Snivy14's advert:
Stuff for sale in my shop and maxed custom dogs for sale 10🦴s each located in my for sale kennel must go as I don’t want them!!
Legend Phantasmagoria (Always open)
Started By
Thaetaela is a massive continent home to four great kingdoms: the kingdom of the mountains, Shletzia; the kingdom of the dry plains, Aelututari; the kingdom of the ice lands, Neumassae; and the kingdom of the great river, Forbarti. In the center lay the ruined lands formerly under a fifth, fallen kingdom, Alurdae. Beyond these great nations' lands lay an immensely unexplored wilderness. Forests, deserts, mountain ranges, and savannas sit at these borders. Beyond those have yet to be seen.

The kingdoms are primarily to aid in giving a location and possible background reference for characters. Characters can be of any race within reason. There will be no set limit, but use a comfortable number.

Characters will need to be described enough to tell a name, what they are, about how old they may be, how they look, and anything they may so happen to carry. If certain details are meant to be revealed later such as a background story that shapes them, then it is fine to do so.

Feel free to join at any time.

03-30-2015 at 12:18 PM
The gnoll waved the staff as if showing the length of the alleyway. <br /> <br /> Aristissa felt it immediately. She felt physically lighter, and her suspicions were confirmed as baskets along the alley hagan to rise. They moved as though they were beginning to fall up. She suddenly realized that she wasn't touching the ground anymore. And as she watched the man, she could tell he was soon to follow. <br /> <br /> <br /> (Just in case you haven't figured it out yet, that's Eyvey. She's using a spell that essentially reverses gravity in a very localized region.)

03-30-2015 at 11:27 AM
Brysoni stared at the gnoll, his mind was focused on not losing it. Yet when it vanished there was nothing he could do to keep sight on it. Making him gaze at the place where it last stood with surprise written all over his youthful face. <br /> <br /> Stumbling back, it took him a few moments to catch his balance again. Brysoni's eyes skimmed the gnoll, narrowing slightly to rid his face of the surprise that was clearly pressed into it, though he still wondered how that...thing did it. Just hovering there. Nothing holding it up, nor pulling it down. <br /> <br /> Brysoni's lips were slightly parted though no words escaped them. He just stood there, as still as a statue, except for his clenching and in-clenching hand that was so tightly clutching the chain. <br /> <br /> <img src="'s_whip.png/revision/latest?cb=20131030173950"width=150><br /> His whip/chain thing.
edit history
2015-03-30 11:32:40 by #35769

03-30-2015 at 10:28 AM
The gnoll, in a single, flawless motion, stopped running, leaped forward, and disappeared in a cloud of black dust that faded quickly. <br /> <br /> Aristissa saw the gnoll disappear and saw the other person in front of her. The gnoll reappeared above the young man. She did not seem to be falling, nor did she seem to be held up by anything.

03-30-2015 at 10:10 AM
Brysoni's feet pounded against the ground, his speed slowly decreasing with every tiring step. As he continued to slow down, until he was at a fast jog, his breathing became faster. <br /> <br /> His hand flew towards the chain, gripping it in a protective matter. With a simple flick of his wrist, the silver chain I curled from around his arm. Still gripping both his brown leather bag and the handle of his chain, Brysoni swivelled around to face this figure which he could see more clearly now, but still not clear enough. <br /> <br /> "One piece of fruit won't ruin our world" He thought out a loud, narrowing his su specious blue eyes at this white gnoll.

03-30-2015 at 7:04 AM
The white gnoll rounded a corner before the one Brysoni did, and she rounded another one, further closing the distance between the two. She positioned her staff at a different angle in anticipation. <br /> <br /> Aristissa had been pacing the gnoll, keeping her in sight as much as possible.

03-30-2015 at 3:52 AM
Brysoni glanced worriedly behind his shoulder when he was half way down the ally. His hands were pushing down on his knees and he was bent over, panting. He was taking in big gasps of breath and letting out even bigger ones. <br /> <br /> Brysoni wasn't used to running, he was a walker, takes it slow. But once he saw that same figure from the stall chasing after him he didn't leave time to think about howuch he isn't used to running, he just ran. <br /> <br /> "It's just one piece of fruit" he mumbled under his breath as he ran.

03-29-2015 at 11:54 AM
The white gnoll took off running after the man, her staff in a readied position. <br /> <br /> Aristissa and Anae were watching this the whole time. "What just happened?" Anae asked. She got no answer. "Arie?" She started looking around. "Arie?" Anae sighed and grabbed her hammer. "Just like her. Too fast for me."

03-29-2015 at 11:37 AM
Brysoni turned his head and looked over his shoulder, narrowing his eyes at the man that owned the stall. He spun back around, nearly knocking over the closest person to him as his bag twirled around his slender body. <br /> <br /> Brysoni took off running now, pushing people out the way as he ran past. He was ignoring every accusing state that he got. <br /> <br /> Skidding to a halt so suddenly he was so close to running into a wall. His eyes skimmed the ally before running down into the darker ally.

03-29-2015 at 11:25 AM
The stall's vendor looked up. "Sir," he started, "Sir. You need to pay for that."<br /> <br /> The white gnoll over heard this, grabbed the staff she had, and acted as if it were a walking stick. <br /> <br /> Anae was getting nervous.

