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Spooky Tails ~ Halloween Story Contest - CLOSED
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ANY entries after October 14, 6:00PM ALA time, are disqualified.


Write a Halloween-themed short-story about a dog in your kennel!


The Rules:

1) Must be PG and comply with all site rules - NO exceptions!

2) One submission per player (not per account!).

3) 2500 word maximum limit.

4) All submissions must be posted by Friday, October 14th, at 6PM Alacrity time.

5) You must absolutely, positively, without a doubt have fun! :P Remember, it's just a contest!


And for the part you ALL want to know...


1st Place: 10 bones, 100k, and one Halloween item of your choice

2nd Place: 5 bones, 50k, and one Halloween item of your choice

3rd Place: 3 bones, 30k, and one Halloween item of your choice

Note: Please remember to make it about a dog in your kennel! This is all about your own imagination in being able to write up a short fictional story about an internet dog you own.

10-15-2011 at 6:20 PM
[Sorry for the late entry, hopefully you will not ban me from the contest. Again, i am terribly sorry.]<br /> <br /> Things are not always as they seem.<br /> <br /> By BlueRangeKennel<br /> <br /> “Come on Alue!” Blue yelled at the brindle female, “Aviator, you don’t want to be late for your first hunt, do you?” Alue pointed her ears up, her tail sweeping the ground. She let out a sharp bark for Aivator. Aviator came into the room barking. “Hush now Aviator! Let’s go guys, we need to make it before the moon is full!” with that, she opened the door. The two dogs rushed out and sat in the driveway, waiting for Blue. Blue started the four-wheeler and signaled the dogs to get on. Without questioning looks, the dogs hopped onto the four-wheeler rack. Blue changed the gear and pushed on the gas, shooting through the field to the edge of the woods. The dogs hopped off when Blue turned the four-wheeler off. “Track!” he yelled to the two. Both dogs’ heads went down, trying to pick up scent from something. It was not long before Aviator looked up at the bushes and let out a low growl. A small person stepped out. Blue raised her gun and the dogs barked like crazy. The small man stepped forward, looking down, “No! Please don’t hurt me!” Blue lowered her gun, “Are… are you ok?” she put her hand up at her dogs, settling them easily. The small man began to let out a low, devious laugh. Aviator and Alue took a couple steps back while whinning. The man looked up, his eyes shining yellow. “What the..” Blue said softly. The small man’s skin began to fall off, exposing long, black fur, his hands and feet turned into paws. His face turned wolf-like with sharp teeth and pointed ears. He pulled his arms back, snarling at the group. Blue fired her gun, hitting the werewolf in the shoulders. The werewolf flinched, blood trickling from his wound. He slapped the gun out of Blue’s hand and pinned her to the ground, letting out a devilish howl. Aviator leaped, latching onto the wolf-like creature, ripping from side to side. Alue leaped, standing on his head, and biting his muzzle. The werewolf howled in pain. He scratched Alue off and flung her into a tree. He bit Aviator, and ran off into the woods. Blue stumbled to her feet, quickly looking at the two that had protected her. Alue and Aviator stood up and opened their eyes, exposing shiney, yellow, eyes.<br />

10-15-2011 at 4:01 AM
Misty <br /> <br /> One day, in the meadow, Misty was walking through with her pups. It was about night when they went back to the house, when it wasn't there. Now Misty's all alone, having to take care of her pups.<br /> <br /> Will do more 0u0

