🐌Bobbie🐌's advert:
Selling Magical Lifelong Locket in my shop for bones.
this dog cannot breed. requires the following:
males: age >8 months, and not neutered.
females age > 12 months, not spayed, and "in heat"

if your not the owner of this dog, stud / lease pricing must be set and >0.

Dogs which are spayed or neutered may not use the lease/stud request pages.

this dog "Christmas" # 281448
age: 26.73
fixed: no
in_heat : no
stud/lease price: 0
Are you sure you wish to give away this dog?
once you give them away, its no longer yours!

All items worn by this dog will be given to the new owner. Remove them before transferring if you want to keep them!

Any Breeding agreement will be transferred to the new owner.

this dog "Christmas" # 281448
age: 26.73
fixed: no
in_heat : no
new owner ID:
Christmas (#281448) (TP: 866.33), the female Siberian Husky
you do not own this dog
Featuring the background: Christmas Fireplace Background.
I first saw this dog when i was looking for a bitch so that i could breed my stud and get pups... then i saw Christmas... she was starving, almost dead and i looked at how much money i had, at the time i only had 2000. i knew that i must get that dog feed, and it was in it\'s heat so i could also breed it if i wanted to. i took all the money that i could find i took all from my bank and i voted and i got to 4400. so i put up sales and advertisements then i got messaged by someone, Kittensmew, she helped me so much... i am forever grateful for her help. She sent me this dog named \"Merry Christmas!\" and so i named it after her... Thank you!

Accessories Wearing:
name: Christmas
dogTag: ~MM~
owner: 35953
previous owner: 35641
gender: female
age: 26.73
height: 17.91
weight: 29.14
immortal: no
breeder: 34234
vital signs
health: 100.00
energy: 92
hunger: 0.56
mood: 100
social attributes
attention span: 2
sociality: 2
self confidence: 2
physical attributes
speed: 20.06
mental attributes
drive: 24.00
Skill training panel for:
__skill name__
(__current__ / __max__)
amount :
Agility trials:
Beauty Show Wins:
Skill (completed: 0%)
Basic Training: 0.00


Username: *
  • = required field
  • two accounts per person
  • email verification necessary
  • the secret question is in case you forget your username or need to reset your email address