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Rules for applying:
1. DO NOT post applications here. Send all applications to account Account -101 : The Professor. If you send your application anywhere else, it will be deleted.

2. Answer all questions as completely and truthfully as you can.

3. Fill everything out in the application. Do not leave blanks. Don`t rush your application! The open application process will remain open for at least two days, but may stay open for up to a week or two!

4. You must have played on Alacrity for at least 21 days to apply.


1. Why do you want to be a Newbie Helper?:

2. Are you willing to put the time into being a Helper and keeping up to date on new things (items, rules, etc.) on the site?

3. What time zone are you in? How much time do you spend on Alacrity?

4. Tell me something unique about yourself?

5. What is your favorite thing about Alacrity?

6. (Helper Quiz Question): A user has a bitch and can't seem to breed it. What are the possible reasons this dog can't breed?

7. (Helper Quiz Question): What are reasons behind low health in a dog?

The Professor has informed me that if you have any questions or concerns about the position, that you may message him on his account!


Username: *
  • = required field
  • two accounts per person
  • email verification necessary
  • the secret question is in case you forget your username or need to reset your email address