10-14-2011 at 6:16 PM
On Halloween Night,<br /> The bats doth blow,<br /> Day will become night,<br /> The fears of all will show,<br /> <br /> When the moon is in full,<br /> A single paw step will show,<br /> All is not what it seems,<br /> And what it seems is not all,<br /> <br /> On Halloween night,<br /> The wind doth blow,<br /> Bending the trees,<br /> And bringing the snow,<br /> <br /> When the moon is in full,<br /> A single paw step will show,<br /> You know not what you think,<br /> And what you think is not so<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> The night was dark, darker than a normal evening, and the starless sky black, lightened only by a silvery disk that made its home in the heavens. Wind hissed through the tall grass, and moans echoed between the great oaks that surrounded the massive clearing. A dog, then padded hesitantly out of the tree line, her tail between her legs, and fur on end. She walked slowly, cautiously, totally unaware of my presence in the area. This was a good thing, as she should not know that I was here until necessary. I had a good view of the clearing from my perch in the dark branches in the greatest tree in the circle, a tree I liked to call the Mother Oak. The Mother had been the creator of this island, known only to its inhabitants as Alacritya. The island is a vast paradise for those who live here, but a stalking death for those who come only seeking its treasures. Many brave travelers venture to its foggy shores hoping to find wealth, fortune, and the greatest prize the island has to offer; immortality. I shook my head in disgust, not only at the fools who think they can take Alacritya’s most precious items,one being the Magical Lifelong Locket, but at those who think they can outsmart me at the deadly game they must endure to even have a chance at the prize. The young female was still slinking to the center of the clearing as I came out of my thoughts. I sighed, knowing that she wold have to die tonight, weather I liked it or not. She stopped in the middle of the field, and sat down looking up at the midnight sky. Midnight. My heart thumped with panic. Tonight was no ordinary night, it was the dark, haunting day known as All Hallows Eve. <br /> <br /> <br /> The female continued to stare at the moon, and I knew it was time to get this over with. She had chosen her fate the minute she stepped paw on this island. I silently commanded the shadows at my paws to take me to her, and at once I felt myself moving slowly down towards the tall dry grass. I positioned myself behind her and ordered the shadows away from my paws, and to the rest of my body, cloaking me in darkness.<br /> “Beautiful night we have here” I said, my voice icy.<br /> “Wha-?” The female spun to face me, and at once she was captivated by my shadows, which were wrapping around her, keeping her where she was.<br /> “You came here for a reason, young one” I said, cutting to the chase. The female glared at me with bold brown eyes.<br /> “If you know so much, then why do you not show your face?” She challenged, not at all afraid of my sudden appearance. <br /> I blanked. No one has ever challenged me. They were all too busy begging for their lives. I thought quickly.<br /> “It is better for both of us if you do not see my face.” I said. She continued to look at me oddly, but with more courage than I had seen in a while. I would humor her, she looked interesting and I was not one to waste a good toy.<br /> “I have a challenge, if you will accept. If you win, which is not likely, you get what you came here for. If I win… well, we’ll get to that when it happens.” I had laid out the laws, and now it was up to her to accept it.<br /> “What is your challenge?” She said with no hesitation. She knew what she wanted, and would apparently do anything to get it. I studied her closely, looking for any signs of fear or regret that she had come to Alacritya in the first place.<br /> “My challenge is simple” I said, about to repeat the same challenge that had been the dark end for so many before her. “You must find the true soul of the one you desire most.”<br /> “I accept your challenge.” She stated “On one condition”<br /> I looked at her shadowed face, trying to pick out any detail that she was fearful. There was none.<br /> I sighed gently “What is your condition. Speak quick female, I am losing patience quickly.”<br /> “My condition,” She said “Is that you stop being a big puppy, and show me your face like a real dog.”<br /> I hesitated. “I will not answer to you. You have no control over me. I listen to no one.” But I was unsure, I felt as if I knew this bitch from somewhere. She seemed to have the same feeling too . . . <br /> “I feel as if I know you..” She said “You seem strangely familiar” <br /> “I don’t know what you are talking about.” I lied. But it was true, I did feel as if I knew her. I ordered the shadows slightly away from my face, so that the Halloween moonlight bathed my muzzle in its eerie glow. The female gasped.<br /> “Denver…?” She gasped, a look of shock crossing her face<br /> “No.” I said, “I am the Shadow Commander. I have never known the name you call me, although I seem to know you.” She looked at me funny as I said that.<br /> “No, I would know my Denver anywhere. And you ARE him”<br /> <br /> At that very moment, hundreds of bats flooded into the clearing, taking away all light and filling the air with their hideous screeches.<br /> “Denver!” She cried, as the bats lifted her up into the air with their wings like parchment.<br /> “I am not Denver! I am the Commander! Let me show you!” I said “Shadows! Take me to the tree place!” I commanded out loud. The shadows did not move, but instead removed themselves from the female and myself, letting my true pelt to be seen. Not that it could be seen in the midst of all the bats. <br /> “Denver, it IS you! I knew it the whole time! I can see you, now please, please tell me you know who I am!” She cried desperately. I looked at her and gasped.<br /> “St- Star?” I said in disbelief. “I do know who you are…”<br /> She nodded sadly. “You went to this very island years ago in search of the cure for our ailing daughter. You never came back. I came here to find you and bring you back!” She looked down “But I came only to find you corrupted my these…. These…. Demon shadows, and captured by the bats!” I struggled through the bats over to her, which were in the middle of lowering us to the forest floor.<br /> “Don’t worry Star. I remember now. You beat me at the game that set me free from the curse that surrounds the island!” She looked up at me as the bats set us down. “You set me free.” I said again.<br /> “Yes Denver, I know. But do not fret, we are together again. And after all, it IS Halloween.”<br /> <br /> We trotted off into the forest as the bats spiraled up into the tree line, waiting to capture the next dog who steps paw on the isle… Of Alacritya.<br /> <br /> <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Aurora the pup walked ashore a beautifull island. She stepped onto the white sand and sighed. "This looks nice." She said. If only she knew. . .<br /> <br /> <br /> THE END
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2011-10-14 18:19:52 by #18381

