Chicken Or The Egg?
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Yes, this is a half philosophical half joking debate. What was first - chicken or the egg? Why do you think so? =) I say... umm... difficult question... but I'd say egg. Because how else could the chicken be born? XD I know it goes both ways, so... so post away! XD

05-9-2010 at 11:16 PM
The tiger. God created the animals first. Not an egg. The egg wouldn't even have survived if he did create it first.

05-8-2010 at 4:35 AM
Please try to keep to the topic that is being discussed - if you would like to discuss evolution vs creation make another thread.<br /><br />I don't want to see anyone slandering anyone elses beliefs. I don't care if you're Christian, athiest, Buddhist, whatever. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. Say what you want to say without degrading yourself by using personal attacks.<br /><br />That said, this is a debate forum. If you are easily insulted by someone disagreeing with what you said, or trying to prove your statements wrong, please do not come to this forum. If you can not think logically and reasonably, and consider BOTH sides of a debate, this is not the place for you.<br /><br />This isn't a warning, exactly, it is an FYI. Please don't think I'm picking on anyone.

05-8-2010 at 3:33 AM
You can be Christian without believing the Bible. I was before I changed to the term agnostic, and now to pagan. Its about believing in the ideals of Christianity. AKA Love thy neighbor, thou shalt not kill, God loves everyone, etc. There isn't only one way to practice a set of religious beliefs. Not everyone in a religion is going to believe the same thing. I know someone who deeply loves the Christian God, and has found him in her own way, and doesn't believe the same thing as my stepmom, who is also strongly Christian. Religion varies. To me, that's like saying you can't be liberal and be Christian at the same time, which isn't true.<br /><br />Or, to get back on the topic, like saying you can't be Christian and believe in evolution. There are people who believe both, and it doesn't make them any less Christian than the next person.

05-8-2010 at 3:26 AM
Well, what is a Christian if you don't believe in the Bible? I mean, the Bible isn't the only thing in Christianity, but how are you a Christian without the Bible? o.O

05-8-2010 at 1:27 AM
PikaDiety, there actually -is- proof that the earth is as old as the Bible says it is. If you would like some evidence, you can message me for more info. I don't want to stray from the topic of the conversation.<br /><br />And if you haven't guessed already, I believe in Creation.

05-8-2010 at 12:44 AM
"Well, there is no proof that the earth is 10,000 years old, let alone millions of years. o.o "<br />What about fossils and dinosaurs? I mean, I know Christians who believe in evolution because the earth is much older than the Bible says.

05-8-2010 at 12:38 AM
Well, from a creation standpoint (which I believe in), the chicken came first, like Rev said. <br /><br />"Wouldn't "god" have created the wild animal that humans domesticated 10,000 years ago?" ~ Tiger<br />(As I said, I am a Christian and I believe in creation)<br />Well, there is no proof that the earth is 10,000 years old, let alone millions of years. o.o

05-8-2010 at 12:21 AM
I have no idea where you got that notion from, but even if humans didn't domesticate the chicken, we'd probably have another species of wild bird, and they'd -still- be laying eggs. It doesn't matter if we domesticated them or not.

05-7-2010 at 11:39 PM
<i> (#29)<br />(05-7-2010 at 3:47 PM) Tiger, I'm not sure what you're getting at by asking that question. All I said was that God created everything in the adult state, if you believe in Creation. </i><br /><br /><br />Yes but if you believe that humans domesticated animals then "god" didnt create the chicken he created the creature that humans domesticated creating the chicken.

05-7-2010 at 10:47 PM
Tiger, I'm not sure what you're getting at by asking that question. All I said was that God created everything in the adult state, if you believe in Creation.

05-7-2010 at 4:58 AM
Technically there is no first point. ;)<br /><br />That's kinda like saying that the O starts at the top. XD It doesn't quite work.

05-6-2010 at 5:36 PM
"<i>Religion wise, God created the Chicken before the egg.. I have no more explanation. O_0</i> -Scruffy<br /><br /><i>From a Creation standpoint, the chicken came first, because God created everything in the adult state, </i> -Reverie <br /><br />Wouldn't "god" have created the wild animal that humans domesticated 10,000 years ago?

05-6-2010 at 1:31 AM
The egg, if you think evolution-wise.<br /><br />It doesn't go from reptile-chicken(people believe chickens evolved from dinosaurs) but in reletive terms it'd be like a dinosaur-half-bird-chicken thing laying an egg, and it's a chicken instead of a dinosaur. Obviously it didn't happen that fast, though. xD<br /><br />Religion wise, God created the Chicken before the egg.. I have no more explanation. O_0

05-5-2010 at 6:11 AM
From a Creation standpoint, the chicken came first, because God created everything in the adult state, even humans. Adam was not a child, he was an adult when God created him.<br /><br />From an evolution standpoint, the egg came first, because everything evolves from a lower state to a higher state.

05-5-2010 at 5:55 AM
From a biological stand-point, egg.<br /><br />All life began as a random collision of molecules that eventually lead to single cellular life. Then cell life became multi-cellular. The first "true chicken" was probably various bird-like reptiles that gave birth to some sort of biologically diverse offspring that managed to propogate and breed with similar "Chickens" of its species. Nonetheless, it would be fairly difficult to pin point exactly when a chicken first began as a species, since the line between a diverse gene pool and an entirely new species began.<br /><br /><br />~end rant~

04-29-2010 at 4:40 PM
Oh yeah!<br /><br />Angelic321, The egg is just a big cell that develops into something more!

04-29-2010 at 4:40 PM
The Egg! The first "chicken" egg was in a way laid by the chickens evolutionary predecessor!

04-29-2010 at 1:42 PM<br /><br />The egg apparently, haha.

04-29-2010 at 11:41 AM
the problem is that evolution came first :D so in the theory the egg couldn't come first :) first came the cells in the water then came the small lil creatures of the sea and more and more to come they mutated all after where they choosed to live and soon some mutated to be on land for some few minutes then again for maybe hours then again for choosing between water and land then again some choosed to stay on land other to stay in water and other again to enjoy both sides. and such the evolution began to evolve. but yes first a small critt then an egg, <br /><br />there needs a chicken before an egg there needs an egg before a chicken. xD so well. cells.. all i can say is cells xD

04-29-2010 at 11:09 AM
Oh I know, I read some articles in Wikipedia about this dilemma =) <br />But I am talking about philosophical meaning...


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