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The Human Avatar Poll
Started By
This is a place to share suggestions, opinions, why you do or do not like it. Or why you're ambivalent on it. This will help weigh in on the poll for us admins and help us to clear up any questions people may have.

Please remember to use respectful language, just because you like or don't like it, doesn't mean you should badmouth another's opinion.

Again we would like input as to why or why not you do not like it, or what questions you have.

06-3-2013 at 3:20 PM
ooo, DOG avatars would be cool!

06-3-2013 at 3:19 PM
I voted "No" because I feel that they are out of place on a sim such as this one. I would much rather have our talented artist team working on fun new accessories for dogs rather than on human avatars. Plus, we can already create tags, which can be even more expressive than human avatars.<br /> <br /> However, I do like Katie's idea about "Handler Stats" which would effect how we trial.

06-3-2013 at 3:19 PM
this is a dog game not IMVU or yahoo if anything make dog avatars and dress those up

06-3-2013 at 3:19 PM
I'd still dislike it. Although it would add something new to the game, like many other people have said, alacrity is about THE DOGS not the humans

06-3-2013 at 3:18 PM
Well, ZJ, I wouldn't like the features. We have the trainer and breeder's perks already, so additional perks seem kind of useless in my opinion.

06-3-2013 at 3:17 PM
I voted no.<br /> <br /> I couldn't agree more with Ras's post. Ala is a game that focuses on agility, dogs, training, breeding. All of these are dog things. But human avatars have no key role in any of these. <br /> <br /> I have been on several sites with human avatars, I really dislike them. <br /> <br /> I understand this would be a new feature for Ala, but maybe something else that be a tad more beneficial to the site itself and pay off in the long run. Maybe attract more players, but human avatars certainly aren't going to do just that. If I want to make an avatar, I'd go to another site to do that, not Ala.

06-3-2013 at 3:17 PM
Just to clear up something, the human avatars would be called Trainers or Kennel Owners or something. They wouldn't be out of left field, but tied into Alacrity.<br /> <br /> Would you be interested in them if they offered more input into the site, say affecting your training, trialing, or breeding? Would that make them more appealing to those who dislike it, or would you still dislike it?

06-3-2013 at 3:16 PM
go nell

06-3-2013 at 3:16 PM
I feel as though the avatars would be pointless to the game. Time and money wasted for a seemingly pointless feature, where it could be spent adding something new and valuable to Ala! This sim is about trialling and breeding dogs, not humans :) I think it distracts from the point of the site.

06-3-2013 at 3:15 PM
I voted that I'm fine either way. I wouldn't be upset if they were added and I wouldn't be upset if they weren't. I think if they were done correctly it could look alright and create more things for players to do such as dressing up the little human avatar. Or it could be more interactive having your handler avatar have stats that could improve how well dogs do in trials. We could really add in more factors to what dogs need to win trials. Like I said, I don't really mind. What is trialing without handlers? I think it could fit if done correctly, but as I said, I don't mind either way =)

06-3-2013 at 3:14 PM
I agree with Allie completely!!

06-3-2013 at 3:14 PM
i disagree with it, i think ala should be a dog sim just like title. it wouldn't be the same with people on it! i learned to love the dogs and creative admins,artists, and players, the nice hospitality showed when i was a newbie and the cheerful posts when i was sad. i could always look for advice or ask how a dog looked and not worry about nasty comments like its horrid.. ala would change with people on it.. and alas perfect, the way it is

06-3-2013 at 3:12 PM
Personally I'm not a big fan of the Human Avatars. I don't think they really have a use in games, its just an extra thing, we alacrity users, have to do. (Even though it may take less than a minute to do.) I just don't think it would be fair to those who had already voted "No," and don't like it, to have to deal with it in the game. i hope this makes sense. I Also AGREE with Nelly.<br /> <br /> ~Allie
edit history
2013-06-03 15:13:59 by #26840

06-3-2013 at 3:12 PM
sry wierd double post
edit history
2013-06-03 15:13:23 by #27795

06-3-2013 at 3:12 PM
I'm indifferent to it. I probably wouldn't get one though because of all the reasons Nelly mentioned.

06-3-2013 at 3:12 PM
Couldn't agree more nellu

06-3-2013 at 3:12 PM
This is a dog site. When I joined, it was designed for the breeding, training and competing of agility dogs. Those days are gone as that game has been won, but the addition of human avatars will only make this a Second Life wanna be.<br /> <br /> I have been hoping to see improvements in this site, as there has been a decline in it over time. Human avatars would be a deal breaking game changer. <br /> <br /> I used to spend money here, but that was a while ago. I am hanging on by my fingers - these avatars would make me lose my grip and leave.<br /> <br /> I am against adding human avatars....Human avatars have no place in this game.
edit history
2013-06-03 15:15:44 by #7625

06-3-2013 at 3:11 PM
Thank you for making this thread, ZJ. Glad we can express our opinions other than just by voting in a poll.<br /> <br /> I voted <b>no</b>.<br /> <br /> I NEVER liked the idea of human avatars. They also would seem very out of place on Alacrity. I mean, the sim is really about trialing dogs - breeding them to have higher TP so the preform better in trials. Beauty shows were brought in and I wasn't so keen on the idea, though after a while I liked it, since it gave players another goal on Ala: breeding for coats, not TP. Breeding for beautiful markings that could go with the scene. Dress up dogs in a scene.<br /> Humans don't play a big role on Ala, so it'd seem kind of pointless to add them anyway.<br /> <br /> This is just what I think though. Would love to see what others have to say.

06-3-2013 at 3:10 PM
I think it is weird. it is a sit e about dogs.
edit history
2013-06-03 15:21:47 by #29335

06-3-2013 at 3:09 PM
Yes! First post! I don't want it, but I guess it would be okay. I think, if this is even possible, it would be cool if there were a way to turn it off if you didn't want a human avatar
edit history
2013-06-03 15:10:08 by #27795


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