10-14-2011 at 5:59 PM
~Story Start~<br /> It was Halloween night, and the streets were shrouded in fog. The only light came from the street lamps that left only small circles of light on the ground, and the full moon overhead that stared down on the lone Sheep dog. The little dog known as Alina scurried between the tiny pockets of light, constantly looking behind her, and in the shadows, letting out a little whimper when the wind blew along one of the deserted buildings, making a low howling noise. Suddenly, Alina heard the crack of a twig, and quickly spun around to her left, peering into the shadows as a pair of blazing amber eyes stared back at her. “wh-who’s there?” Alina softly whimpered to the figure in the shadows. There was no answer, all she see were those blazing amber eyes that gazed at her with the intensity of the sun. All of a sudden, there was a low and menacing growl from behind Alina, so she spun around in her little circle of light to face another pair of eyes, but these eyes were not amber, they glowed an eerie green and another snarl rippled over from the figure. Then, in a flash, the green eyed figure charged Alina, flashing razor sharp fangs and claws. Alina was glued to the spot, frozen between shock and horror, so she closed her eyes and waited for the impact. But it never came. Alina slowly opened her eyes to see what had happened, and saw two wolves, standing on their hind feet, locked in an intense growling match, and that’s when she noticed the one wolf’s eyes, the same burning amber that had been staring so intently at her not even a minute before. Alina was so touched that this stranger would risk his neck for her that she gained the mobility back in her legs, and when the green eyed wolf threw down her new found friend, she filled with a burning rage and jumed at him with a cry of “NO!” that echoed throu the empty streets…<br /> <br /> thats all for now, hope you enjoyed it!! =3

10-14-2011 at 5:39 PM
Ok, I was in a rush because I failed and had to rewrite it in 2 hours so here it is-<br /> It stars-<br /> Dead Glory<br /> Pumpkin<br /> Spook<br /> <br /> The wind ruffled my thin fur. The darkness concealed me, matching my black pelt and the only thing you could see from a distance was a pair of glowing, hardly green eyes. My cousin, Pumpkin, sat in the corner of our yard, whereas his orange and brown fur was illuminated by the full moon. It was cold, as every Halloween would be, and is. I shivered slightly as my black fur soaked in the remaining heat from today. My owners were out trick-or-treating, as they called it, and they had enough heart to leave us outside rather than in. I stalked over to Pumpkin and sat next to him. I lay my head down between my head between my front paws and almost as soon as I did, I had to lift it up in fright as I heard the most deafening, terrorizing scream. It sounded much like a human, but distorted in many ways, words garbled as it screeched, earsplitting, and I jerked my body up. Pumpkin gave me a funny look, “W-w-what was that?” I stammered. Pumpkin stood up “What are you talking about, it’s totally silent here” He grumbles. <br /> I stare at him in disbelief, wondering how he did not catch that shriek. It continued, coming closer and I gazed around intently, shivering and not only from the cold. I began to walk and then I stopped dead in my tracks. My side had just rubbed against something I knew from heart never was here before. It was ice cold and hard, like metal that was frozen over. I looked up to see glowing red eyes and turned and ran in the other direction. After about a minute of running a gust of wind came from my side and I rammed face first with another wall. Only this wasn’t a wall, it was the same creature I ran against before. It was impossible! No creature, not even a cheetah, could run that fast! A shudder emitted though my entire body, ears to tail tip, as I gazed at those blood red eyes. The creature snarled at me and I looked back to where Pumpkin was, giving me a quizzical look. Surely he would notice this petrifying shadow chasing me! I began to back away but rammed into ice again and the creature was on all sides, giving me an amused smirk. I snarled and attempted to tackle it. Once I got onto its body I was immediately thrown off, rammed against a wall while the creature bared its teeth at me. The moon illuminated it and it took all my remaining breath away. The dog was grinning at me. He was covered in matted black fur, what looked like dried blood on it. It looked like a zombie straight out of a horror movie! I yelped and it growled. Fangs. It had Fangs! One word screamed in my mind Vampire. But it was all bloody and gory as well. It leaned its head closer and I slithered back. As it was touching my neck the weight suddenly vanished. I scrambled up to look at my savior. It was a large dog, like a German shepherd. It was also pitch black and I swear it smiled right in my face.<br /> It grabbed the beast and threw it away, yelping as it flung through open space and disappeared like a mirage, only a weak being could dream of. <br /> The German shepherd stalked up to me, “Are you all right? Nasty things, those are! I’m Spook by the way” She said in a friendly manner. I nodded “D-d-dead G-glory” I stammered. She nodded thoughtfully, “I better go now, more people need my help” She called and winked before she disappeared as quickly as she appeared.<br /> I sighed and walked to where Pumpkin was “What happened, nightmare? You were screaming and stuttering and fighting like you’re life depended on it” He said, clueless as to what happened. My life really was in danger and my best friend didn’t even know it. I sighed and heard the excited screams I recognized as none other but my masters. I sighed, perfect timing. The back door opened and a dark figure walked out, my master. I walked to it, gazing at the hills. I swear I saw a large figure on it, her eyes illuminated as the moon lit her up. I could have sworn she smiled and winked before she disappeared. I sighed, hoping I would see that friendly face again as I raced inside to my warm home.<br />

