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Welcome to Noxis (#28004)'s profile.
Last Seen: 9:55 AM on 08-15-2022, played for 600 days
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displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care:
0 | Training Sessions: 178
Dogs in "Mortal Flaws & Fatal Sins"

Preview | Name | Breed | Age | Gender |
Give to 28004 (#331026) | Siberian Husky | 15.60 months | male | |
Noxis 28004 (#356561) | Siberian Husky | 58.56 months | female | |
OSTARA 2k18 [ $ala$ | f ] (#368430) | Catahoula Cur | 21.82 months | female | |
OSTARA 2k18 [ $ala$ | m ] (#368429) | Catahoula Cur | 21.79 months | male | |
Noxis? (#368730) | Siberian Husky | 0.03 months | male | |
Raylar (#427746) | Papillon | 7.80 months | female | |
Zanza (#427747) | Papillon | 7.80 months | male | |
Newborn Puppy (#427812) | Catahoula Cur | 3.48 months | male | |
Newborn Puppy (#427811) | Catahoula Cur | 3.48 months | female | |
Newborn Puppy (#427813) | Catahoula Cur | 3.48 months | female |