03-29-2015 at 11:13 AM
Brysoni's hand glasped around a rough textures fruit, taking it off the pile and swapping the weight between his two hands. He looked down at it for a few moments before promptly hiding it in his bag. <br /> <br /> He cast a watchful eye behind him and jumped slightly when he saw a figure walking his way. <br /> <br /> Pivoting around on his right foot, he walked steadily but quickly away from the stool.

03-29-2015 at 10:54 AM
"Anae," Aristissa started, "I don't think she'd even recognize you."<br /> <br /> "What do you mean?"<br /> <br /> "Look at her. She doesn't act like your people. She smiles and acts... More human than gnollish," Aristissa said. <br /> <br /> They watched the white gnoll for another minute as it began to head towards a stall full of fruit.

03-29-2015 at 9:40 AM
Brysoni rested the edge of the flask in his dry lips, he could feel the cold water dancing in his mouth. He took two more mouthfuls of the water, leaving only half the flask of water. <br /> <br /> Tucking the flask safely back in his bag that was swinging over his shoulder from one strap, he set off walking again, the bag bumping mercilessly against his side. <br /> <br /> Brysoni came to the market, gazing around curiously. His eyes never rested on one thing for more then a few seconds until he found a stall full of fruit and bread just steps away from that. He had to take some, well he didn't have to, he wanted to as he had all ready eaten all his other food. <br /> <br /> His found that his legs were all ready dragging him over to the fruit stall. He stood in front of it, looking down at the fruit with eyes full of desire. Casting a glance both side of him to see if anyone was watching, when he thought that it was safe brysoni extended his arm towards a medium sized fruit that he had never seen before.

03-28-2015 at 7:31 AM
They reached the market, and found themselves surrounded by people. Anae spent the better part of a minute looking at all the faces. She finally caught a glimpse of a familiar shape: the face of a white gnoll standing at about Aristissa's height. Out of reaction, Anae grabbed Aristissa's arm and yanked her into a nearby alleyway. <br /> <br /> Aristissa almost lost her balance. "The heck, Anae?!" She almost screamed. <br /> <br /> Anae shushed her. "There's a gnoll here. I don't know if she saw us, but it still makes me nervious." <br /> <br /> Aristissa peeked around the corner. Sure enough, she saw the white gnoll's face through the crowd. It appeared to be talking to one of the market vendors. Both appeared to be smiling or laughing.

03-28-2015 at 7:01 AM
Brysoni's eyes followed the girls as they walked away, curiosity making him look at everything and everyone. They seemed to be walking towards a market area, maybe he could steal some food or pickpocket some money after her had refilled his flask.<br /> <br /> Standing near the very edge of the Day Fountain, he finally released his grip on the chain and shook his hand go get the colour back into them. His hand went towards his bag and started to take out the dark flask. Placing his fingers above it, he quickly turned the lid and pulled it off. <br /> <br /> Extending his arm, he dipped the flask into the water. Swiping it under the light water before bringing it back up, watching the small droplets fall to the floor.

03-16-2015 at 10:33 AM
"Think we should hit the market first?" Aristissa asked. <br /> <br /> "I'd like to see what's around, so sure."<br /> <br /> Aristissa and Anae rounded the corner near the Day Fountain and continued towards the busy market.<br /> <br /> The market was essentially a small square lined with dozens of stalls and full shops and an inn at the entrance. The crowd was a hefty mix of people of clearly different origins. Aristissa's first thought was that she and Anae could easily blend into the market scene.
edit history
2015-03-24 18:52:12 by #13503

03-16-2015 at 9:50 AM
Brysoni dipped his head and muttered a thank you before taking a few steps into the city. He gave himself a moment to glance around, but not long enough to take it all in, before he started walking towards the Day Fountain to refill his flask. <br /> <br /> He hadn't realised that the whole time his hand was still clutching the throwing chain, keeping it in his deathly grasp. His knuckled had turned slightly white because of the pressure he was holding at.

03-16-2015 at 9:39 AM
"How much do we have left?" Anae asked as she and Aristissa walked toward to Day Fountain. <br /> <br /> Aristissa tapped the small lump set on her back. "About half full. Seventeen thousand, maybe," she replied. <br /> <br /> "Still? Wow. That reward money sure is lasting a while. More than plenty for an inn and supplies."

03-16-2015 at 9:24 AM
Brysoni's steps slowed down as he grew closer to the group of guards that stood by the gate. His speed decreasing until he came to a halt in front of one of the guards, he seemed like the more important one as he was the one who spoke to the girls, and walked out instead of standing by the gate.<br /> <br /> Nodding an acknowledgement to this guard he spoke his name, like he noticed others were doing. "Bryson" The words came out in a dry throated cough as he hadn't spoke in days, excluding the rare moments he spoke to himself for a second or two.

03-15-2015 at 8:18 AM
The guard waved the women inside the walls. "Market and inns are to the right of the Day Fountain. Try to keep out of trouble too."<br /> <br /> "Thank you," Aristissa said as they passed the guard.

03-15-2015 at 8:00 AM
After coming into a standing position, Brysoni started to walk again. He wondered around to the front of the city, where the gates were when he first saw the magnificent sight.<br /> <br /> Once he had walked around he saw two figures, both standing in front of the open gate with guards around them. Going closer he saw that there were six or seven of the guards, one of them talking to the two people.<br /> <br /> Brysoni gripped the end of his manriki, still keeping it wrapped around his arm though it could come off with a simple flick of his wrist.<br /> <br /> Staying cloe to the wall, he walked towards them. Now being a few metres from the gate, he waited for the other two to move on. He wanted to get inside and have a drink quickly.


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