10-14-2011 at 4:36 PM
This thing is only a story, mind you! These personalities were only made up, and the dogs included aren't really that sort of dogs, so here we go~<br /> <br /> <center>~~</center><br /> <br /> <i>You come across a home, what now looks like a haunted house, so bedraggled and broken down. You then see an old man seated at its gates, and you ask, ‘Sir, why is this house like this? Couldn’t it have been beautiful before?’<br /> <br /> ‘Not so long ago, in the first year into the first decade of the 21st centurion, there was a pack of German Shepherds who restlessly haunted the shadows,’ he rasps in his old voice. ‘Want to know why? Come closer then, my child, and let me tell you a story of a young boy's small pack of dogs.’</i><br /> <br /> There was a young boy, the age of around fifteen or so—curse my failing memory—whose name was Albert. Albert was around the size of two German Shepherds stacked together, with dark brown hair and beautiful, glowing blue eyes. He loved the outdoors, always helping in his mother’s beautiful garden, which is the reason why there is field over field in the property of their home. He was the only child in the family, and while he could be very polite out of his home, he was very, very spoiled to the point of pain.<br /> <br /> One day, his father brought home a German Shepherd. It was a…male, I reckon, having the color of liver and a very, very dark brown to the point of blackness, with brown eyes. Albert was overjoyed when he saw the puppy, and fell in love with it. He named it Night Stalker, since the dog looked like he did stalk the darkness.<br /> <br /> They did all kinds of things together: playing in the garden, reading, listening to music, sharing the silence. But as time went on, Albert grew bored of Night Stalker, and soon, he was begging for more German Shepherd puppies. When his father said Night Stalker was enough, he started trashing the home. Day after day, when his parents refused to get him another dog, he would do something drastic, like breaking the whole of his mother’s beautiful English china—or her whole set of delicate, intricately designed ceramic plates, hurting the servants, or even worse, hurting poor Night Stalker.<br /> <br /> Upon the suffering of the dog thy agreed to get him another puppy, but <b>just</b> this last time. Albert was happy with his new puppy, naming the black and white German Shepherd girl Charcoaled Snow. The three played happily for a time, then Albert asked for another puppy. His parents said no.<br /> <br /> Again, he threw tantrums all around, getting mad at his parents or anyone that hadn’t even had an inkling about why he was like that or what happened for him to be like that or why they were affected even if they weren’t a part of the problem. Long story short—sorry for my failing memory—he had asked for four more German Shepherds after Night Stalker.<br /> <br /> Then, on his walks, he saw a near-black and brown German Shepherd, much like Night Stalker. But the only difference was the glowing blue eyes.<br /> <br /> Nothing else in the world made him flinch but this. He wanted this. He wanted—no, needed—to have that dog for himself.<br /> <br /> For months, he plagued his home with tantrums, breakage, and a sort of torture of his own dogs.<br /> <br /> His parents have had enough.<br /> <br /> They left for only a while, leaving the servants in charge—but who were they to order Albert around, after all? He took full control of the home, and before long, his servants either quit their job or was fired out of it. Albert was then left alone with his dogs, and started to cry. Reasoning out with his mind, he started to get angrier and angrier, knowing full well his parents left because they didn’t like him anymore.<br /> <br /> ‘Well, who cares about them if they don’t care for you?’ he said, and started doing the only thing that satisfied him the most: hurting his dogs.<br /> <br /> Day after day, they received wounds from him: scratches, gashes, bruises that hurt so much they can barely stand.<br /> <br /> One day, when Albert was about to strike the dogs, they started snarling. It was the first time someone ever stood up to him, and it was a dog.<br /> <br /> He cracked the whip he had in his hand. ‘Don’t you dare!’ he snarled harshly. Only heaven knows how he got that whip.<br /> <br /> Some of them crouched in fear, but Night Stalker continued to snarl fearlessly. Soon, the others did so too.<br /> <br /> Albert felt his energy drain from him as fear crawled up on his spine. Night Stalker took a step forward, and Albert took one step back. Slowly, they advanced, until they had Albert cornered. Night Stalker barked once, and they attacked in a flurry of fur and flailing arms. Screams of terror were head across the mansion and out into the fields as the German Shepherds took their revenge. When the dust had settled and the dogs had stepped back, panting, all the was left was a bleeding mass of muscle and bone. They then left to let him bleed to death. When his parents came back, all they found was rotting meat and bones.<br /> <br /> The thirst they felt when they attacked Albert felt good, I suppose, because they started hurting people everywhere: in the alleys, in the streets, but only at night, when their movements are unseen.<br /> <br /> Until now, these dogs haunt even the walls of the alleys you look into, the streets you walk, the dark rooms you skulk in, even the German Shepherd you have might have the spirit of these dogs.<br /> <br /> <i>The old man laughs, and you hear something that turns your head. You see five outlines of German Shepherds crouching in an attack stance, teeth bared, and you’re sure Night Stalker and Charcoaled Snow themselves have appeared.<br /> <br /> Fear creeps up your spine, and you reach for the old man. You’re sure he’s right in front of you, but when you face him, there’s nothing there: no squashed grass, no footprints. It was as if he wasn’t there.<br /> <br /> ‘Erm, nice doggies,’ you say in an attempt to be nice.<br /> <br /> They straighten as you speak at Night Stalker’s command, and you seem to understand what he says as he barks.<br /> <br /> ‘You hurt my kin, you face us,’ he says, and they diverge to let you pass.<br /> <br /> You sprint away in fear, not knowing why these dogs have come to warn you. But one thing is sure: these dogs are dead serious.</i>
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2011-10-14 16:37:48 by #11652

