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Trial prizes.
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Trial prizes, as I said before, are under a period of adjustment until I figure out what lets you guys earn money, but not obscene amounts, and also lets ALL your dogs earn money from trialing instead of it costing money to trial.

They've been lowered for higher levels, but still higher than what they were at first. :)

09-2-2011 at 6:08 PM
I consider 500 or 600 to be low TP for those levels. Anything under 1k really is low there.

08-31-2011 at 2:06 PM
Top entry fee for each of the levels that people seem to be complaining about is:<br /> <br /> Dogbert $25 <br /> Scooby $75 <br /> Odie $375 <br /> Toto $750<br /> Marley $1500<br /> <br /> My second gen pitbulls with a 650 TP clear the highest Toto entry fee by $200. Realistically I wouldn't expect to take a low TP dog like that past 150 trials anyway. <br /> <br /> I am not sure what TP people are trailing that is making them loose money or "just break even" you can't expect low TP dogs to perform at the same levels as high TP dogs - it's just not realistic to think that you can rake in the money with a 300 TP custom. Yes I think there should be a lower standard entry fee per level - but as much as everyone wants more money - jacking up the winnings is not going to do any good except continue to ruin the economy.
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2011-08-31 14:07:35 by #8632

08-31-2011 at 12:35 AM
How does it get better in Toto? My toto trials cost even more to enter and give me between nothing to 100 in winnings... sometimes I go into the negatives.

08-30-2011 at 9:15 PM
I'm finding that I'm making less and less money in Odie as my dogs trial, so much so that I sometimes barely break even, depending on the tp of the dogs. It's barely worth it to trial for some of my dogs, but as I'm making the most money in Marley and then Toto, I have to go through it to get them to a point where they do make instead of lose.<br /> <br /> So, basically what Gamzee said.

08-29-2011 at 4:19 PM
I'm not even breaking even when my dogs win in Dogbert, Scooby and Odie, really.

08-28-2011 at 5:26 AM
Right now, my only Marley dog is a 3k+ dog, which I can hardly use anymore, because the trials all fill up with dogs with at least 5k TP and she wouldn't win a thing. <br /> <br /> I do what deja does and check the competition, how ever, if everyone is doing that no one would make the first entry into any trial. <br /> <br /> I have a large kennel and about 20 - 30 lower TP (under 1000) trial dogs at any given time. I barely make profit with them, and it is quite some work to enter them 2 - 3 times a day (with feeding them regularly). If I would not usually put 5 of my dogs in the same trial, I would make no money at all, or would have to wait hours for a chance to find a trial where my dogs would have a chance. <br /> <br />
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2011-08-28 05:31:51 by #6878

08-25-2011 at 10:37 AM
I like that idea, as well, Thy. I can't wrap my head around coding it, but it's a great idea!

08-23-2011 at 4:42 PM
I really like that idea, Thylacine :)

08-23-2011 at 3:56 PM
I used to trial every dog I own, and made roughly 30K a day. The other day, from trialing all my dogs, I came out about 1k ahead. That doesn't even cover the food I feed my dogs every day.<br /> <br /> One possible solution is a sloped fee/prize system. I've made an example here.<br /> <br /> <img width="400" src="http://i.imgur.com/YhfK1.png"><br /> <br /> The fee+prize ammount would rise pretty steeply with low level dogs, but the higher you get, the more that levels off (but never completely.)<br /> <br /> This would make breeding for high TP dogs worth the effort, without making money worth less than air. <br /> At no point should a dog make less money than a lower TP dog.
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2011-08-23 15:58:06 by #1625

08-23-2011 at 1:28 PM
Yes, which is why I must ask: is the real problem the amount of the winnings, or the steep entry fees at higher levels of competition? The prize multiplier stays the same throughout an entire bracket but the registration fee goes up with every win.<br /> <br /> If I enter 3 dogs for 1k each, and the top dog is at least 2500 TP (which is still pretty high) and just that dog wins, I get say 5k back. That's a whole whopping 2k profit! And how many people have 2500+ tp dogs? Under 2k is far more common, and the profit is less or non-existant.<br /> <br /> Now...realistic or not one thing that would definitely help is if 4th and 5th place still earned money. Even if ALL they get is their entry fee returned, it helps people to actually trial their lower tp dogs.<br /> <br /> In the above scenario that 5k that the winning dog earned would only have to cover its entry fee, or 1k, so 4k comes back to me, which is twice what happened above.<br /> <br /> The other thing that does need to be considered is the amount of dogs. Yes one 9k dog brings in a lot of money, but so do 20-40 2k and under dogs (at least I HOPE they do), so players with large kennels will be making more money than those with fewer dogs. I can't fathom how to even that out or even if we should, but it is something to keep in mind when considering the economy of Ala.

