Snivy14's advert:
Custom dogs for sale all maxed 10🦴s each located in my for sale kennel also rare items in my shop all must go
Winter Hill Shop
When you buy an item from me you follow these rules and will not argue if

-you purchase an item you have 72 hour cash refund deadline, after 72 hours I will not refund cash. This DOES NOT apply to money over 90k

-you purchase an item in Bones, the Bones will not be refunded no matter what. I will tell you this once, not message or scribble you about it again, if you continue to scribble or message me about it I will report you for spamming.

-will not say I 'owe you the cash/bone' because you bought the item. You bought it willingly I do not in an way 'owe' you the money and I do not 'owe' you a favor. I may randomly gift you money though.

Faw 2.0 's Shop

An adorable little plush for your dog to slobber on! -5 energy, +15 mood
Larthan Plush
in stock: 1


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