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General Player Maturity
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I'm seeing a disturbing trend lately. Many players are complaining and commenting that "swearing" and mature themes are being used on the site. (However, it is known that swearing is prohibited except in the designated areas (18+ board). And even that replacement swear words (freakin', crap, etc.) should not be used in case a younger player should see. Such players often claim that Ala is a "kids" game. It is not.

Alacrity was (supposed) to have a mature player base, and those under 13 are not even allowed to play without parental permission.

Such players seem ignorant to the rules and designated places, and seem to expect that rules be bent specifically as to their wishes just because they may be younger. Obviously, that would be a stupid and non-feasible approach to the situation.

The 18+ board is just that, for mature players and the 18+ crowd, who are NOT offended by mature content. Every day I see more players entering the board that clearly do not belong there, or even may state such things as "THIS IS ON A KIDS' GAME?!!?"

Should these players have the right to complain?

06-7-2011 at 3:25 AM
a replacement word is great, it doesn't teach young innocent ones the real bad thing, and i think it's respectful to the ones who hate cussing (for whatever reason) because it shows they're making an effort.

06-6-2011 at 1:16 AM
"Freaking" is not a curse word, nor is it an abbreviation for one. It is simply used as a replacement curse word, so the actual word is not heard and/or used (despite it being just a word).

06-5-2011 at 4:13 PM
But uh, no, don't go ahead and report the person. Because it's not against the rules. <br /> <br /> You can't just start reporting people for things you don't like. There has to be a rule violation in order for your argument to hold any water whatsoever. <br /> <br /> And there is no such violation for the use of crap, freaking, etc.

06-5-2011 at 2:16 AM
I don't think freaking is actually a curse word though. Which is why it's allowed in chat.>.>

06-5-2011 at 1:57 AM
I don't, personally speaking, enjoy seeing "freakin'" in chat. "Crap" or "crud" and such I don't mind. Quite frankly, I say them myself. "Suck" I also use. <br /> <br /> When it comes down to it, it all maters on a level of maturity, religion, personality, and such. So yes, nobody <i>going into the 18+ secion</i> has the right to complain but if it is seen in chat ("freakin'" or other swear word abbrevations) then yes, go ahead and report the person.<br /> <br /> Hope this makes sense.

06-1-2011 at 4:32 PM
I have to agree with Al. Ala tends to be a pretty safe site, so people shouldn't complain. If people don't view this as a safe/appropriate site, they shouldn't be old enough to go on the web. I do have to agree, that using swear words can annoy some people or make them uncomfortable, but as long as it sticks to "freakin'" and "crap" like replacement swear words, I'd be fine. And Thylacine, I quite agree. They're just words. But if you truly are too young to play Ala, they can be more than that.

05-29-2011 at 2:07 AM
I dn't think that anyone really has the right to complain. When you are throwing yourself into an internet world, there is no such thing as a safe place. <br /> <br /> You can not enter a site and think that everything is befitting for a little kid. On top of that, if you "read" the Terms of service and see that it says 13 and older and you STILL enter thinking this site is for kids, then well, fault is on you. I think that the maturity level is also something that can be put into this. People may act differently then their age and thats also where problems come in. I can say that my "chat self" and who I am talking right now are two different people. However, when that one person is one who complains about how there is cursing or about how we shouldn't have a 18+ section, then I think we need to find out exactly whats wrong. Is it the age, or the personality?<br /> <br /> In my opinion, they shouldn't have a right to complan becuase its all spelt out in the terms and service. I don't think there should be a punishment for complaining however.

05-28-2011 at 6:05 PM
not in the 18+ forum, no. That is for matured adults.

05-26-2011 at 4:10 AM
well this isn't about cussing in the regular forums or chats at all, this is about whether or not people(children) have the right to complain and harrass 'cussers' in the 18+ forum.
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2011-05-25 21:11:04 by #12307

05-26-2011 at 1:06 AM
I agree that the home that the child goes up in relates to how they act and speak. But when I joined, I never heard anything about it being advanced/adult. I think that swearing SHOULD NOT be allowed in chat or any other forums, unless it is in roleplay and is something like 'dam' 'damn' or, even 'dammit'. I find no problem with that. But saying the F work generally, in main chat or in the non-18+ forums is down-right inappropriate.
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2011-05-25 18:07:16 by #8702

