custom by #12538: A Fiery Lion\'s mane for Siberian Husky\'s.
Aflamed Siberian Lion Mane
you own: 0.
custom by #5387: A male whitetailed deer.
Whitetailed Buck
you own: 0.
Beautiful decorative designs, so your dog will fit in with the friendly Aboriginal tribes in the Australian outback!
Aboriginal Body Paints
you own: 0.
Profile Scribbles! [view all]
(02-22-2013 at 1:16 PM)


hi :P
(02-20-2013 at 7:08 PM)
I'm just going to say this, I'm not trying to not be your friend over a game.And trust me this is only my second breeding,and the Moderator said that since we agreed on the breeding that the one that paid the lease gets the first pick of the litter.Since I paid the lease fee I get the first pick of the litter,yet that doesn't mean I keep all of them! The one that I pick is mine,the rest you get the second pick out of,then the one that I pick goes to you, then the unwanted or not bought ones can be sold,retired, and given away. Still friends?
(02-20-2013 at 5:56 PM)
I should get the first pick since I requested it,plus they go to me. WHo ever they go to should get the first pick.
Welcome to OneDirection (#28402)'s profile.
currently: Wassup Directioners :P I love Niall :P

Last Seen: 10:23 AM on 03-8-2013, played for 23 days

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displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care: 0 | Training Sessions: 16
Dogs in "Kennel of Life"
- in heat | - up for auction | - up for sale | - up for bone sale | - up for stud| - pregnant dog
Preview Name Breed Age Gender
Shamrock (#130489) German Shepherd 14.10 months female
Kemp (#200977) Shiba Inu 25.20 months male
Sahari (#200980) Shiba Inu 11.61 months female
Adreniline (#201633) German Shepherd 23.34 months female
Isabel (#201779) German Shepherd 24.09 months female
Maxine (#204964) German Shepherd 8.43 months female


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