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The Human Avatar Poll
Started By
This is a place to share suggestions, opinions, why you do or do not like it. Or why you're ambivalent on it. This will help weigh in on the poll for us admins and help us to clear up any questions people may have.

Please remember to use respectful language, just because you like or don't like it, doesn't mean you should badmouth another's opinion.

Again we would like input as to why or why not you do not like it, or what questions you have.

06-3-2013 at 3:40 PM
I will see if I can get an example of the kind of idea of art we want, so that people can see what we have in mind. :3

06-3-2013 at 3:34 PM
Honestly, I just feel as if the human avatars would be fairly tacky here and don't exactly fit in.

06-3-2013 at 3:32 PM
"Would you be interested in them if they offered more input into the site, say affecting your training, trialing, or breeding? "<br /> <br /> okay, but I'd still need to know in what way they'd affect these things before I was swayed any. That definitely is /more/ appealing, but how would it affect these things? Certain items boost breedings, certain items boost trialing, etcetc? I would be okay with that, but only if every clothes item affected this in some way. I also wouldn't be interested if I had to pay bones or pay a lot for any of the items. I'd rather spend my bones on dogs/customs/items for my dog more than i'd want to pay for items for an HA, even if the items had a good payout.<br /> <br /> edit: HOWEVER, if they did affect breeding/trailing/training in these ways, I would vote yes to HAs and items, even if they were for Bones like you said they were. I, however, would not personally spend Bones on HAs.
edit history
2013-06-03 15:34:31 by #287

06-3-2013 at 3:32 PM
Go shadow!

06-3-2013 at 3:31 PM
I just don't see where human avatars fit in with Alacrity... I'd like to see Great Danes come around before human avatars.

06-3-2013 at 3:30 PM
If I have to spend money on avatar clothes AND my dogs, my avatar is going to end up naked!

06-3-2013 at 3:30 PM
If the avatars were directly related to gameplay I would like them very much. Just like with certain accessories for dogs, certain items worn by your avatar could affect how you trial, breed, train, etc. I would be more than willing to spend AlaCash/Bones on avatars and their items.

06-3-2013 at 3:29 PM
Avatars would have a mixture of cash and bone clothing. Much like we have a cash and bone shop for dog items. There'd be a main store level cheapness shop, a Cash Botique level shop, and a Bone Barn level shop.

06-3-2013 at 3:29 PM
I really don't like the idea of using the for trailing, training, breeding, etc. If you're one of those against it already and it were added, you would be forever to make one if certain actions required one.

06-3-2013 at 3:28 PM
I hadn't even thought of the bones thing...If this does happen, i really don't want to have to spend bones to get my avatar to look halfway decent

06-3-2013 at 3:27 PM
I voted No because I come from Aywas, and we already have HAs on Aywas. It's just too much effort dressing up the HA and it serves no real purpose whatsoever. I feel that if we implement anything, it should be a /useful/ feature that actually does something. HAs are just nice to look at. I don't see the point in an HA like every other site out there already has.

06-3-2013 at 3:26 PM
Zacharie, please read down, I've already asked if people would be interested in the avatars if they impacted the site more.

06-3-2013 at 3:26 PM
I don't really have any opinion on this.. I think it might be fun to have a human avatar, but then again I'll be not-all-too-happy if that turns out into another thing that's only available if you have tons of bones to use. <br /> <br /> But yea, I went with the "either way is fine" :3

06-3-2013 at 3:26 PM
But getting used to it is not the same as liking it. Human avatars, have repeled me from animal based games in the past. i wouldn't quit ala, but..

06-3-2013 at 3:24 PM
I voted No because I come from Aywas, and we already have HAs on Aywas. It's just too much effort dressing up the HA and it serves no real purpose whatsoever. I feel that if we implement anything, it should be a /useful/ feature that actually does something. HAs are just nice to look at. I don't see the point in an HA like every other site out there already has.

06-3-2013 at 3:24 PM
I would love to see the handlers working with the kennel, affecting trialing and sometimes breeding. It's an interesting concept and i'm sure if it was implemented, people would get used to it.

06-3-2013 at 3:24 PM
Plot, that is not how that works at all.<br /> <br /> Adding this would not bankrupt Alacrity. Please do not perpetuate an idea that adding this will make us overpay our artists and kill the site.

06-3-2013 at 3:23 PM
ala users picture this if you said yes-<br /> - Ala was created with love and care and carried through with these lovely users. Items and dogs were created all with individual characteristics by the coders, admins, and artists.. They don't work for free i garentee it! Ala has a hard enough time.. Do you really want more art to have to be paid for and more art=more cash= less cash for the site=less pay=less users=less art because the artists quit cause of cut backs.. <br /> i love ala and more art you use more money gone and i REALLY don't wanna see ala go.. not ever

06-3-2013 at 3:22 PM
Believe me the avatars wouldn't be like IMVU. They would be realistic avatars, done by our wonderful artists, to fit the same style art that is on our site.<br /> <br /> It was my original concern when this idea was discussed by the admins. I am not a human avatar fan. However, I've seen humans done by Xy and our other artists before, and believe me, I'd be okay with that. We have some fantastic talent on our art team.

06-3-2013 at 3:21 PM
ala users picture this if you said yes-<br /> - Ala was created with love and care and carried through with these lovely users. Items and dogs were created all with individual characteristics by the coders, admins, and artists.. They don't work for free i garentee it! Ala has a hard enough time.. Do you really want more art to have to be paid for and more art=more cash= less cash for the site=less pay=less users=less art because the artists quit cause of cut backs.. <br /> i love ala and more art you use more money gone and i REALLY don't wanna see ala go.. not ever


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