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--The Official Alacrity Mod Search—
Started By
Read the Entire Post Carefully, because if you make a mistake it might disqualify your application. Yes you have read the title right. Alacrity is looking for some new moderators, but don’t think just because you apply means you will get the job. We are looking for good quality people and those who will stay with the site for many months to come. We need seriously interested people only, and if you aren’t on at least five or so days out of the week you may not have the time required of this job. Take it from the whole team that this job requires a lot of your time. Many of our mods spend several hours a day on the site. If you think you might have the ability to take on this job then fill out the form below and send it to the Head Mod Mink (#334), if you post here or send it to another mod or admin you will not be considered end of story. Please read all of the rules before you begin filling out your application. Do keep in mind this will be a long and involved process where only a select few may get chosen, or we may not chose anyone at all. Good luck to all, and remember have fun on Alacrity. If any of these rules have been broken before or you don’t meet them then don’t apply. ::Rules:: -You may only have two accounts, siblings on the same computer must provide a clear cut definition of whose account is whose, and any sharing will not be tolerated -Read over the TOS carefully, and make sure you understand it and follow it. For those of you who want to refresh their memories here it is. -You must follow all of the site rules, period end of story, and you need to know them quite well to be able to enforce them. -Be respective and curiosity to all players, including the mod team. ::Application:: Your Name/Number: Age: Do you have a full time or part time job? If so how many hours do you work?: Are you in school? If so state what kind?: Have you ever been a moderator before? If so where?: How many hours do you play Alacrity per week on average?: What makes you qualified to be a good mod on Alacrity?: Anything Else you want to add that you feel is important: Thanks, The Alacrity Admin and Mod Team

08-12-2010 at 12:24 AM
Congrats everyone. :3

07-24-2010 at 12:03 PM
-snugs- may I ask how many people applied in general? Just curious :)

07-21-2010 at 6:45 PM
I'll make a post about when it's over, but I can't really message each person who has applied x.x there are just tooooo many of you -head desk-

07-21-2010 at 1:43 AM
Will you message us even if we don't get it? Just so we know when it is over?

07-20-2010 at 4:50 AM
Aww, Mink... Now I feel guilty! <br /><br />Hope you're feeling better and good luck to the new mods! <br /><br />

07-18-2010 at 6:46 PM
I have to do my homework now:)

07-18-2010 at 4:10 AM
Aww! Now I feel bad :/<br /><br />My Application is going to give Mink a headache. *head-desk*<br /><br />I'm sorry for my application Mink. *tear tear*

07-17-2010 at 7:52 PM
Lol Mink XD<br /><br />-pets- Good lucks going through all of these applications! :o<br /><br />Hmm where did the unnecessary exclamation point come from in my previous post? x)

07-17-2010 at 7:51 PM
Aww I'm sorry for you Mink! D: Take all the time you need!

07-17-2010 at 5:30 PM
Between 3-5 is what we're hopping to get ^_^<br /><br />Just a little update, I have ALOT of applications to go through. I took one day off to go play with horses and got heat exhaustion and threw up and just all sorts of bad things so I was actually gone for two days and omg x.x I was reading the apps as they came in....-head desk-<br /><br />So...I guess what I'm saying is please bear with me XD<br /><br />If I don't message you right away, don't loose hope!!!

07-17-2010 at 2:54 PM
Oh man, this will be fun xD<br /><br />Cannot wait to see new mods?<br /><br />by the way, how many are you taking, dear Administration? Just one? :)

07-16-2010 at 1:42 AM
Good luck guys :)
edit history
2010-07-15 18:43:15 by #567

07-15-2010 at 10:43 PM
Hm, I would apply if school wasn't about to start and I wasn't going to apply to be an assistant vet. Real dogs rule over virtual dogs in the end.
edit history
2010-07-15 15:44:07 by #3566

07-15-2010 at 12:10 PM
Well, it's kind of late to warn them because it says - in Mink's post - that "if you post here... you will not be considered end of story." So it's kind of late....

07-15-2010 at 3:58 AM
You guys do know that you should read the post CAREFULLY! *noms on caps and points to Mink's inbox*

07-15-2010 at 1:55 AM
this goes to show that people who dont fully read minks message truly arent going to be considered for moderation.

07-14-2010 at 9:55 PM
Whoops. Forgot to send my form in a message... Anyway, hello appliers :D
edit history
2010-07-14 15:12:51 by #1635
2010-07-14 15:11:40 by #1635

07-14-2010 at 9:48 PM
Sorry >.>
edit history
2010-07-14 15:12:01 by #2052

07-14-2010 at 8:17 PM
This is just to inform, if you hadn't read. Send a message to mink to apply.

07-14-2010 at 7:50 PM
Your Name/Number:<br />kitty39<br />Age: 14<br />Do you have a full time or part time job? If so how many hours do you work?: Are you in school? If so state what kind?: I go to a public school<br />Have you ever been a moderator before? If so where?: No, but I'm hoping to become one<br />How many hours do you play Alacrity per week on average?:4 hours (weekends 7) Alacrity?: I'm excellent at keeping things under control and i think, I am mature enough to handle the job.<br />Anything Else you want to add that you feel is important: just thanks =)


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  • the secret question is in case you forget your username or need to reset your email address