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The Guest Account/Multiple Accounts
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Hi everyone, Just a couple of reminders. Lately we have noticed some silliness happening on the guest account. The guest account is for guests, who want to get a feel for the site. If you are already a member of Alacrity, logging onto the guest account is not allowed. We do trace this, and it is against the two-accounts-per-person rule. Also, there have been a couple of incidents lately with some accounts (including the guest account) having dogs, trials or kennel names that are inappropriate. If you notice anything named inappropriately please report it immediately to an online mod. We want Alacrity to be a friendly place for all! One last thing: As you are all no doubt aware, each person is only allowed two accounts. If someone in your home is also playing, it will look to the mods like you have multiple accounts. So please, if you have a sibling or partner etc playing, message a mod and let us know who's who. It's not up to us to ask you. Additionally, if someone else in your house is playing, you are not allowed to transfer money or items to them. As we have no way of proving who is actually sitting behind the computer when this is happening, those sorts of transfers are treated as abuse and the accounts involved may be fined or frozen. I hope that makes some things clear for those of you who have asked.

05-16-2010 at 5:27 PM
After erasing some trial names with bad words in them I blocked trial creating and kennel name changing abilities from the guest account. And ftw!
edit history
2010-05-16 10:28:56 by #1

05-16-2010 at 4:23 AM
I almost had a heart attack when I read this about going on to the guest account.. I log into it sometimes as well xDD<br /><br />Also, is like, trading items from each other's accounts okay? Like, if I have a Magical Rubber ball and like, my brother has a Magical Dog biscuit, could we swap and stuff?

05-15-2010 at 11:23 PM
Okay, thank you very much!

05-14-2010 at 12:33 AM
:O Sometimes when I play on my ipod I click on the guest account and don't notice until I go to my kennel or I do something and it says you can't do that on a guest account, then I go to log out. Is that alright? *doesn't want to get in trouble* and sometimes I get on at school <.< >.> so I have no idea if anyone there has an account

05-13-2010 at 9:15 PM
Zerataku: It is best to post ON your profile what your side acct ID is and on the side acct put your main acct ID. This will ensure that we know there is no abuse between accts that may or may not be yours.<br /><br />You can transfer items, dogs, and money between YOUR two accts, though anything from your sister would look like abuse.<br /><br />Trainings, so long as they aren't every day to your dog from your sister's acct shouldn't be an issue, however, multiple accts made for training purposes alone are NOT allowed just like any other multiple acct abuse situation. <br /><br />I hope this was clear enough not to be confusing.

05-13-2010 at 5:52 PM
Also, my sister rarely gets on her account. So I've asked her to train my dog so that they won't go to waste. Is that allowed?

05-13-2010 at 5:50 PM
Okay. Question. I have two accounts. This one and kdb890. My sister has an account, blueberry. Is it okay if I use my second account to train a dog on this account?

05-13-2010 at 2:41 PM
Asherah: Yes, you can transfer whatever you like between your two accounts.<br /><br />Merk and Scruff: That's okay, we understand that happens. That's not a problem. It's people logging on and creating trials, using stud services, adding dozens of people to the guest account friend list, etc, that's where we are having issues. If you log on and straight back off without doing anything, that's not going to get you in any trouble. We're not that mean, you don't have to be afraid =)

05-13-2010 at 2:33 PM
What if you <i>accidently</i> click it? That happened to me once, but I scurried to the log-out button. XD Since them I've been more careful though because I've been afraid. o.o

05-13-2010 at 2:26 PM
I've accidentally signed into the guest account when placing my cursor in the login name box. I'm sure others may have done it as well. In the future I'll try to be more careful though.

05-13-2010 at 1:18 PM
it is fine though to transfer items between your two accounts correct?


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  • = required field
  • two accounts per person
  • email verification necessary
  • the secret question is in case you forget your username or need to reset your email address