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Stuff for sale in my shop willing to haggle need gone
Summer Sale Request Thread
Started By
Ala has so much stuff D: I just know we're going to overlook something that you really wanted from the summer sale while we're stocking the shop, so here's the official thread for your requests. Please note that we will only be including accessories, companions, backgrounds, and monthly bags from the last year -- this is to retain the value of older site items :>

Please wait until after we've had a chance to stock and open up the shop to post your requests. I'll update this thread once we've completed our inventory and opened the doors!

The doors are now open! Please go shop to your heart's content.

Again, please use this thread to request an item that we may have overlooked from the last year only. Also, please feel free to point out pricing errors on our end. I think everything is mostly consistent, but if you feel the summer sale's price is to close to or less than the original price, let us know and we'll adjust it!

06-10-2012 at 11:05 AM
Jambers, horseshoe toys don't stack. :3 <br /> <br /> I am kind of curious about the other questions though., :3

06-10-2012 at 10:38 AM
I still dont see why we cant have Aviator Caps. I meen we could go threw and buy up a whole bunch of horse shoes and stack those to bring up the score.

06-9-2012 at 3:44 PM
I'm curious as to why the current 'magical' items in the monthly shop are suddenly bones only when the ones prior were bones and cash...?

06-9-2012 at 3:27 PM
I had asked this question a few times last night (because I didn't receive an answer) so I figure I'll ask it here.<br /> I'm curious as to why the Custom Accessory Maker was removed from the Monthly Shop. I can fully understand disallowing Aviator Caps, Magical Food Bowls and Magical Water Bowls because they can be purchased, used and then have a bunch of unlimited/"free" money pouring in (by "free" I mean money made by games, interest, trials, etc) and this can be/is hazardous to the economy.<br /> However, I do not understand why Custom Accessory Makers aren't in the Monthly Shop <i>or</i> the Cash Boutique. The Custom Accessory Makers are fun because we can make accessories just for ourselves and more often than not, you <i>lose</i> money and bones. A CAM isn't necessary to play, however, money is... and MWB/MFB increase your likely hood at dragging in "free" money.... people don't need to buy a fun accessory to play.<br /> Some of us make them to make $$, some of us make them because we want custom accessories in the game (like my three cats and birds).<br /> The Custom Accessory Makers have been in the Monthly Shop for cash and bones for a long time, one of the explanations I heard was "they weren't <i>supposed</i> to be in the Monthly Shop for cash"... well... how come so many staff members knew about them being in there, how much they cost and even <i>bought</i> them to make CAs?<br /> It doesn't make sense to me and I am disappoint this time :( More disappoint than MFB being removed.<br /> <img src="http://i48.tinypic.com/ay37mq.png">
edit history
2012-06-09 15:29:06 by #5484

06-9-2012 at 10:04 AM
The aviator caps are not allowed because they affect gameplay too much, quite like the Magical Water Bowls. We decided that it is best to leave them out, rather than let users buy as many as they want - that'd be, simply, backwards. Not to mention, we're trying to leave most donation and upgrade items out of the shops (the cap was <b>supposed</b> to be a donation item, we just kinda got mixed up and it ended up as an upgrade item). The upgrade items we do allow are ones that don't make much of an impact (autofeeder, BoY, BoM).<br /> They are also allowed to stack only because Robyn coded them that way. She specifically coded them so that they would stack - it was not a mistake. So, basically, your answer to this one is "because Robyn said so."<br /> <br /> BoY/BoM are items that Robyn initially changed her mind about being exclusive, and decided they were more suited to monthly shop, especially since puppies have come out. They don't really do anything other than change the picture. I guess this is another "because Robyn said so" issue.<br /> <br /> I hope this helps.

06-9-2012 at 8:31 AM
I am more curious as to the admins response more since it wouldn't be just a guess :)<br /> <br /> Just because something affects game play doesn't really make sense to me because all the past companions affect game play as well :) and they are included in the sale.<br /> <br /> These items are getting almost impossible to get as well, especially the caps. I hardly ever see them for sale and users hold chunks of them. Will they ever be available to those that came after they were released or perhaps didn't know they stacked until it was too late? <br /> <br /> I'm curious, though, as to why they are allowed to stack, because they can make huuge differences in TP when we are having waterbowls limited to slow TP growth. It seems they should stop training once a dog hits 100%. It will still give them a strong purpose in training, but it won't give someone such huge advantages to bypass a lot of dogs in lines and push them to ridiculous tp amounts :) <br /> <br /> I'm really just wondering about all this xD. I don't understand it, and wish to learn.
edit history
2012-06-09 08:33:10 by #46

06-9-2012 at 6:27 AM
I'm thinking because the caps and rejuvenators have an impact on the dog's training and such. BoYs and BoMs have in impact on the image.

06-9-2012 at 1:21 AM
I am curious as to why the aviator caps are not being added as well as rejuvenators.<br /> <br /> "All of these were upgrade/donation items, except for the sword, which was a Feb '11 item (and too old). Sorry :("<br /> <br /> As Kael said, yes they were upgrade/donation, but so were bandanas according to the wiki. So why is it these are allowed but not the rejuvenator or aviator caps? Is there perhaps another reason? :) Can we make them a part of the donation tier thing perhaps?

06-8-2012 at 11:14 PM
Sorry, but no aviator caps.

06-8-2012 at 6:31 PM
i was hoping the Avator caps would be put up in the shop. I would love to buy one ive tryed with the monthly bag and failed to get one. If it is possible, could those be put back in?

06-7-2012 at 8:49 PM
Y'all can find a list of all companions, accessories and backgrounds here in the Wiki :) As well as their dates<br /> <br /> Items/Accessories: <a href=http://alacrity.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Items rel=nofollow>[LINK]</a><br /> Companions: <a href=http://alacrity.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Companions rel=nofollow>[LINK]</a><br /> Backgrounds: <a href=http://alacrity.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Backgrounds rel=nofollow>[LINK]</a>

06-7-2012 at 7:13 PM
If I'm correct, alpine wildflowers is March 2011

06-7-2012 at 6:56 PM
darn just missed the Kestrels! <br /> <br /> OHOH! Alpine Wildflowers Background?

06-7-2012 at 3:19 PM
Owls were March 2011.

06-6-2012 at 10:14 PM
I would've loved to see Owl companions make a trip through the store, but I'm pretty sure they are older than the 1-year cut off :(

06-4-2012 at 2:58 PM
Spring fawn companion was a donation item.<br /> Soldier helmets were given away for 9/11. They're also found in the rare item exchange.

06-4-2012 at 1:26 PM
Was the Spring Fawn a donation item? Or the Soldier Helmets?
edit history
2012-06-04 13:26:58 by #17177

06-2-2012 at 11:19 AM
F l e a, you can buy Timewarps in the Cash Boutique

06-2-2012 at 5:17 AM
Kestrel was May '11, Kael. ^^ Not sure if it is allowed back in...<br /> If it is, add the skunks. :D

06-2-2012 at 2:54 AM
Flying European Kestrel added :3 <br /> <br /> "maby Aviator Cap, Rejuvinator,Space Shuttle Plush ,Dao Sword not sure if they can be added or not but it's a idea"<br /> All of these were upgrade/donation items, except for the sword, which was a Feb '11 item (and too old). Sorry :(<br /> <br /> Timewarps will rotate in as rare items on the 5-7 day rotation :D<br /> <br /> Edit: Erp... looks like the Flying European Kestrel might be an item too old to be featured in this sale... anyone remember when it came out? XD
edit history
2012-06-02 02:56:27 by #5


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