08-22-2011 at 11:23 PM
I make $3000 trialing 38 dogs...is it worth all that effort? Not really

08-22-2011 at 2:50 PM
With the new system I can make money with dogs with TP of 1k+, but my customs (most now in Odie level) are losing money like crazy. It costs me about $300 a pop and I win about $200-$300 with one winner, it doesn't really give me much of a profit. So like I did before the Trial Prizes were ever changed I simply do not trial them.<br /> <br /> However I do think that it would be nice to make money from them XD

08-22-2011 at 2:45 PM
Adding a unique multiplier to high TP dogs would mean losing more money, and being punished for doing well in agility trials whilst on an agility sim, if that makes sense, Kattal. ^^;<br /> <br /> As to Seyra, my point was exactly thus that it discourages people from putting more in and training the best dogs. Since there would be no point in doing so and people would be earning even more money with that unique multiplier being that everyone would be able to accomplish it easily. Which affects the current economy problem to a greater extent.<br /> <br /> It would end up being unfair to one party or another, or lowering the quality bar of dogs.<br /> <br /> Multipliers should be fair for all dogs. :) Either it is the same or it should not be implemented. Rewarding people for doing less whilst punishing people who put in more is a bit backwards in society.<br /> <br /> I do find agility tiers to be a bit unrealistic and having its own set of problems that could be wildly abused. I think much the point of Alacrity is better breeding for higher chances of winning; but that may be my personal opinion.

08-22-2011 at 2:44 PM
I'm wondering if the trial winnings have been straightened out yet? Last time I entered my dog he consistently made about $300 less than he usually does. I've frozen him for the time being, as I don't want to lose money.<br /> <br /> In regards to the TP bracketing idea, I agree with Jackdaw (even though I have to watch out for her crazy TP dogs in competitions XD) The whole point of trialing is competition, and limiting that into small categories doesn't really make sense to me. It would then just be a race to get a dog with the highest TP possible that still fits just within its bracket. <br /> <br /> I don't know about everyone else, but I don't just randomly enter my dogs into trials. I look to see what I'm competing against then try to measure my chance at winning. If you do this, you should be pretty successful. A TP bracket system would frankly make this process a lot more complicated for me. Checking out the my competitors' TP before entering is a pain as it is, having to examine each individual stat (because the TP is so close) to see if I could still win would be a ton of trouble.

08-22-2011 at 12:40 PM
I'm new here so I don't really have much experience with trialing or anything.<br /> <br /> But I think a TP Bracket (especially in the way you want to use it for) is kind of abusing the system?<br /> In real life you can't choose who you go against in Agility, you're just separated by Titles ( which is already done, by your wins ).<br /> <br /> Or, like, I really don't know. <br /> <br /> But you really shouldn't be able to put all of your dogs in one comp and then reap the benefits. >&lt;

08-22-2011 at 11:08 AM
I think the TP bracket is what should ge enforced, because today I made 3 Marley trials,entered 3 dogs in each for a total of 7k, and the trial was specifically name "Under 3k TP dogs only!" but two 8k TP Monsters entered the trial and I only made 5k back from the trial, so losing 2k a day is really making it hard for me to feed my dogs. 8P

08-21-2011 at 9:22 PM
Well...wouldn't you make more money that way anyhow Jackdaw?? I mean...I'm new but I thought it was easier to train up 3k and under TP dogs and didn't require a magical water bowl. No matter what most people have more of the lower TP dogs just because they don't require water bowls to max...don't they?

08-21-2011 at 8:40 PM
I understand your point of view, Jackdaw but as it stands, I am loosing money half the time I trial. How is that supposed to be helping?
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2011-08-21 20:46:33 by #3131

08-21-2011 at 12:20 PM
I believe the revised trial prizes are fine. :)<br /> <br /> I do not think there should be unique multipliers. Either it applies for all dogs or it shouldn't happen at all.<br /> <br /> The sim should encourage people to do better whilst finding means to correct the economy.<br /> <br /> Otherwise an individual would be making more profit rearing 1-3k TP dogs as opposed to 5-9k, because at some point they will be losing more money in entry fees and cost of used total training sessions.<br /> <br /> There would be no real meaning in raising the best dogs if using the same efforts to create a team of lower dogs will bring in more over a time comparison. Short term it will appear that high TP dogs will earn more under those types of assigned multipliers but not the case long term when -all- expenses are looked into. If I am making any sense. ^^;<br /> <br /> I like to encourage people to do more and be rewarded as opposed to lowering standards and hindering them instead of finding alternative means of fixing it when the effort involved on their behalf is taken into consideration. It would be unfair in my own opinion.

08-21-2011 at 12:06 PM
Ok I'm not sure how much things have changed since this started but I thought I might start keeping track and right away with my first set of trails, I noticed something odd. I paid $1,445 to enter my dogs in my friend's trials that they set up for me. I was the only person to enter all 3 Odie Trials. I only won $1,004 from all 3 trials. So basically I paid $441 to have my dogs enter trials and get nothing back. I don't mind the profit cuts on the trials so much but like you said, we need to be able to earn something. Thanks again for all your hard work on this problem.


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