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Account Auction v2.0
Started By
For now the accounts 40-50, 96-98 will be up for auction. They come totally clean, as if you've started a new account. You get the basic money you start out with and a puppy pack. I will transfer over any upgrades you already have as well as your dog slots. Please only post here with actual bids. Make the account you are bidding on in bold font, and then put the actual bid in regular font. If you don't follow those instructions, I'll pass over your post. I'll keep this post updated with the current top bid as frequently as I can, but if you see someone has posted higher that you in this thread, you're welcome to post again with a higher bid. Each account starts at 15 bones and the increase between the bids is 2 bones. The auction will be over at 11:50 Ala time on December 20th. Any bids after that time will NOT be counted. Please remember if you buy an account, you will still be subject to the 2 account rule. This means you must abandon an account before we will let you log into the new account. If all goes well, you should have your new accounts by Christmas. :) 40-#2068 with 15 bones 41-#4615 with 19 bones 43-#5836 with 20 bones 44-#5953 with 17 bones 45-#597 with 17 bones 46-#3427 with 15 bones 47-#3757 with 15 bones 48-#2793 with 15 bones 49-#8445 with 15 bones 50-#4199 with 15 bones 96-#5907 with 15 bones 97-#8227 with 15 bones 98-#5730 with 15 bones ---

01-12-2011 at 5:15 AM
Aw dang, didn't even realize I got outbid. XD

01-10-2011 at 2:12 AM
If you use the same tag on the new account it'll all mush together.. at least that's how mine worked. :)

01-9-2011 at 9:36 PM
Just realized this was over.
For future reference, would tags be available to be transferred?
edit history
2011-01-09 13:38:47 by #9181
2011-01-09 13:36:37 by #9181

12-21-2010 at 4:07 PM
As I understand it, you will choose the account that gets to transfer all items, dog slots, etc over to your new account. <br /><br />I believe you have to transfer all of your items, dogs, money, etc over to your side account and then let aadyn know which account will need to be frozen before you can log into your new account. Once you've logged into your new account, you can transfer dogs and items and whatnot over there! She will set that account up with the number of dog slots that were on the account that was frozen, so you won't be losing anything :)

12-21-2010 at 9:36 AM
Will the bones be automatically deducted? And can we choose which account gets replaced?<p><br /><br />*asks all the questions everyone else has* P: ♥

12-21-2010 at 7:49 AM
<b>44</b> 17 bones

12-21-2010 at 4:32 AM
Yeah, I agree with Lady Kiba..I was wondering the same thing :3

12-21-2010 at 3:19 AM
I was wondering if for our dog slots, we can have the number transfer from our main instead of the account we are abandoning. I ask because my new account will be my main, making my current main my side, but this account has 19 slots as opposed to the 7 on my side. I'm probably making no sense right now, but hopefully you can interpert gibberish?

12-20-2010 at 8:08 PM
Is it possible to split up the dog slots from the account that you're abandoning? For example, 20 go to the new account, and 30 go to my other account? I don't really want to have all my trainee dogs on my main, and I don't want to abandon my current main that has all my referrals on it. D:

EDIT: Unless you can move the referrals over too...
edit history
2010-12-20 12:09:53 by #4199

12-20-2010 at 5:19 PM
<b>Today is the final day to get your bids in!<br /><br />Also, because of the gift system for Christmas, it will make it impossible for me to move over accounts before Christmas. I'm sorry for this inconvenience. I will move them over ASAP after the gift giving game is over, however. <br /><br />Your bids will still be collected up until 11:50 pm tonight. Make sure you get them in! :)</b>

12-20-2010 at 4:56 PM
<b>45</b> with 17 bones

12-19-2010 at 10:13 PM
<b>41</b> with 19 bones.

12-19-2010 at 8:38 PM
<b>41</b> with 17 bones :3

12-14-2010 at 3:12 PM
nvm. I'll wait till later :3 Still deciding xD
edit history
2010-12-14 07:16:53 by #5953

12-13-2010 at 5:25 AM
-- nevermind --
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2010-12-12 21:54:12 by #236

12-13-2010 at 12:34 AM
Shall bid on <b>49</b> with 15 bones! c:

12-13-2010 at 12:16 AM
Eh, I don't like my chances of getting the account number I want, so <b> 48 </b> - 15 bones.

12-12-2010 at 11:42 PM
Yes, they will start at the same price. However, there will probably be more people bidding, and as such, the prices will probably go higher.

12-12-2010 at 11:01 PM
Will the accounts in the 30's be starting at the same price?

12-12-2010 at 7:35 PM
<b>43</b> with 20 bones
edit history
2010-12-12 11:35:40 by #5836


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  • = required field
  • two accounts per person
  • email verification necessary
  • the secret question is in case you forget your username or need to reset your email address