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Updated monthly shop cash prices.
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Due to the changing economy and bones now going for around 30k instead of 10k as when the monthly shop first came out, cash prices will be reflected to this adjustment.

The old formula was 10k per bone + 5k.

It will now be 30k per bone + 5k.

This adjustment takes place September 1st.

[EDIT: I'm willing to come down to 25k per bone for varying bone prices as suggested by you guys. ]

08-30-2011 at 7:52 PM
Brindle Pits, I make $13,000 a day by playing games. I don't think it's impossible to buy enough food for your dogs with $13K. 13K can buy 1181 Natural Dog Food bags.

08-30-2011 at 5:31 PM
I say that trials should just not have been changed, the winnings I have been getting a couple months before this new change allowed me to buy one item from the monthly shop a month, and feed my dogs.Now, I trail my dogs, and I make about 150 dollars per trial. That is absolutely, ridiculously, ATROCIOUS! I cannot feed my dogs anymore! I have sold 3 of my easter bunnies in the past week to make ends meet, and I cannot continue on like this for long.

08-26-2011 at 3:44 PM
FYI,<br /> <br /> I did the math and it turns out that the average money that each account has on hand right now is about $20000. You should base the pricing for items off of that.

08-19-2011 at 5:48 PM
How about this. You could raise the prices a little bit. Maybe to 20k? But limit the quantity on each member. <br /> <br /> I've noticed that with the players with more investments tend to buy several monthly shop items then sell them for bones.

08-18-2011 at 2:14 PM
I must say I agree with Aussie.<br /> <br /> I understand our economy has changed, but I can't find myself to agree with the prices. The Scholar collar? That price made me shiver x__x

08-18-2011 at 6:14 AM
But increasing prices SUPPORTS inflation. <br /> <br /> As a well known financial adviser says "As long as prices keep rising year after year, the value of the dollar declines and people — particularly those on fixed incomes — are seriously hurt." <br /> <br />

08-17-2011 at 9:59 PM
<i>"I can see the sense behind raising the prices to help stabilize the economy."</i><br><br>This is what I don't understand. Why is it so bad that some of us have money we don't spend? I raise my money through honest means: selling training sessions, studding dogs, playing games, selling pups, selling items, trialing, etc. If I don't see something I want to buy - I don't buy it. I don't know why it's so bad for us to have lots of $$ when we don't spend it recklessly. I think the only people it would <b>really</b> be hurting would be people who don't have much money - and what would they do if the items were all increased? They'd save up until they have lots of money, and then we'd have <b>more</b> people with lots of money. I don't see how this will help the Ala economy at all. It will not encourage spending, it will encourage saving.

08-17-2011 at 9:54 PM
My personal opinion in concerns to trial dogs are not to take away from people who have worked hard or bred high total potentials by suddenly now limiting them in agility trials.<br /> <br /> That is a different kind of unfairness that punishes people for succeeding and playing all their cards right without considering alternative forms of economical balance that does not attack people who have done nothing wrong but simply strove to do their best.<br /> <br /> People who have invested time, purchase of Chances, and several energy/training items as well as perks to achieve where they stand. More importantly, people who have invested a great amount of real life money to do so.<br /> <br /> Rather than focus on punishing people who do well, I do think magical water bowl item should be made slightly less accessible.<br /> <br /> Dogs with high total potential have less of an issue multiplying at an alarming rate when the means to rear them are not rapidly easily accessed through monthly shops; but remaining a luxury commodity.<br /> <br /> I do agree that Alacrity is in need of price adjustments and ways to funnel more money out, however.

08-17-2011 at 5:11 PM
I also feel that the monthly shop price increase has been a long time coming... I've felt like it's been far too cheap for a few months, now. However, I feel $30k might be a bit drastic. I suggest the $20k-$25k instead :) $30k is overdoing it...<br /> <br /> I feel like some people are overreacting and didn't think through their responses. I know I wasn't happy with this update at first, I just gave myself a little while to get used to it *shrugs* Ala tends to turn updates to the site into drama.<br /> <br /> And don't get me wrong, I'm not a rich person! I currently have $6,107 Ala cash and 0 bones. I save up my bones and cash up to get what I want :) It might be frustrating at times to get the money together and especially will be after this change is implemented, but it's really not so bad with the money-making opportunities on Ala.<br /> <br /> I totally agree with your decision, Rob :D
edit history
2011-08-17 17:14:28 by #5594
2011-08-17 17:11:56 by #5594

08-17-2011 at 4:42 PM
The adjustment to the bone to dollar ratio is a long time coming but it isn't going to solve the problem.<br /> <br /> The problem is that altho the majority need the new trail rewards the change coincided with a bunch of people hitting the TP cap - and they are mass producing, aging and trailing dogs that are making them half a mill a day (per dog). What was supposed to be a good thing for the majority is being spoiled by the minority - and now those racing their capped dogs to the top are running everyone else out of the shows altogether and it's only going to get worse. It would be nice if those people could have been more responsible but now it's too late you can't un-ring the bell - greed has gotten the best of Ala and the little guys get to pay for it.<br /> <br /> The trail awards and entry fees need to be changed so that low TP dogs can make money trailing and aren't over run by the high TP dogs and no dog on Ala should be taking home more than $5,000 for a trail win. That will fix the economy more than raising the prices to where no one can afford to buy anything. <br /> <br /> But that's just my opinion.

