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Imagine yourself locked in room. A room full of hateful people, with their heads held proudly in disgust, looking at you with their beady eyes. Judging you while you sit there, content in yourself. Judging you on how you act, how you dress, how you talk, how you learn… and ultimately, how you succeed. It is as if all respect for others has gone out the window, leaving them empty inside. Leaving them wanting to fulfill that void by picking at you for everything thing they can catch. They are oblivious to how this affects you. Carelessness. That is what it is. Wanting to feed off your defeat in order to feel half pleased with their salty lives. Someone has to be the light in this dingy tunnel. Has to be the light that outshines all those beings who think they are superior based on how dreadful their lives are. Evil crowds the corner of darkness, fearing the possibility of light drying them out, wiping them clean from the slate. Be that light, be that good in the world. Become something others don’t expect you to become. Prove them wrong, prove to yourself that you can be what you want to be.


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