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Lineless Huskies!
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If you are in need of a lineless husky fix, please post a bug issue hub for it with the

IDs of the dogs

Whether the dogs have curly or straight tails.

If this is not done we will skip over your request. Those that have been reported before will be taken care of, but please, I don't want to have to hunt down each dog and look up it's information.

*dogs only need to be fixed if you want them to be--they can stay lineless if you wish*

03-23-2011 at 9:47 PM
A husky that is missing lines layer. <a href="http://i51.tinypic.com/2yngq60.png">Example of a lineless husky</a>

03-23-2011 at 9:14 PM
What's a lineless husky?

03-23-2011 at 3:40 PM
ok thanks for letting us know!

03-21-2011 at 9:13 PM
Ah, thanks for clearing this up and telling us what is needed to make it as easy for you guys to do as possible since you all do so much. :)


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