08-17-2011 at 4:41 PM
The prices are reflecting the economy though. It's how life works.<br /> <br /> You can always get the items from the main stores. That's where I get most of mine. :)

08-17-2011 at 2:58 PM
Not everyone trials though. I make very little money from trials. I only have one dog I trial right now, and she's probably going to die soon. My other dogs don't have amazing TPs, considering how many monster TP dogs are out there. Plus, I don't have anything to help with training other than a SC, so it takes me forever when I do get decent TP dogs to train them. And I have to wait a while for said one dog to gain energy back to trial again. I think today is the day I've made the most from trialing, and that was 2k. I make most of my money from games, which can get me 10k daily, usually. That's no where near enough with the price increases. Occasionally I get lucky and get a lot of money in my shop till, but that's not often. And beauty shows obviously don't give out a lot.<br /> <br /> And its clear I'm not a new person having trouble with money. I've been around for over a year now. And I know there are a lot of users like me who won't be able to get anything from the monthly shop now.

08-17-2011 at 2:47 PM
I think this change is necessary. With the new trail pricing means players can earn money more easily. I don't want to see the economy crash

08-17-2011 at 2:20 PM
Guys, we should all remember that Rob is constantly adding and changing things for us all the time. This is one of the few times Rob is asking us to deal with a change that will help out our economy. We should accept it and move it. It's really your money, some will spend it, some won't. What you do with it is up to you. This is a change to help us. :)<br /> <br /> To be completely honest, I do wish this wouldn't happen however I completely understand why you are doing this. I would appreciate if you were to do 25k rather than 30k. I am looking foward to the change and the new prices.

08-17-2011 at 12:49 PM
Im actually surprised its taken this long to assess the prices!<br /> <br /> Every game goes through growing phases, the more people play the more money circulates. Ala has been open over a year now and like any normal economy there needs to be a fine balance between currency. <br /> <br /> TBH, there are not many actual money sinks within Ala. When I say money sinks, I mean where the currency is taken out of the game. There are lots of ways to earn and trade money (Trials, Shows, User Shops etc) but not many ways for the economy to balance itself naturally<br /> <br /> I FULLY support the raising of prices to reflect the current economy BUT also believe it should be revised on a more regular basis to follow the economy<br /> <br /> You dont NEED to buy every item in monthly shops and in all honestly, Ala is prob one of a handful of games that allow monthly 'premium' items to be brought for site cash and not just pure Site Credits (Bones)<br /> <br /> I buy items with both currencies in the Monthly Shop because I earn my site $$ through trials (which is a great money maker - I earn approx. 50k a day via trials) so Im totally un-bias as to prices and such
edit history
2011-08-17 12:53:20 by #15

08-17-2011 at 12:25 PM
I'm with Gamzee and Ly on this.. I'm the kind of person that sees crazy high prices and refuses to spend my money on whatever it is just because I feel like they're trying to exploit me. I'm not saying you're trying to exploit us - I can see the sense behind raising the prices to help stabilize the economy. I do think 30k/bone is a little steep, though, especially considering the current monetary output of the games, which are often relied upon for supplemental income (the highest I've ever gotten is around $1800, which is next to nothing with this new system).

08-17-2011 at 11:18 AM
I have to agree with Gamzee here. I would just end up hoarding my money more and only buy necessary things, like food. I probably wouldn't even venture into the monthly shop, when normally I go in as soon as it updates and see if there's anything I want, cause I'm usually willing to buy at least the huge bag, but with the price it'll be at? I won't even bother even if there's something I like, probably. I'll just hoard all my money.

08-17-2011 at 3:41 AM
I think 15k is alright, but 30 + 5k per bone? Isn't that a bit overpriced for the lower users? Not that I'm flaming or anything, but it's just too much for some of us who don't have PayPal and things like that. o.o<br /> <br /> And Gamzee's right; some people are just overpricing just to make a buck.

08-16-2011 at 8:15 PM
That all depends on what the buyer sees the item worth. Timestops are okay how they are now.. but 155K? Nah, I wouldn't buy that.<br>Then, there is another thread in Suggest Something that states that users have <b>too much</b> money.. but... if there were a price increase on everything, users would have to save up more money to afford them and everybody would be rich.
edit history
2011-08-16 20:16:21 by #5484

08-16-2011 at 7:08 PM
I think it's going to end up with people who say have an item they saved up for with 5 bones, say it goes up to 7 or 8 and they sell it for 6 or 7, that gives them a nice profit.


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