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DARPG take-on w/ Hoomble and Ri
Started By
Okay. Hoomble and I have decided to make things fair, we will go our separate ways with the RP. Me and Humble will take the story and evolve it into a story of our dogs, From Harley, chop, Mishka, Diego and all the rest.
Feel free to check in now and then, and leave a comment in double brackets if you wish, Eg ((hi)).
I can assure you if you read through this, you will enjoy the outcome of this RP. And will share many happy and sad moments among it.


•Please, no arguing outside the RP. If you really feel the need to have a DEBATE (eg. Controlled argument, so no falling out over something so stupid) take it to PM. I'm sure others in chat do not want to hear bickering.

•Light swearing is allowed (eg. Damn, hell)

• All other swear words will now be censored with 'meme' (courtesy of Hoomble :P)

•All people can join, just shoot me a PM and I'll let you know (please wait at least 50 days of play before signing up, we want regular players)

• I currently cannot think of any more. Feel free to shoot me a PM.

I sincerely hope there are no hard feelings over a slight disagreement in forum rules, and we can all continue to be good friends, and I'm saying this on the behalf of myself and Hoomble.

Thank you very much for reading.


Update: Ri joined at the beginning and I'm too lazy to fix the entire thing xD

08-29-2016 at 5:41 PM
Joker's tail twitched as he watched the group talking. He had hidden his scent in the mud that was no one could follow him to, or from the den. <br /> <br /> <em>Stay low, keep quiet. If you're lucky you die knowing something. If not, you're a failure.</em><br /><br /> ---<br /> Harley woke up, looking around for chop and joker. "Chop...do you know where joker is?" she murmered
edit history
2016-08-29 18:04:46 by #36767

08-29-2016 at 5:38 PM
"Haha. Slow down there."<br /> "There's no fun in killing them while they're week. We can wait a few months. Train the pooches how to fight fighter-style."<br /> <br /> "I have to train with this stupid eye too" he growled.

08-29-2016 at 5:36 PM
"For the death of the enemies!"

08-29-2016 at 4:50 PM
"For what?" Diablo asks.

08-29-2016 at 4:50 PM
"Shall we get ready?"

08-29-2016 at 4:28 PM
"What do you want to do?" Diablo asked Steve.

08-29-2016 at 4:18 PM
Hougen was a spotted Great Dane, Gin was regular white and Sniper was fully black. "Nice to meet you. But we have ten more dogs waiting back at the hideout sir." Gin said to Steve. <br /> <br /> Steve nods looking at Diablo.

08-29-2016 at 4:12 PM
"Very good. You will all fit in nicely here." Diablo said.<br /> <br /> "It is a pleasure to meet you all." He added, addressing the Danes.

08-29-2016 at 4:08 PM
War nods walking over to him. "Yes sir." Steve laughs, "We kill tons of dogs who act like that. But you see Dan acts like a female more than a male. I only keep him around for my pleasure." <br /> <br /> Dan walks back with three huge Great Danes behind him. "Diablo meet Gin, Hougen, and Sniper."

08-29-2016 at 3:36 PM
Diablo nods<br /> "I'm looking forward to meeting them."<br /> "No need to worry about your pooches getting kept in line around here. War and I have already established that undisciplined dogs will be excecuted" <br /> He flashes a glance at war<br /> "Isn't that right?"

08-29-2016 at 3:34 PM
He nods looking at Dan, "Go get Gin! Don't come back until he here." Dan just stares before nodding and walks away. Steve looks at Diablo, "Wait to meet the dogs I command. Than I'll let in all the details."

08-29-2016 at 3:26 PM
"Is there now? Tell me more.." Diablo laughed.

08-29-2016 at 3:22 PM
"Revenge I love it. There a few hounds willing to help. They love blood so much."

08-29-2016 at 3:17 PM
"Oh. Just an old enemy" Diablo growled.<br /> <br /> "All of these scars, all of these wounds. And my eye. Were because of him"<br /> He growls.

08-29-2016 at 3:12 PM
"So who are we killing?" He smirks showing teeth.

08-29-2016 at 2:56 PM
Diablo copied War and shook Steves paw.<br /> <br /> "It's nice to meet you too" he said.

08-29-2016 at 2:50 PM
War looks at him lifting up his paw shaking it.

08-29-2016 at 2:25 PM
Diablo stares at his paw like he's trying to indentify an alien species. He looks at War<br /> {What do I do?} he said silently.<br />

08-29-2016 at 2:09 PM
"Names Steve and this is Dan. Nice to meet you." He puts his paw out

08-29-2016 at 1:26 PM
Diablo walks forward a bit<br /> {I like this guy, he thinks like me}<br /> <br /> "I knew he was a pet" Diablo sneers.<br /> <br /> "So. Who are you?"


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