10-14-2011 at 4:28 PM
Yay! I finshed, here it is:<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Starring:<br /> <a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/dog.php?id=91058">Skid</a> (Main Character)<br /> <a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/dog.php?id=86522">Scamp</a><br /> <a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/dog.php?id=77689">Diablo</a><br /> <a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/dog.php?id=46227">Deniigi</a><br /> <br /> “Scram mutt!” the harsh words rung in <a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/dog.php?id=91058">Skid</a>'s ears as she slinked her slim, beaten up frame through the boards of a broken down fence. Hours of searching in the queer city had again, earned her nothing but abuse. She didn’t understand, but faded flashes of a faint memory kept her looking; a tight hug, laughter, security, her master’s cologne, and a small girl clinging to a kind man. Then screams, flames, smoke and cold sensations she had never known back then. Fear, pain and loneliness, now constantly tormenting her. She remembered the urgent voices of strange men, the scent of blood, a siren, shouts for her to stop. Then her lungs burning as she realized her instincts had kicked in, she was running, faster then she had ever run before, oblivious to where going. <br /> <br /> All that was behind her now. Weeks had past, yet she hadn’t given up on the hope that her family was still waiting for her. Once a healthy, robust German Shepherd she was now gaunt, with scars and matted fur. A loud clink of cans jarred Skid from her dismal state of mind. “Who’s there?” she yelped. <br /> “Only an old timer searching for some scraps.” a gruff bark replied. Cautiously edging closer to the dumpster next to the beaten up fence. “Where are you from?” she questioned.<br /> “I'm a stray, as I presume you are too?”<br /> “A stray? I’m no stray, I'm part of a family i’m..i’m just lost...” Mystified she looked around “I don’t see you...where are hiding?” A surprisingly small dog, for such a deep voice jumped out a pile of rubbish. “<a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/dog.php?id=86522">Scamp</a> at your service.” He sniffed her curiously, then went back to the rubbish “You’ve left quite a bit of good food here.”<br /> “You call that food?” Skid almost wretched on the spot.<br /> “That’s all you can get in this place. What do you eat?”<br /> “Left out cat food” <br /> Now it was Scamps turn to gang “Eww, here try this pork rib, it’s much better.”<br /> It was much better, Skid gnawed on it while Scamp questioned her. “What brings you so far from your family any how?”<br /> “We got err, separated...” she described the horrible night.<br /> “You were part of that big ol’ wild fire that licked away half the village? How did you get away?” he asked, obviously impressed.<br /> Skid more embarrassed then ever muttered “I bolted” she hung her head “I deserted my family.”<br /> “Well, you saved your own skin and that’s what’s important!” He said unaware of her shame.<br /> Skid glared at him, “No it’s not, I need to find them again.” she growled. Suddenly hopeful she asked, her eyes begging, “Do you think you could help me?” <br /> “Well I--” he stopped abruptly, “Did you hear that?” he asked urgently. maning up her ears, Skid nodded silently. Suddenly, the fence rattled violently, as a huge, blood red Pit bull emerged through the broken planks, sending splinters of wood flying through the air. <br /> “What’re you punks doing on my turf?” His deep throaty growl instantly cut through stunned the silence like a knife. Threateningly he bared his fangs, revealing sharp blood stained canines as he growled, “Scram!”. Skid and Scamp didn’t hesitate as they bolted out of the alley. <br /> “ D-Did you see that monster?” Skid stammered. “Gosh his fur was red, like really red! It’s a good thing we got away, I bet he would of eaten us alive! Did you see his eyes, they were white! Is that natural?” Skid babbled on, her eyes filled with fear and awe. <br /> “Woah slow down! Aye, that was <a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/dog.php?id=77689">Diablo</a> he’s the gang lord around here. Steer clear of his kind. But it’s not just pit bulls, he takes huskies, border collies, even corgis like me! You’ll be able to tell them apart by their a spiked collars. Nobody knows why he’s red, some say it’s from the blood of his victims, some think he ways born with it, but I say his owner dyed him. His eyes are albino white.” Scamp replied grimly. “But to answer your question, I supposed I could help you, but don’t be disappointed if we don’t find them. They abandoned you.”<br /> Skid regarded him solemnly, “They’re not like that. Thanks, for you support though. With two us we’re sure to find them.” With that she stared off into space looking wistful. Sensing she was a million miles away, Scamp thought about the owners he had once had, they had been horrible, cruel and taunting. He remembered how they had left chained out in the rain with a tattered rope, the mad laughter as they pelted him with beer cans. After much gnawing he had freed himself. Shaking the nightmare away he decided he would never trust a human no matter what Skid said. Never.<br /> After a few more miles, they reached another village. The sound of traffic, children’s laughter, faint music and the general hubbub one would usually here in a busy city. The scent of fall, fresh baked bread and gasoline hit their senses. <br /> “Where are we?” Skid inquired peering into the city curiously.<br /> “A new place, with new people, your family must have moved after their house burnt down. Tomorrow night they will have a large festival with every child in the city out on the streets, do you think you could sniff out your owner?”<br /> “Positive.” Once again Skid’s eyes danced with hope.