always had a decent GPA, (meaning 3.0-4.0). I act and dress appropriately, though that has more to do with parenting then a schooling system. I feel that if I can learn to carry myself respectfully and receive good grades to secure a good college future ahead, there is no need to pay a hefty fee for my grade 1-12 education.
I have recently added homeschooling to the mix too, as when I originally posted this thread, I did not include it. My apologies.

05-29-2014 at 7:46 AM
Okay.....<br /> I have mixed feelings here. Let me just say thatI have never been to a large sstereotypical public school before. With that being said....<br /> I used to be home schooled. It was great. Instead of putting up with teachers I didn't like I had my mom to teach me. My schedule was flexible and I had more free time in home school than public school kids - I was even able to skip a grade. The teaching was helpful and in-depth, and I felt like I was learning a lot. However, I did not get the benefits of seeing friends every day, or much social interaction. Being homeschooled, having friends is moreso something to work at rather than something that happens. I know this isn't true for all homeschoolers, but at times it was for me. I also participated in a very small public school. I didn't like most of my teachers, some of their rules were absolutely stupid, and their food was not really food. However, I made friends very quickly, and soon became very popular. It was fun to be able to talk to friends every day instead of almost once a week. However..... I really didn't learn much due to the fact I had to repeat a lot of what I'd already done, and my time there was wasted. <br /> Anyway I ended up moving and I will probably be entering a large public school for the first time next year.

10-9-2013 at 5:13 PM
I like homeschooling, for one thing it makes it possible for the child to get one on one time with the teacher (the teacher being on of the parents of the child of course) and thus if something confuses them the teacher can help them understand it better. The child can also get done at his (he (and it's forms like his and him) is the general term when you aren't referring to a specific gender, that is how I'm using his in this case) own pace, the later the child gets done the less free time he has, so all the more reason to work hard. Another thing is the child gets to be at home with family a lot more, even if they are busy with school. There are other things about it but I think I've pointed out enough reasons for why I prefer homeschooling to public and private schooling.

09-29-2013 at 4:07 PM
there is one other type of education, it's not really private schooling, but homeschooling, can be a good option for some kids. Owing to a very premature birth, my daughter has some neurological issues, a large public school classroom is a minefield of problems for her, private school is not an option for us, but we homeschool, it's not expensive as rather than providing curriculum our non resident school board, gives us available funding to purchase what works for us, which is often very different from what even private schools provide

09-28-2013 at 7:30 PM
I go to a private boarding school. It is free to go to, and you get a free $80,000 college scholarship when you graduate. My school is not perfect, but it by far the best school you could possibly go to. I went to public school for 7 1/2 school years (not including pre-k and kindergarten), and in the year and a half I've been at this school, I've had some of the coolest experiences in my life that most people would not experience in their entire lifetime.<br /> <br /> I got to the Milton Hershey School. :)

08-17-2013 at 6:38 PM
I go to a private school and you have a good point about the extremely high fee since both my parents are in debt. But because of my education I am trilingual and soon to know 4languages so I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.


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