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Shop Reader item released in current Riddle, and in monthly shop for 2 bones. Prices all items in your user shop to $5 less than the lowest going price in all other user shops, or $1 if it turns out to be $0 or less. Also prices them to the same amount for the cheapest going bone amounts. For example if someone is selling an Amur Leopard for $50925 and 3 bones, it'd price the one in your shop to $50920 and 3 bones. If the item doesn't have a listed price or bone price in user shops, it'll be priced at 150k or 50 bones.

Quizzes available on side of page, as you've surely seen! Please vote, will help me tailor Alacrity to you guys!

When in your inventory after equipping an accessory/dye/background/companion you'll be auto directed to that dog's page right after you see the success message.

The bug where you would try to purchase a dog to have it turn out to be an entirely different breed/dog altogether has been fixed.

All rare items have been removed from the bone exchange page to the monthly shop, a few prices have changed based on the economy.

Dog pages now have a "custom image" option where you can submit a URL and a large link will appear for others to see this custom image. Also, added "are you sure" Javascript alerts for removing companions/backgrounds/accessories, and put a few things in neat little boxes. The dog pages really need to be entirely redesigned.

First Aid Towel is programmed, we will find out tonight if it works for sure!

August monthly bags should be in the monthly shop by tomorrow.

All item bugs concerning unequipping should be fixed now, please message Hel (#2) to receive missing items back.

More to come soon!

08-6-2010 at 9:16 PM
Monthly bags are up, bug with selling dogs and when removing accessories they went back to the old owner fixed.

08-6-2010 at 6:05 PM
Woohoo! Thanks Rob! This definitely makes up for the incident with the riddles! :)

08-6-2010 at 3:21 PM
Your awesome Rob:)

08-6-2010 at 12:20 PM
Hooray, these are awesome!

EDIT: Spelling fail.
edit history
2010-08-06 05:21:02 by #4232

08-6-2010 at 5:35 AM
the changes are awesome! :D<br />You rock!

08-6-2010 at 4:23 AM
It was throwing off the economy and making other people mad because someone got an Amur leopard that cost like fifty dollars in the charity drive and someone got it in there. Same with ducks. It makes sense since they're not technically rare.

08-6-2010 at 1:45 AM
Fabulous updates, thank you! Although I am bummed that you removed the ability to exchange 4 bones for 7 random (non-rare) items. I loved that feature; it's how I spent an awful lot of my bones.

08-6-2010 at 1:11 AM
yay yay yay!!! Custom dog images :DD you rock socks Rob :)

08-6-2010 at 1:08 AM
Hooray!! Much love for our returned #1!


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