<br /> “All right then, we should scavenge for our supper now.” <br /> After a sweep of the alleys and twenty minutes of searching through trash cans, the result was several half eaten sandwiches, beef jerky, third of a steak, and scraps. <br /> Cold night had come and gone in the blink of an eye. Skid woke with a start, Scamp was gone. Rising she glanced up at the looming buildings, feeling small and insignificant as doubt swept over her like a dark, heavy cloud, how she possibly find her family in such a large city? She decided to explore. The store fronts were decorated with leering pumpkins, pale ghosts and mechanical witches eternally stirring bubbling cauldrons. She shrank away from a large man angrily shouting at a young boy. The streets roared with traffic, she nearly got hit by a passing bus as she scurried to the other side. She roamed the streets until, weary of the endless store fronts, cars and scary decor, slunk into an alley and fell asleep. <br /> She awoke to Scamp lick her ear. “Where the heck were you? I went out to scavenge and when I came back you were gone!” he grumbled, though she could see his eyes were saying he was delighted to see her again.<br /> “I’m so glad to see you! I thought you had abandoned me. I was exploring, there are so many people here! Some of them are dressed funny though, does it have something to do with the children festival?” She replied, equally delighted to see him.<br /> “You mean Halloween? Yes it does. Humans dresses up today and they scare each other while handing out food to children. It’s getting dark you’ll see.” <br /> <br /> Skid considered this carefully, she was puzzled as to why humans would dress up and scare each other, but if it meant she might find her family she was all for it. They left to find a street of houses and waiting in the landscaping. When darkness fell at last a rather small Vampire and Zombie emerged from the house, the other houses too had unreal monsters and all sorts of children wearing odd things coming out. Skid approached them cautiously, “Come on let’s see where they’re going.” <br /> “They should be knocking on doors for food” Scamp informed her “I’ve seen it happen every year in other cities.”<br /> But the children didn’t knock on doors for food, they joined other princesses, fairies, goblins, zombies, firefighters, ghosts, monsters, and variously dressed children some even had dogs dressed up accompanying them. They all seemed to by walking towards the center of the city.<br /> “I pity that poor husky, he looks like he’s dressed up as some sort of machine with a silly hat, it looks very uncomfortable and humiliating.” Skid pointed out.<br /> “Aye, that he does” Scamp agreed. “Maybe he’ll know what’s going on, c’mon let’s ask.” Since the husky was near the edge they didn’t have to push through the crowd very much. “Oy! Machine boy, what’s up with this parade of children?” Scamp barked loud enough to be heard above the chattering children.<br /> “I am not a Machine, it’s an Steampunk Exo Outfit” The husky replied haughtily. Tilting his nose up slightly. Scamp rolled his eyes at Skid “And we are on our way to the Haunted Mansion in town square.” He informed them proudly, as if it was his mansion. <br /> “Will all the children in the city be there?!?!” Skid asked hardly trying to contain her excitement.<br /> “Why of course, and some from miles around I wound presume. It’s quite famous you know.” He said disdainfully looking them up and down, but I don’t suppose you would. With that he swaggered off to catch up with as his owner called “<a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/dog.php?id=46227">Deniigi</a>! Here poochie, don’t get too close to those savage strays.” Disgusted, Skid and Scamp hung back. <br /> “What an arrogant stuck up husky.” Skid remarked.<br /> “Aye, that’s what most of those rich dogs are like, his owner must have spent a fortune on that costume.” Scamp agreed.<br /> “Hey lets start searching!” Skid yelped, suddenly remembering her mission. Scamp was about to reply, but Skid had already bursted into the crowd. Scamp followed doubtfully, as if she would ever find them amongst all these different smells! Skid however, was full of hope. She was so eager to find them she tripped on some kids costumes.<br /> When the large group of kids and dogs finally caught sight of the mansion Skid also saw hundreds of cars, and large groups of trick or treaters already entering the mansion, but the most unbelievable sight was the mansion itself, it was huge! Bigger then any building Scamp had every seen, so big intact that she had no doubt all the kids, dogs and adults would fit. Surrounding the mansion were stands full of candy run by adults with silly costumes. There were even rides set up for the kids to ride on, But in front of it all was a large iron gate with a man punching slips of paper. “What’s that man doing?” Scamp asked. <br /> “He’s punching tickets, we’ll either need to get an owner fast, or go on a more...unusual path.” With that he ran ahead of the group to a the back mansion. “You any good at jumping?”<br /> “Uhh I guess so.” Skid replied.<br /> “Good, you’re gonna have to give me a lift, i’m horrible at it.” Scamp confessed.<br /> “Where do you want me to jump?”<br /> “Through that broken window.” Scamp looked up at it, “Maybe I better stay down here after all.” He said nervously looking at the window. It was 4 feet up with broken shards of glass around the base. <br /> “All right then, if I don’t come back you’ll know I've found them. Take care, and thanks for everything.” With that Skid licked Scamp and backed up a few paces then launched through the window. <br /> Once she was inside she a ghost leaped out at her, she howled and ran straight passed it under a table full of gummy body parts kids were eating. Skid warily got up and search, hours had gone by and still nothing. She was hopelessly lost in a mansion with endless hallways. She whimpered softly to herself, finally realizing that it would be impossible to find them out of all these people. <br /> A scent reached her nostrils, it was that cologne her master always wore. She walked toward it, a sight she would never forget caught her eye, a man with a small girl walking towards her. With a joyous yip she bounded toward them. The man looked at her with an astonished expression “Skid? Is that you girl?”<br />
edit history
2011-10-14 16:33:44 by #6922

