🐌Bobbie🐌's advert:
Selling Magical Lifelong Locket in my shop for bones.
this dog cannot breed. requires the following:
males: age >8 months, and not neutered.
females age > 12 months, not spayed, and "in heat"

if your not the owner of this dog, stud / lease pricing must be set and >0.

Dogs which are spayed or neutered may not use the lease/stud request pages.

this dog "›§‹ The Memory Remains 592" # 167700
age: 233.82
fixed: no
in_heat : no
stud/lease price: 0
Are you sure you wish to give away this dog?
once you give them away, its no longer yours!

All items worn by this dog will be given to the new owner. Remove them before transferring if you want to keep them!

Any Breeding agreement will be transferred to the new owner.

this dog "›§‹ The Memory Remains 592" # 167700
age: 233.82
fixed: no
in_heat : no
new owner ID:
›§‹ The Memory Remains 592 (#167700) (TP: 592.18), the female German Shepherd
you do not own this dog
This dog is dead
Featuring the companion: Merdog.
The Memory Remains- or just Memory, as her friends tended to call her- stood silently on the sandy shore of the beach. She had been playing with her friend, Kel the merdog, when her gift and curse kicked in.

Her right eye, which was blue, was normal. But her left eye, which was golden yellow.....not so much. It would show her the history of a place or object, and at random times. Sometimes it made her smile, to see happier times. Other times it showed her things which Memory wished she could forget.

Now it showed her stormy seas, where her blue eye showed a calm beach. There was a ship on the rough waves- the way it was built, of wood and with immense masts, marked its time period. Memory could tell that they were not going to make it to the safety of the cove, where she assumed the captain was trying to direct the ship due to obvious attempts at turning the battered vessel.

“Memory? What’s wrong?” Kel asked softly.

“They’re not going to make it,” Memory murmured, gaze locked on the scene playing out before her. “The ship is listing to one side, and taking on water fast- it would take a miracle.”

Kel whined unhappily, looking up at her. He hated to see Memory so upset. After a moment her face lit up, though. “Kel, they’re going to make it, I think! They are close enough, and the lifeboats were unharmed! Oh- one just capsized- wait- they rescued everyone, pulled them into other lifeboats. It looks like all of the lifeboats made it ashore! Kel, they made it!” Memory barked eagerly. “They lost the ship, but they made it!”

“That’s good,” Kel said, sighing in relief.

Memory pawed at her eyes when her left eye relinquished its view on the past. Kel had become used to her suddenly seeing echos of what once had been, and his lips lifted in a doggy smile when Memory gave him a light nudge with her nose. Kel promptly tagged her before pulling himself into the shallow water, challenging her to play once more. The two friends enjoyed the day and each other’s company once more as they frolicked in the gentle surf.

Some days, Memory hated what her yellow eye showed her. Other days, it made her smile. Kel was glad that today he didn’t have to distract her from something unpleasant- it would have been awful to have such a lovely day ruined.

Written by the very talented Nimarkiva Message her now for a story of your own :)

Accessories Wearing:
name: ›§‹ The Memory Remains 592
dogTag: жϟѦ
owner: 22192
previous owner: 24996
gender: female
age: 233.82
height: 21.38
weight: 93.40
immortal: no
breeder: 24961
vital signs
health: 2.00
energy: 94
hunger: 3.30
mood: 100
social attributes
attention span: 2
sociality: 1
self confidence: 0
physical attributes
speed: 32.02
mental attributes
drive: 82.00
Skill training panel for:
__skill name__
(__current__ / __max__)
amount :
Agility trials:
Beauty Show Wins:
Skill (completed: 102.65%)
Weave pole: 58.09
A-frame: 68.75
Teeter totter: 70.14
Tunnel: 72.15
Chute: 72.40
Jumps: 62.05
Tire: 70.61
Dog walk: 76.04
Pause table: 57.63


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