The Villain's time(Closed)
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This roleplay stop over a few months now. If you wish to read it click below

09-23-2016 at 3:48 PM
"You going to sleep for a while okay?" He said taking of a needle. He stabs it in him making Jack grow heavily before falling sleep. El finished up before walking him into the next room laying him down the on floor.<br /> <br /> Nicole was starring at him blue eyes shining.

09-23-2016 at 3:43 PM
Jack lies limp in his arms, the pain close to unbearable.<br /> His entire body felt heavy.<br /> <br /> He looks up at Diablo.<br /> {Why me?} he asks silently.

09-23-2016 at 3:40 PM
"Jack." El said picking him up and carries him back to the bathroom. <br /> <br /> "Fine." Nicole said walking out of the room.

09-23-2016 at 3:37 PM
Jack flinches hard and continues to listen. He hears Nicole and snarls.<br /> <br /> He gets up and bursts through the glass on the door, pounding through to them.<br /> "Enough. Both of you!" He snarls angrily, his pelt shining with glass shards and trickles of blood.<br /> He stands in between them both, eyes like fury.<br /> "If I hear one more memeing word exchanged between you to, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave" he growls.<br /> <br /> His pelt was glistening with blood. He collapses to the floor and yelps in pain as the impact of the floor drives the glass in deeper. A pool of blood begins to spill around him. The world begins to spin and he groans, a mixture of pain and confusion.
edit history
2016-09-23 15:40:00 by #36798

09-23-2016 at 3:30 PM
First he cleans out his wounds, then he wrapped him up.<br /> <br /> "Come on pretty boy!" Nicole yells at Flame. Flame growls his claws scratching up the floor.

09-23-2016 at 3:12 PM
Jack just grunts and flops down, trusting Diablo.<br /> <br /> He keeps his ears towards the door incase Flame tries anything again.<br /> He sighs.<br /> {Just do whatever Diablo, I don't really care} he thinks to himself.

09-23-2016 at 3:10 PM
El nods picking up the hyena carrying him to the bathroom. He close the door placing Jack on the toilet. He get out wraps, a wash cloth, and peroxide. "Okay jack ready?"

09-23-2016 at 2:49 PM
Jack grits his teeth trying to hide the pain in his eyes as he looks up at Diablo.<br /> <br /> A fresh stream of blood begins to flow from his chest. He looks up and sees Flame and growls angrily.<br /> He gets up, painfully, and throws himself at Flames, Jacks blood splattering his white coat.<br /> "Just stop, okay. If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead already" he snarls through gritted teeth.<br /> "I saved your ass and broke you out of that cell. A little respect would be nice"<br /> He spits blood in the Tigers face and walks back to Diablo and looks at him.<br /> His body was seething with pain and he locks eyes with Diablo, not even trying to hide the pain this time.

09-23-2016 at 2:39 PM
Flame growls attackimg Nicole, pinning her to the ground. El walks over checking out Jack, "You okay?" <br /> <br /> Bat yells grinning his teeth.

09-23-2016 at 2:31 PM
Jack begins to pick at his wounds, snarling at the pain of removing debris inside them.<br /> <br /> Joker sniggers<br /> "What? You can't walk on a sore leg?" Joker grabs his throat.<br /> "Well. Something I've learned at the asylum..."<br /> ".. pain is in the mind" he drops batman to the ground, kicking his sore leg.

09-23-2016 at 2:28 PM
Nicole jumps up on the couch and lays down watching him.<br /> <br /> "Fine.." He said throw his teeth. He stands up punching him in the face before falling back down cause of his leg.

09-23-2016 at 2:19 PM
"He can take whatever comes to him." Jack mumbles.<br /> <br /> Joker snarls kicking the Batman in the face. <br /> "You weak son of a-"<br /> He pulls out the gun and shoots him in the shoulder.<br /> "-Die then" he growls.

09-23-2016 at 2:16 PM
"..that's what I'm afraid of." She turns hyena walking though the house.<br /> <br /> "No..Joker I will not."

09-23-2016 at 1:24 PM
"What? J? You make me laugh. The guys a nutcase. He'll be fine."<br /> <br /> "The worst that can happen is getting sent back to Arkham. But he'll escape. He might not be too happy, but he will" he laughs.<br /> <br /> Joker looks at batman who was on the floor and spits at him again.<br /> "Fight."

09-23-2016 at 12:58 PM
"Right." She walks inside closing the door. "He gonna be okay?"

09-23-2016 at 12:47 PM
"Haha. J's got this, man. I'll go if he needs help"<br /> <br /> Joker looks over at Jack, raises an eyebrow, and signals for him to take the kid (nicole) inside.<br /> {things are going to get ugly}<br /> "Cmon Nicole" he says.

09-23-2016 at 12:39 PM
"You was going to fight Batman?"

09-23-2016 at 12:31 PM
Jack shrugs and says<br /> "What do you mean 'with joker'?"

09-23-2016 at 11:59 AM
"Come on then. We'll go clean you up." She stands up picking him up, "Wait..I thought you were with Joker?"

09-23-2016 at 11:53 AM
Joker stands in front of him<br /> "Well?" He growls and knees him in the nose. Joker spits on him<br /> "Weak.." He mutters.<br /> <br /> "..okay"<br /> "I'm just not used to hugs" he mutters and he looks down at his bloody fur.<br /> "And, honestly, it hurts"


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