05-25-2011 at 6:50 PM
I'm twenty six and nearing my birthday. I generally tend to act like someone gradually approaching thirty. To me, words are words, and words themselves are not harmful; it's how you string them together and the context of their usage. You can construct a sentence with no curse words that is infinitely more harmful than a sentence that makes use of them.<br /> <br /> I grew up in a Baptist home, and while I'm not religious, some of the ideals are hardwired in. Language is not one of these. I cursed in front of my adoptive parents and they generally didn't care, because they were aware of what I said above. My grandfather/adoptive father curses in moderation while still being an intensely religious man. I curse in front of most people I have contact with unless it's a strictly professional encounter and doing so would work against me.<br /> <br /> Cursing or not does not make anyone better than the person who does the opposite. They. Are. Just. Words.<br /> <br /> People complaining about Alacrity not being little-kid-safe are.. I'm sorry, I find it incredibly stupid, there are clues and flat-out statements all over the site that it isn't child oriented. I don't think the adult userbase should be punished because some kids or particularly uptight adults are up in arms about it. Also, yes, responsibility of parents.<br /> <br /> Freakin' A.

05-20-2011 at 8:07 PM
I'm 13 and I wouldn't go onto that board just because Ala would get in trouble, I think it's the parents responsibility and/or the kids as well.

05-20-2011 at 1:15 AM
They each have different meanings, which is crazy because we basically are the ones to define them.

05-19-2011 at 11:28 PM
Thy - That is what many people are asking. I don't know though. Their meaning; I guess.

05-19-2011 at 5:48 PM
Someone clicking into an 18+ board, and complaining about the swearing, is a little bit like a vegan walking into a fish fry, and complaining about the fish.. o_o<br /> <br /> Edit:<br /> Also, why do swear words exist at all? They ARE just words. More often than not, they are synonymous with 'ok' words. I never did understand why some words are OK, and others aren't. Theirs really no difference between them.
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2011-05-19 10:52:00 by #1625

05-17-2011 at 6:14 PM
I understand that "pissed" is not neccessarily a curse word, but it is not a plesant word either.

05-17-2011 at 3:50 PM
I never understood why "pissed" was ever considered a curse-word. "Pissed" is a stronger word for "really, really mad"

05-17-2011 at 3:20 PM
I believe a lot of it already stems from the parents. For example the younger user calling out Robyn for using Gods name in vein probably heard the same lecture from her parents when she accidentally said Oh My God in front of them one day.<br /> <br /> I've always believed swear words are just words and never did understand the hoopla about them. They do not not nice coming from 6 year old children at the dinner table and I did get in trouble for swearing in front of my parents and stuff when I was younger, however as an adult though swearing is just part of the vocabulary with my parents and family. Curse words are a great use of emphasis when used correctly.<br /> <br /> I think however perhaps the 18+ board should have been more hidden, as kids crave attention they like to do things they know darn well in their heads is wrong but they will do it to gain any kind of attention. Ticking off adults is a favorite past time of children, so if there is something adult specific that they can whine about, where they feel children are majority, they will do so. It maybe should have been put on the bottom of the board, might not get noticed so easily therefore less likely to be targeted.<br /> <br /> What I really think about the whining children is not appropriate for this board however.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />

05-17-2011 at 12:46 PM
I guess it's all subjective, Cervine. I had teachers in High School that wouldn't let us say "suck" or "sucks". I also had a few teachers (and my Law/Mock Trial coach in particular) that I'd rattle off in front of with my rather colorful vocabulary. It seems to rely heavily on how well you know the teacher, what the environment is, and what kind of relationship you had. <br /> <br /> For instance, in my AP classes, most of the teachers saw us as adults, and "equals". We'd all joke around, discuss things like normal human beings, and then get to work. They weren't all up in arms about being "disrespected", like a lot of general level teachers were. And it was a great learning environment. The AP teachers realized that it wasn't at all about disrespect. It was just language. <br /> <br /> The general level teachers essentially said "You can't say those words. But I can. We are not equals." And that really, really pisses some kids off. It creates a divide, a potentially hostile environment, and it in fact breeds the "disrespect" they're so worried about.

05-17-2011 at 12:12 PM
I'm curious, why is "pissed" not considered a curse? I'm not complaining, but it's always been considered a curse where I live. I've gotten in trouble for saying it around teachers, unlike "non-curse words" such as crap and freaking.<br /> <br /> A bit off topic, but this has gotten me curious about that.XD


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