Chicken Or The Egg?
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Yes, this is a half philosophical half joking debate. What was first - chicken or the egg? Why do you think so? =) I say... umm... difficult question... but I'd say egg. Because how else could the chicken be born? XD I know it goes both ways, so... so post away! XD

07-26-2011 at 9:34 PM
Where do you all think the egg could've come from, eh? Don't be silly - evolution makes no sense. God craeted cihckens, who layed eggs.<br /> So, chicken.

01-11-2011 at 1:06 AM
I say neither! the chicken developed into what we know today. I think they where something else before and evolved, them people selctive bred them and domesticated them

12-28-2010 at 12:19 AM
Neither. I did. :3<br /><br />I jest, the egg if you're talking about an unspecified, general egg.

12-5-2010 at 9:03 PM
i believe the chicken came first, from some sort of microbial one-celled animal. After the chicken stopped marging with other cells to reproduce, and became an ancient chickenish thing, it began to lay eggs, so...I say chicken came first. <br /><br />I win the award for the most complex answer evah!!

11-30-2010 at 1:23 AM
Chicken. Yes, one day a chicken just poofed out of nowhere.

11-30-2010 at 1:20 AM
egg :) dinosaurs were laying eggs way before chickens were hehe

11-27-2010 at 8:21 PM
Egg. There were dinosaurs, no? They laid eggs. I see no point in this conundrum, unless they specify what kind of egg came first :P

11-27-2010 at 6:07 AM
The chicken came first. God created all creatures grown and mature, in body if not in mind.

10-25-2010 at 4:55 AM
Obviously the egg came first. There were egg laying creatures, such as dinos, long before we domesticated chickens c:

10-24-2010 at 6:28 PM
the egg? the egg came from a creature and was mutated into the chicken. the chicken then laid the next egg?
edit history
2010-10-24 11:29:26 by #4624

10-24-2010 at 6:16 AM
egg. I believe the chicken evolved. How else would the chicken get here?

10-23-2010 at 10:56 PM
The chicken, because it evolved from some critter and then layed an egg. :D

10-21-2010 at 5:12 PM
True Rumba, but there were Egg laying creatures and eggs long before chickens came into existence.

10-21-2010 at 11:34 AM
Chicken, without a doubt. You can't have the egg formed, and then have the chicken randomly pop inside. It's just not physically possible. The "soul" (or what will eventually become the chicken) must exist first.

10-21-2010 at 1:29 AM
I think it's the egg.xD As a believer of Evolution, I think chickens were hatched from mutated raptile eggs xD

10-17-2010 at 6:05 PM
A circle has no beginning. ;) (With respect to J.K. Rowling.)<br /><br />From a literary standpoint, we do not know whether God created the chicken or the egg first because the Bible has been transmitted through generations upon generations of humans, and humans corrupt information, however unintentionally. Ergo, we cannot be sure we can trust the Book on this point.<br /><br />From an evolutionary standpoint, we won't know if the chicken or the egg came first unless we can pinpoint the *exact* moment in the evolutionary chain when the chicken became a chicken. Though, logically, the first chicken would have had to spend time in an egg before hatching... unless it mutated after hatching. :)

10-17-2010 at 5:12 PM
Pika, I understand that you may believe in evolution and not creationism, but there is no reason to tell another member that their <i>religion</i> makes no sense. At least not when this thread isn't even ABOUT creationism vs. evolution.<br /><br />If this is what you would really like to discuss, then please create a thread with that topic, or find one that already exists. Even though Dae isn't a mod anymore, she has good ideas. :)<br /><br />

10-17-2010 at 4:16 PM
Woooow. That's why I'm not a creationist. The theory of creationism makes no sense. Poof! Here is all life in the world out of no where!

10-17-2010 at 4:04 PM
Chicken came first!!! Just like Adam and Eve were adults and God made all the animals they all started out as adults too =3 So I'm guessing that includes chickens and they laid an egg and they were first THE END =P =3

10-17-2010 at 3:42 AM
Egg. Over the course of evolution and whatnot, the dinosaurs slowly became bird-like animals, reproducing and laying eggs and whatnot. In order to have a chicken-like animal, two dino-birds have to have an egg!! [over a jillion years or whatever]<br />Sooo long story short, in order to have a Chicken, it has to pop out of an egg. An egg laid by dinosaurbirdchickenegglayingthings
edit history
2010-10-16 20:42:42 by #5484


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