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Linked Accounts
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Attention, Attention: To make it easier for everyone to keep from "cheating" or "sharing" things on the same IP address, there will be a new feature added. You can now LINK up to 2 accounts on the same IP and that will be the only account on your IP that you can send items to. For example: Sue and Joanna both play Alacrity. Both have 2 accounts and they share a computer. Sue will be able to link her 2 accounts together, and will no longer be able to send items to Joanna. And the reverse will be the same as well. Isn't this a great feature?? You won't have to worry about accidentally sending something to a sibling or significant other and chance getting in trouble for it. Look for the addition to your profile page! Coming soon.

12-30-2010 at 2:00 AM
i have already done this and its so cool!

12-29-2010 at 5:35 AM
That's fine Roz. :-)<br /><br />Unfortunately, if you want to be able to send things to your side account, you will have to set them.<br /><br />Otherwise, you can't send anything to either account from the other.

12-26-2010 at 3:12 AM
It can be changed via the Issue Hub by an admin. :-)<br /><br />So it CAN be changed, just not by yourself.

12-26-2010 at 3:10 AM
What if you want to sell an account but they're already linked?

12-24-2010 at 3:20 AM
Avianahelena unless you want to give me their social security numbers, who is to say they are your siblings/family/etc? Unfortunately a bad apple ruins the bunch. =/

12-24-2010 at 2:19 AM
I don't understand. I thought the purpose of the IP rule was that one person cannot have more than two accounts, not that we couldn't send things to relatives or significant others.

12-24-2010 at 1:28 AM
Okay thank you ^^<br />i was just worried it would be very very permanent xD

12-23-2010 at 10:59 PM
If you submit an issue to the mod panel they can escalate to admin and we can reset, yes. :)

12-23-2010 at 2:37 AM
Look on your profile, scroll down.<br /><br /><img src="http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a15/Tigerjody/Alacrity/setside.png" border="0">

12-23-2010 at 1:48 AM
So i have a question o.o<br /><br />I just recently bought a new account, but if i have already set my side account to my current account how in the world is that going to work D=<br /><br />Will there be a kind of 'reset'?<br /><br />I was hoping to try to sell my side since i'm getting a new one, but if it's linked no one would want it...
*this is assuming you get this working before i get my new account* xD
edit history
2010-12-22 17:49:32 by #457

12-22-2010 at 5:32 PM
*like*<br /><br />This is GREAT once it gets working correctly!!!

12-22-2010 at 5:04 PM
Oh dear I must have 2 long lost sisters O.o Hello Kat! ^^ Wonderful idea!

12-22-2010 at 5:52 AM
This is an awesome, AWESOME feature.<br /><br />Thanks to Rob and Wysper and everyone who's made it possible! C:<br /><br />♥

12-22-2010 at 2:54 AM
Just verified, yes, there is a bug and it's not working as intended. Rob will fix them as soon as she's back at her computer.

12-22-2010 at 2:53 AM
ok side and main are set and i still cant send from ether act?<br />

12-22-2010 at 2:49 AM
Perhaps there should be a choice to change it from 'side' to 'main' account...?

12-22-2010 at 2:42 AM
It's set on both accounts, correctly, but I continue to experience this problem when trying to send to my side.

12-22-2010 at 2:40 AM
The linked account has to be set before you can send anything to the side. <br /><br />If there is NO side account stated, then you can't send to ANY account on the same IP.<br /><br />So, whatever is set as your side account, is the ONLY one you can send to on the IP.

12-22-2010 at 2:32 AM
...In the meantime, how are we to send between accounts? I am continually getting the error message (which I've never gotten before), even though it's set correctly in my profile.

12-22-2010 at 2:32 AM
The Rules will be amended. There really should be no sharing of anything.


Username: *
  • = required field
  • two accounts per person
  • email verification necessary
  • the secret question is in case you forget your username or need to reset your email address