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Halloween of '10.
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Okay, so tons of plans, I'd like feedback! Everything is for the week of Halloween, so you have a chance to participate. :) For those of you in other countries, Halloween is a ghoulish celebration observed on October 31st every year, we dress up in scary costumes and run door to door begging for candy (the kids, at least!). -a Halloween themed layout variation -all dogs will turn into zombies (raw, dripping flesh, bloody patches, bones showing, glowing eyes) -special costumes/Halloween items/monthlies (you'll get to choose "trick" or "treat" and get different items based on your choice!) -special battle where you can choose to become a "superhero" or a "zombie" and your goal is to attack members of the opposite team as much as possible! you can attack every 20 minutes and earn 5 points each time, and when you are attacked, you lose 1 point. there will be two special items (the "Zombie Sword" will allow you to attack every 10 minutes for an hour and the "Magical Cape" will allow you to evade attacks for an hour) that will be purchasable in the stores and findable via random events. a scoreboard will show the winning team as well as the top players attacking points. at the end of the battle (Black Friday!) you will be able to exchange these points for EVEN MORE special Halloween only items. :D also, debating an expensive option to keep your dogs zombie style forever! plus special random events for each side. anymore ideas? :D

10-25-2010 at 4:47 AM
Has the event started yet? When it starts, will instructions be posted somewhere?<br /><br />Thanks!

10-22-2010 at 12:32 AM
I am so loving the Halloween stuff! You have no idea how much I needed this distraction right now! Excellent job!

10-19-2010 at 1:36 PM
How come score sending in games does not work? Is it the new programming?

10-19-2010 at 2:39 AM
I'm totally excited. Like, excited out of my seat. 8D You guys rock. Aww, man, you're making me excited for Halloween. XD

10-18-2010 at 1:31 AM
WOW. These are some impressive ideas. o_o I'm beyond excited and will be logged on all the time while this is going on. XD<br />Thanks so much for working so hard to make this site so fun for us. =]

10-17-2010 at 6:27 AM
This sounds great!

10-17-2010 at 12:32 AM
Shino I like your idea with the candy increasing stats =D

10-16-2010 at 10:20 PM
Support. &lt; 333<br />Though maybe we could choose if we want our dogs zombified or not for Halloween? :3<br />And I want a vampire costume >w&lt;

10-16-2010 at 9:49 PM
I am loving it all :)<br />great ideas :D

10-16-2010 at 8:14 PM
^.^ That sounds so cool Rob!!! I just hope I have enough money to get things in the monthly shop this month >.> Also, I might not get anthing this month so I can save up for next month or the month after.... -still debating on that-

10-11-2010 at 12:36 AM
I love the zombie dog idea, will there be obtainable Halloween outfits as well?

10-11-2010 at 12:27 AM
omg :D i think im going to die of excitement XD hahaha and aww... i hope the permanent zombify thing isnt expensive as in bones :(

10-10-2010 at 4:15 PM
-Does my signature dance-<br /><br />This.Sounds.Awesome!<br />

09-23-2010 at 1:05 AM
This sounds great! Halloween is my favorite holiday - thanks for celebrating it! <br /><br />I'd love to have a zombie potion! I don't have a dog right now that I would want to permanently zombify (although it would be fun to have them turn temporarily), but I'm sure I could come up one to use it on eventually. [MWAHAHahahahahah ...} <br /><br />Love the trick or treat idea, and the randomly appearing items idea, and the candy that either boosts stats or can be traded for a seasonal item. [Have no ideas of my own, pitiful wretch that I am.] <br /><br />I'm not sure I would have the heart to outright attack someone, so I'd definitely fail at the battle game. I would be more than willing to sneak up on people and shout "BOO!" for points, though. :D<br /><br />Whatever happens, this is going to be a lot of fun!
edit history
2010-09-22 18:06:40 by #3831

09-19-2010 at 1:34 AM
Omg yeahh the candy idea sounds awesome

09-17-2010 at 8:23 PM
How about a candy hunt? random events give xx pieces of candy that you feed your dog that can boost a stat, speed or energy.<br /><br />Or, instead of points, we get pieces of candy that we an trade in for the halloween items... *sweettooth cringe* I want some candy. XD

09-17-2010 at 6:01 PM

09-16-2010 at 6:39 PM
omg this sounds awesome >&lt;

09-15-2010 at 10:29 PM

09-15-2010 at 6:08 AM
I think there should be a limited-time item that can turn your dog into a zombie that is only available during the Halloween event. I like zombie dogs so I support the whole zombie dog idea. :)


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