DARPG take-on w/ Hoomble and Ri
Started By
Okay. Hoomble and I have decided to make things fair, we will go our separate ways with the RP. Me and Humble will take the story and evolve it into a story of our dogs, From Harley, chop, Mishka, Diego and all the rest.
Feel free to check in now and then, and leave a comment in double brackets if you wish, Eg ((hi)).
I can assure you if you read through this, you will enjoy the outcome of this RP. And will share many happy and sad moments among it.


•Please, no arguing outside the RP. If you really feel the need to have a DEBATE (eg. Controlled argument, so no falling out over something so stupid) take it to PM. I'm sure others in chat do not want to hear bickering.

•Light swearing is allowed (eg. Damn, hell)

• All other swear words will now be censored with 'meme' (courtesy of Hoomble :P)

•All people can join, just shoot me a PM and I'll let you know (please wait at least 50 days of play before signing up, we want regular players)

• I currently cannot think of any more. Feel free to shoot me a PM.

I sincerely hope there are no hard feelings over a slight disagreement in forum rules, and we can all continue to be good friends, and I'm saying this on the behalf of myself and Hoomble.

Thank you very much for reading.


Update: Ri joined at the beginning and I'm too lazy to fix the entire thing xD

08-30-2016 at 12:51 PM
((quietly judging you because i'm the one with the joker dog darn it))<br /> Mary tackled Diablo, holding him down. "Nope, not having another idiot doing the psycho laugh thing, not again." she growled.

08-30-2016 at 12:41 PM
Diablo laughed<br /> <br /> "You sweet talkin' me?"<br /> "All of that Chit-chat's gonna get ya hurt"<br /> He laughed intensly.. Like... The Joker..<br /> <br /> ((I'm extremely obsessed. Judge me all you like lol))

08-30-2016 at 12:28 PM
"You're a god-memed idiot, that's what you are." He slowly approached the two, dragging his left hind leg behind him.<br /> <br /> "And you...You really must be a pet. You cant't even think for yourself what'll happen to you..." he added, staring at Dan<br />

08-30-2016 at 12:10 PM
Dan gowls walking over beside Diablo.

08-30-2016 at 12:08 PM
"Ohh.. I'm tough alright." <br /> <br /> "I do this because I'm insane. Crazy. I'm a mere figment of my imagination."<br /> <br /> ((Yes. I have decided for his character to relate to Joker. Quotes will probably appear soon xD))

08-30-2016 at 11:56 AM
Joker moaned in pain, struggling to get up. "You aren't that tough are you Rottie? Tell me something, why do you do this to yourself?" he growled, falling back against the wall again

08-30-2016 at 10:57 AM
Diablos pelt was soaked with the blood from the scratches Joker was causing.<br /> <br /> He threw Joker into a wall, hearing a satisfying thump as Jokers body collided with the concrete.

08-30-2016 at 10:39 AM
"You really don't want to do that..." Mary muttered<br /> <br /> Joker smiled, every time diablo shook him he tore his hind claws across his neck and muzzle.

08-30-2016 at 10:13 AM
"Well done" he muttered happily in his ear.<br /> <br /> "Now.. Joker is it" <br /> "The only joke around here will be your guts on the ceiling"<br /> <br /> He grabs him by the throat, and shakes him about like a rag-doll.

08-30-2016 at 10:05 AM
Dan frowns lowing his head, "...."

08-30-2016 at 9:57 AM
"Dan." Diablo boomed.<br /> "Let him go. I need to teach this fool a lesson." he sneered<br />

08-30-2016 at 9:54 AM
"You've gotta be dumber than who ever thought fighting dogs was a god idea to let that rat join you." Joker growled, shifting his gaze to Dan. "Why're you helping them, they called you a PET, do you really want to be just a pet, a toy, to some mutts that only know how to kill? That's what you are, isn't it...You're just a mutt who never got to see what he wanted, aren't you diablo?" He choked up the last few words, barely managing to keep Dan's teeth away from his windpipe

08-30-2016 at 4:17 AM
Dan looks at Diablo waiting..

08-29-2016 at 11:30 PM
"I don't care much for what you appreciate, pups, it's about what's fair"<br /> <br /> "Your sister?" Diablo laughs "No, no.. your 'sister' is one of us now"<br />

08-29-2016 at 6:34 PM
Dan growls running over to help Diablo. He bites his neck holding him.<br /> <br /> War follows them trying to catch up.
edit history
2016-08-29 18:36:39 by #31652

08-29-2016 at 6:25 PM
"Got two words for you smarty, meme, off."Joker growled, headbutting into diablo hard. He threw diablo off of him, and walked towards him, spitting on the ground. "I really don't appreciate bad boys causing a bit o' ruckus late at night...specially when my sister's involved."

08-29-2016 at 6:17 PM
Diablo turns immediatly and sees the 4 walk away<br /> "Where do you think you're going!?" He barks and he turns furiously to Steve and war "go stop them, I'll deal with the spy" he snarled.<br /> <br /> <br /> Diablo runs up and stamps on jokers throat <br /> "Well, well, well. If it isn't Chop's little friend. What an honour to meet you.." He snarled, mockingly.

08-29-2016 at 6:11 PM
Dan frowns sitting down away from them, "..Stupid.." He thoughts to himself.<br /> <br /> "Turn. Come I'll show you where they are." The four walked ahead leaving War and Diablo.

08-29-2016 at 6:11 PM
"Ey boss! We got a li'l hyena spy!" Mary called, pushing down on the underside of joker's head, keeping him on the ground<br /> -----<br /> "Better come back soon, we already have enough problems as is." harley muttered

08-29-2016 at 6:07 PM
Chop sniffed the air<br /> "No. The scent here is stale. He left a while ago" he murmurs


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