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#14106 wants for nothing!
Profile Scribbles! [view all]
(09-20-2020 at 5:52 PM)
Hey! I’m interested in one of your studs.
(02-10-2018 at 9:36 AM)

K [ShiverCritter]

Your messages are full D:

Interested in a copy of your Playful Wolverine for 5 bones whenever you log in next! <3
(09-27-2016 at 8:17 AM)
your dogs are so beautiful
Welcome to Hlaorith (#14106)'s profile.
currently: Revisiting my rainbow glitches

Last Seen: 4:31 PM on 10-2-2024, played for 711 days

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Side account:
Rabby's Side
What am I doing?


I'm finally getting around to filling my profile out!

I usually go by Rabbit/Rabby or Hlaorith on other websites, so you can usually find me by looking for that.
Some of the websites I can be found on lately include:
Lioden, Flight Rising, Chickensmoothie, Gone Mushing, Lucky Lapine, and Wolf-Haven.

About My Dogs

I specialize in Siberian Huskies and APBTs, but I also have some Shibas and Great Danes.

I focus on smooth glitch breeding, though I also enjoy a good natural.
My favorite projects are the fade glitches, which I have worked extensively to come up with codes which cause a dog's coat to meld from one color to another color entirely! It's beautiful.
To view these beautiful dogs, you can check my Rainbow Husky Line kennel, or my set of Rainbow Danes in their kennel.

Wanna Buy Something?

• Commissions?: I don't take commissions anymore due to a full schedule.
But if I am, I will only work for USD unless offered the equivalent to my prices in bones or alacash.
Examples of my artwork can be found at Hlaorith.DeviantART.com

• Glitch Codes?: Because of the work I put into making my dogs' codes, I give them out only very carefully.
The last thing I want is for them to become overbred and lose their value.

• Dogs?: I often auction or sell many of my puppies, and even part with a fade glitch here and there!
However, I ask that any user who purchases a dog from me does not buy with the intent to resell/auction for profit.
If I catch you doing this, you will likely find yourself on my no-sell list.

displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care: 237 | Training Sessions: 618
Dogs in "Sumac Ridge"
- in heat | - up for auction | - up for sale | - up for bone sale | - up for stud| - pregnant dog
Preview Name Breed Age Gender
Euphoria ✤ (#181513) Siberian Husky 631.36 months female
Tsubasa (#205046) American Pit Bull Terrier 517.27 months female
Wiccan (#229519) Siberian Husky 358.95 months female
Newborn Puppy (#296371) Siberian Husky 153.89 months female
Tikada 2nd Phy x Sun (#296370) Siberian Husky 156.33 months male
Pink Orange Fade (#296369) Siberian Husky 155.91 months male
Lime Green (#296372) Siberian Husky 156.33 months female
Purple (#296367) Siberian Husky 156.03 months female
Green Fade (#296530) Great Dane 154.50 months male
Peeker Ghost Corgi (#297271) Pembroke Welsh Corgi 146.52 months female
Dogs/Puppies For Sale:
Rainbow Danes:
Natural Dogs:
Glitched Dogs:
Rainbow Husky Line Project:
Custom/Immortal Dogs:


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