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Bad car accident.
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Yesterday morning I was sitting at a red light when a semi carrying a gravel load turned it's wheels to the right and started to drive right into/over the top of my car. The car is now totaled, and I was almost crushed by the gravel load carrying part, it terrified me watching it scrape against my window and push it in towards me.

Luckily, the semi realized it was hitting something and started backing up. Unluckily, the semi ran from the scene of the accident, leaving me with a barely drivable (illegally so, the bumper is hanging off, missing a head light, the hood is smashed in, and the engine is acting oddly since part of it was crushed too) car. The multiple witnesses around me simply drove off when the light turned green.The police haven't found or done anything yet, and insurance has already informed me unless they do I'm screwed.

There was possibly a red light camera triggered by his driving over my car when the light was red, but unlikely. I called the Holiday Inn right next to the scene of the accident, they had no outside cameras. I've been looking through hundreds of logos, because if I saw the logo I saw on the side of the truck again, I would remember it, and we could do something about it.

Right now and yesterday I've been having long drawn out panic attacks, the terrifying feeling of almost being crushed keeps coming back.

I'm writing this up to explain what happened because kittybot insists on doing a fundraiser to help me get a new car. =/ We will be doing a Chip In event and kittybot will be drawing a fancy new item to keep accidents from occurring on your dogs, if yall could take a moment to vote in the poll that should be up any minute.

I'm eternally grateful for any help anyone can give, I hardly expect anything and couldn't ask for help myself. <3

You all are wonderful.

03-23-2011 at 7:15 PM
Wow, that is really scarey. a Family at my School just got in a really bad actident too. I think it would be a cool idea. If people just pay a little something and they get an awesome rare item. Websites do stuff like that all the time-mainly for bigger things but whatever xD

03-21-2011 at 3:24 AM
oh poo i just reported a post .... DARN! sorry people! i hope you do well!

03-21-2011 at 1:30 AM
oh my am sorry =(

03-20-2011 at 10:11 PM
hope you do well

03-19-2011 at 12:26 PM
oh dear! I am very happy your ok!

03-19-2011 at 3:33 AM
That's terrible. Glad you're okay.

03-17-2011 at 1:13 PM
That's a disgusting thing to say, reallycutesy.

03-16-2011 at 9:18 PM
Absolutely horrid!

03-15-2011 at 6:02 AM
Pfffft, that's terrible, Cutesy! D: Rob, we all love you to death! I hope you feel better soon &lt;3

03-13-2011 at 12:54 AM
Thank goodness your alright &lt;3

03-12-2011 at 7:50 PM
Where the accident occured they did not have cameras at those lights? As most places do have some kind of traffice cam going on, now whether or not they are recording or not the person who monitors them should of seen something. I hope this works out for you.<br /> Regards,<br /> Mom44/ Momma44

03-11-2011 at 10:31 PM
im so sorry to hear that

03-10-2011 at 12:44 AM
OMG im glad your alive i hope your not injured

03-9-2011 at 11:44 PM
How could someone not see that they were DRIVING OVER someone else's car?! Those drivers shouldn't be aloud on the roads. Hopefully you remember that logo, or you raise enough to buy a new car and get things sorted out. I will see if I can donate... *runs off to donate*

03-3-2011 at 8:13 PM
My father tells this story of when he was a young man. He and his brothers spent all summer working to purchase a '71 Spitfire from a neighbor. They finally were able to get it, and all three of them went for a triumphant drive around the city. They were at an intersection, and the light turned green for them. A semi came from nowhere, t-boning the car and totaling it. It was not their fault, and fortunately none of them were seriously injured (one of my uncles suffered a minor gash to the arm), but their beloved car was ruined. I could say that my dad would feel your pain. <br /> <br /> Hopefully this is resolved soon - best wishes to you in hopes that it is.<br /> <br /> ~AlsatianKennels
edit history
2011-03-03 12:14:33 by #10813

03-3-2011 at 1:46 AM
OMG I am soooo glad you are ok

02-27-2011 at 10:06 PM
Lucky no one was hurt. Hope you raise enough:)

02-27-2011 at 6:40 PM
I would like to kill whoever did that to you. Very, very slowly. Perhaps with the blunt end of a scissors. <br /> &lt;3333 Glad you didn't die, I would've cried.

02-26-2011 at 10:35 PM
Oh gah. Hope you get your new car...<br /> and hope you remember the logo.

02-25-2011 at 8:26 PM
*tackles* Don't cry, Robyn!! &lt;3


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