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Varsettie's Commission Thread!
Started By
NOTE: My photobucket got deleted so I have to update quite a few images. Until then I'm not taking any more commissions.


Always Active Unless Stated Otherwise Here!

Hello and welcome to my Commissions Board. Feel free to take a look around at my examples but please make sure you read everything in advanced! It helps sort out questions and the like.


1. Do not try back out once I've started a commission. If you choose to cancel it you still owe me the full amount. If I haven't started yet you may back out.

2. If I mess something up then I'll fix it, however if I draw what you asked for and you change your mind you only get one free edit. After that I'll start changing you for the edits.

3. You can pay in Bones, USD/CAD, or Alacash. I value 1 bone at $130,000 Alacash so bear that in mind when looking at prices!

4. If you want the commission request to be private please post here at least once. It helps me keep track of who came first and it leaves a record for me. ;3

5. I charge more in Bones than real currincy because you can do more with real currency and thus it's more valuable.


Let's get in to what most people are usually worried about; Prices. The following is a list of prices that I've compiled. This applies to humans, animals, anthros, everything. The prices listed are for one character. The charge goes up per extra character added. 'Add Background' means adding a setting. It takes a lot more time and energy to draw city buildings or forest shrubs and flowers in to a convincing background, there is also perspective to consider.

Please keep in mind the $ means US Dollars or Canadian Dollars, not Alacash!
Sketches - 5 Bones or $3

Line Art Bust - 7 Bones or $5

Bust Full Colour(These can be used for Icons as well) - 15 Bones or $12

Full Charater in colour - 20 Bones or $15

Per extra character - Additional 7 Bones or $5 to total price

Add Background - Additional 7 Bones or $5 to total Price

Reference/Turnaround Sheet (Front/side) - 40 Bones or $35

Reference/Turnaround Sheet (Animation Spread Sheet - 8 Point Turn around) - 160 Bones or $120

I'm not very adept in Animation but I'd be willing to give it a shot for the right incentive.


I specifically tried to only pick out my best stuff so I didn't spam you guys with a thousand example images. These examples go Chronologically from Newest to Oldest as you go down the list

Animal Examples:
Hoothoot for an OCT (Full Colour)
Site Pet
Akuma from Aywas (Full Colour)

Human Examples:
Flat Colour Bust (Mel's Character)
Line Art (Full Body)
Full Colour Bust
Older Image, Full body Full Colour



I've been getting a lot of the same questions over and over so I thought I would post this to make things easier.

Do you prefer to be paid before or after a commission?
--Before. This is just to avoid people forgetting they had a commission going and accidentaly going on a spending spree and being unable to pay me later.

Can I see Work in Progress?
--Yup, no problems with that, just ask for it. I almost always show you the sketches to give you a chance in catching something I did wrong before I add the final touches. However this does take me longer to finish because I have to wait for your response before I can continue, so please be patient.

Is quality guaranteed?
--Provided it's not a sketch? Yes. If you find my Quality starts lagging or slipping you have rights to demand your payment back. However, I reserve the right to get it appraised by other players based on my previous work and if you're just trying to back out you will still owe me the full amount.

Can you get it done now?
--Nope. It's either quality or quantity and I chose quality. It will normally take me two or three days to complete something but keep in mind I'm taking commissions on multiple sites and I have a Full-Time job now to boot. Worst case scenario it might take about a month.

Here's who's waiting in line at the moment:

Khaan - Sent Lines for approval




(I can't believe I almost forgot about this)

This helps me sort out what you want a lot faster if you just fill it out for me. I have slight OCD so it just makes it easier for me to focus.

Type: (quad/anthro/human/what?)
Style: (Bust, Full body, Sketch, Full Colour, W/Wo Background, What type of Background?)
References: (Not needed but if you have one please link to it)
Payment: (Type?)
Personality: (Try to limit yourself to a few words/sentences.)

04-9-2013 at 6:27 AM
Sorry Soldier, but I had to shut down. The list was getting a bit too long and I've got some things I need to replace like my banner and what not. :/

04-5-2013 at 8:03 PM
Not sure if this is still open, but I just had some time to get on my laptop for the first time in aaages. I understand if you are too backed up to take this, so just throw me in for when you have time &lt;3<br /> <br /> Type: Human/Vampire same difference xD<br /> Style: Full Character in color no background at all, or 'invisible' background.<br /> References: I do not have a direct reference, but I will PM you with what his appearance should be.<br /> Payment: Bones<br /> Personality: Mercenary, reckless, ignorant, cold hearted.