10-14-2011 at 3:53 PM
[Intro]<br /> A Dog of the colors black and white look out the window, With the corner of her eye she spooted something it was furry and it had huge teeth..........<br /> <br /> Story<br /> The wonder Dog<br /> A dog named Phantom looked out the window, and out of the corner of her eye she barley spooted something but she hurried off and turned her head that way. It was somthing large and it had big teeth.<br /> <br /> Phantom went outside to further invetigate what she had seen, But as soon as she turned her head something else was their it was something green with antenna like things sticking out of his head She walked up to it and it had turned she grolwed and then hurried and ran off behind the bushes without knowing the Green thing was following her by the Chims of her tags on her collar.<br /> <br /> She ran off only to run into the big furry thing with large theeth. It turned around at her and she looked at it. It tried to grab her and she was terrifed.<br /> <br /> Someone came and picked her up and brought her home Only for her to get away again to try to find out what the Big dog type thing was.<br /> She ran behind a tree when it turned or behind a posh or under a car. Until she finally ran and jumped up on it and bite the head she thought she had killed it when the head came off but only to find out it was a kid just dressed up as a Werewolf. the kid yelled at her to give his mask back she ran away real fast.<br /> <br /> She spotted a cat layin in the middle of the street. She rran towrds it to investigate. She walked real slowly almost like a soilder crawling on th ground she leaped up like a frog and begain to chase the cat only to watch it run up a tree. She was frustrated at it, Again someone saw her and grabbed her to bring her back home and thats when her owners found out she had been out running he streets just to find something to do and protect the family from a crook who has been missing and it turns out the werewolf was the crook and was arrested and Phantom became a certifed Police dog.<br /> <br /> Happy Halloween

