US Currency and the Pledge of Allegiance
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Okay i wanted to see where this debate might go so i decided to start it.

The last thing my church group debated about was the US currency and the Pledge of Allegiance. Both have several things in common but one thing we looked at specifically where the phrases "in God we trust"(currency) and "one nation under God" (pledge of Allegiance). Should those phrases be allowed to stay in place as is? Or should those be removed?

Please list reasons as why they should or should not be removed.

06-5-2011 at 4:24 AM
omg im SO glad you brought this up!!! we're supposed to not enforce any religion, we're supposed to not have an Official religion, but we have God in our pledge and on our money and im Pretty sure all our presidents are christian or catholic. what about the atheists and other religious people??? when they say the pledge,,, it's offensive to them and is technically a nonlegitiment plegde if you think about it. and jambers you are one hundred percent right, it's totally bringing God into the government. it's wrong and they are Too blind to even pause to think about it

06-5-2011 at 2:56 AM
So its not steping on the seperation of church and state idea?

06-5-2011 at 1:24 AM
I can see the "problem" with having it in there, but I think it belongs in there. That's how our country has been doing things for years and years. The Pledge and our currency has always had "God" in it. If you don't agree with the "God" part, don't say it. Just skip over it. But I feel like it should be in there, not for any religion, but for the tradition it stands for.

06-5-2011 at 1:08 AM
**Removed by Administration**
edit history
2011-06-04 20:19:29 by #9
2011-06-04 18:08:58 by #9181

06-4-2011 at 7:38 PM
Well, I can see this from both points. One is that a lot of people don't believe in God. So they would probably be pretty mad to see this on the currency and have to actually SAY it in school, or at other events. From the second point it has been that way for awhile and changing it may upset a lot of people who DO believe in God, and think it is wonderful that it's there. To be honest I say it should just stay the way that it is. -shrug- I personally believe in God so I'm fine with it. But I can't speak for others.


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