04-3-2013 at 7:45 AM
Thank you very much! :3

04-3-2013 at 7:44 AM
RP o_o Those humans are gorgeous!

03-30-2013 at 5:37 PM
I understand, no worries ^^<br /> Go ahead and drop the anthro sketch :)

03-29-2013 at 2:48 PM
I'd be able to do one of the two for you Feathery, but you're going to have to drop one of them for me. I'm a little too backed up at the moment and I need some time to catch up, both on here and a few other places.

03-29-2013 at 10:31 AM
Type: Quad<br /> Style: Full body sketch<br /> References: A lion, with more of a masculine body type but without a big mane, still a youngster.<br /> Payment: 5 Bones<br /> Personality: Very arrogant, so he’d have a pose kind of being all “I am the boss and nobody question it”<br /> <br /> Type: Anthro<br /> Style: Full body sketch<br /> References: Same lion character as before ^^<br /> Payment: 5 Bones<br /> Personality: Same as before ^^ Maybe with a bit more of a sarcastic looking pose.<br /> <br /> Would you prefer payment beforehand or after? Either is good for me ^^

03-24-2013 at 9:05 PM
Lol! I can relate in my own way. It's fine. I'm currently drowning in commissions from another site so I'm a tad slow at the moment. -w-

03-24-2013 at 5:48 PM
I'm still interested but I don't get much laptop time due to a clingy boyfriend xD I'm trying.<br /> -X

03-23-2013 at 1:07 AM
I will happily wait for it. :) I just enjoy getting more art for here. &lt;3 I sent you a message with the information. :)

03-22-2013 at 7:50 PM
Sure, currently I've got three that I need to finish and possibly one for Soldier if they decide they want one, but if you don't mind the wait then neither do I.

03-22-2013 at 7:24 PM
I'm interested in a commission but i'd prefer discussing it privately if you are willing to take on another one? :) I'll check back here first if you are willing and then i'll message you. :) Thanks.

03-21-2013 at 11:13 AM
Sorry Pet Shop. I'm not interested in basically doing free art work for someone else to profit off of it. If I'm going to be doing anything that anyone else will be mass reproducing or using to make money themselves I'll onyly be doing it for USD/CAD.

03-21-2013 at 3:43 AM
Hello ! So.... I'm opening a new site sim. Like ala but on another theme. I looked at your art, and i love it.. i thought to suggest you a place as artist. You will be payed with site's currency, the one you must exchange for real money. Every art work will be 10 flowers or (the one you get you register, so free) 1mil of grass. You choose :D

03-20-2013 at 9:51 PM
Will edit this once I get on my laptop. But i would love a commission c;<br /> -X

03-11-2013 at 12:35 PM
Alright, just let me know when you can then!

03-11-2013 at 12:32 PM
yeah thats fine i just cant pay right at the moment

03-10-2013 at 7:08 PM
I actually need more practice posing humans but I'm not bad at it. I love taking Bi-pedal requests though so sure xD

03-10-2013 at 7:06 PM
Didn't know you drew humans xD So if it's alright can I add this commission as well?<br /> <br /> Type: Humans (twin brothers)<br /> Style: Flat color bust<br /> What type of Background? plain<br /> <br /> References: <br /> http://evlonarts.soseisim.com/characters/jack/penguinfrontier.jpg<br /> He's related to them, but they do have differences<br /> Their hair is more like this:<br /> http://coolmenshairstyles.com/images/2011/09/Medium-Men-Hair-Styles.jpg<br /> and they have green eyes :) Plain t-shirts work for them to be wearing, too. Just make them different colors xD<br /> <br /> Payment: 22 bones I believe?<br /> Personality: <br /> One, Isaac, is outgoing and fun. So a smirk or grin type of a thing would distinguish pretty well :)<br /> For the other, Levi, he's more laid back.<br /> <br /> <br /> Thanks!

03-10-2013 at 6:51 PM
Got it, Thanks Crevan! ;3


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