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#34199 wants for nothing!
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still have my cookie?
I can give you 200,000 now as a deposit if you like
Okay cool do you mind waiting till friday? My interest comes in then an I will have enough
Welcome to Mooin (#34199)'s profile.
currently: playing Alacrity!
Last Seen: 9:49 PM on 08-11-2014, played for 39 days
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What am I doing?
displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care:
0 | Training Sessions: 10
Dogs in "My Kennel"

Preview | Name | Breed | Age | Gender |
Trevor (#264840) | Border Collie | 29.58 months | male | |
Maya (#264841) | Border Collie | 29.58 months | female | |
Newborn Puppy (#269696) | Border Collie | 9.45 months | male | |
Newborn Puppy (#269697) | Border Collie | 9.45 months | female | |
Jet Black. (#269829) | German Shepherd | 5.88 months | female |