10-13-2011 at 10:22 PM
Disqualifying myself at 3313 words, so I'll take an honorable mention instead ;P<br /> <br /> Nah, I did this for fun and for others to enjoy.<br /> <br /> For your reading pleasure:<br /> <br /> <a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/forums.php?boardid=9412&category=Writing+Display">ZJ's Choose your Own Halloween Adventure</a>

10-13-2011 at 7:02 PM
It was halloween, and Duke was trick or treating with his friend Max and they heard someone walking behind them. They turned around and no one was there. They kept walking. "Let's go run across the field, on the other side is where all the good stuff is!" Max said wagging his fluffy tail.<br /> After soon, they looked around and there was nothing but fog...They ran for miles but there was no end. They were stranded.<br /> After a day of walking, they hooked chains together so they wouldn't lose each other. Now, every now and then you will hear there chains dragging slowly behind them.<br /> <br /> <br /> Sweet Dreams ;)

10-13-2011 at 6:45 PM
The Shadow Man<br /> By: TaylorAshley<br /> Starring: Khala the German Shepherd<br /> <br /> Halloween was a curious time for Khala. It was a night where the human pups ran from house to house, dressed in strange clothing. Such odd things the humans did! But Khala had accepted this routine, much as she had accepted the decorated tree in the house, or the egg hiding in the yard. When it got late, Khala’s boy would return home and dump dozens of treats onto the floor. He would then sort through it all, and even eat a few. Khala would lie beside him and watch, though she was never permitted to have any. This Halloween however, the adult humans decided to leave; leaving Khala and the boy with a female human Khala came to know as the sitter. <br /> The man and woman exchanged a few words with the sitter, and then patted Khala on the head on the way out and told her to “be a good girl”. The Sitter closed the door then immediately trotted to the human food box in the kitchen. Khala snorted, for she didn’t care too much for the sitter as she found her to be very loud and not very attentive. With a shake of her body, Khala made her way to the boy’s room down the hall. She poked her head in the open doorway, and listened to the boy’s breathing. Content that he was sound asleep and safe, Khala began to walk back down the hall. She halted as she suddenly felt his presence, and the fur along her spine began to prickle. She turned around to see the shadow man standing at the end of the hall, right next to the boy’s bedroom door.<br /> Khala had encountered the shadow man a few times before, but he always made his appearance when all the humans were gone and Khala was home alone. He was very strange indeed, for he didn’t have any features. He was just a hazy black mass in the form of a human. What really unnerved Khala was that he had no scent, was silent, and was able to walk through walls. But, Khala was always able to get the shadow man to go away with a threatening growl or a sharp bark. She eyed the shadow man and gave him a low growl. He didn’t move. Khala took a few stiff-legged steps toward the shadow man and growled louder. <br /> The shadow man suddenly disappeared from the end of the hall way, but Khala could still feel him. He wasn’t gone yet. She walked into the boy’s room to see the shadow man standing right by the boy’s bed. Khala let loose a stream of infuriated barking, and the shadow man disappeared right as Khala felt a hand grab her collar. It was the sitter, and Khala sensed she was angry. The boy sat up in his bed and mumbled something, and the sitter said something back to him, and he laid back down. The sitter started pulling Khala out of the boy’s room and down the hallway, saying something over and over that sounded like “bad dog.”<br /> Khala struggled and pulled back but the sitter grabbed her collar with both hands, and then pushed her out the back door into the backyard. As soon as Khala turned around to bolt back inside, the door was slammed in her face. She whined and clawed at the door. Didn’t the sitter know that the boy was in danger? Khala paced back in forth, and then bounded to the boy’s window. Standing on her hind legs, she peeked in his bedroom. There was no sign of the shadow man. She jumped down as she heard the sound of a car in the driveway. Could the man and woman be back? They could save the boy from the shadow man! <br /> Khala ran to the fence to see an unfamiliar male human get out of the car, and coming up to meet him was the sitter. They talked back and forth and Khala saw the sitter look back at the house several times, before she got in the car and left. No! How could she leave? The boy was in danger! Khala ran back to the boy’s window to see the shadow man looking out at her. He waved a hand at her, and Khala started barking furiously as he left the window. She had to get inside. With a jolt Khala remembered the living room window was cracked open. She quickly bounded around the side of the house to the window, and with her muzzle, she opened up the window enough to get her head and legs through.<br /> As she squirmed in, her shoulders opened the window enough for her to get her whole body through. She leapt halfway across the living room then sprinted down the hallway. Khala skidded to a halt inside the boy’s bedroom doorway. There was no sign of the shadow man. She stood in the doorway, confused. Suddenly, she heard a whistle from the end of the hallway. Khala turned around with a snarl to see the shadow man. With teeth bared, Khala charged the shadow man, a feral growling rumbling deep in her chest. She leapt at him, and with a snap of her teeth, he disappeared. She quickly turned and ran back to the boy’s room, and stood by his bed.<br /> With her hackles raised, Khala faced the doorway. As she expected, the shadow man appeared. She knew she had no means of communication with the shadow man, but she sent as much meaning as she could into one low growl. 'You will never harm him. Not while I’m around.' Even though Khala was never able to sense any feelings from the shadow man like she could humans, he had an air of defeat about him. He stood in the doorway for one moment longer, then, like always, he disappeared without a trace. Khala jumped onto the boy’s bed and curled around him protectively. The boy was still sleeping soundly, unharmed. <br /> Khala didn’t know what the shadow man wanted with him, but it didn’t matter. She knew the shadow man was gone for good. Eventually the sitter came back, and said something disapproving about Khala being on the boy’s bed, but Khala didn’t move a muscle. Sometime after that, the man and woman returned and called for her to come greet them, but Khala still refused the leave the boy’s bed. After the sitter left, the man and woman settled into their bed. The house was quiet, peaceful. Content that everyone was safe, Khala listened to the boy’s soft breathing, and slowly drifted off to sleep.<br />
edit history
2011-10-13 18:54:47 by #17104
2011-10-13 18:51:05 by #17104

10-13-2011 at 3:38 PM
Lilly's Story<br /> <br /> Lilly lie still next to Marisol, "come on girl" she whispered. They jumped up the stairwell, only to feel a blast a icy cold wind in their faces. Lilly's black fur was bristling a a creek in the door sounded. A giant oger stood in front of them. Marisol screamed and tried to run but Lilly stood fast, she let of a shriek as the giant picked her up. "Hiya" it muffled from behind. "Cougar?" Marisol whispered. "Yep" it muttered, Marisol removed the mask and laughed, blushing. She was embarresed for screaming but she walked inside. In the end, Lilly lie down next to the couch, a bowl full of dog biscits.

10-13-2011 at 1:44 PM
This is Amanda's story <br /> <br /> One night i was in my bed when i heard knock knock at the door.I barked "owner someone is at the door".She came running down. "Good girl Amanda you did the right thing heres a treat".She answered the door i heard "trick or treat".I ran to her and grab the candy "here you go little girl" "thank you"."ok now Amanda you have to get in your costume". "Ok i guess so but,I have no costume"."well i can get you one what do you want to be"?"i guess a ghost under the night stars"."ok"."let's go get your costume"We got my costume.then we went to go trick or treating but heres i thing it was not night yet so we waited a little then we went out. Icame back with 10 pillow cases full of candy the end! :)

10-13-2011 at 12:30 AM
Burning blues halloween story...<br /> after takeing a bath my owner left to get some more food so i sat down in front of the door and waited for her to come back. i waited about three hours before i heard a scratching on the window i looked over to see if it was one of those pesty cats but nothing was there so i walked back to the door but as i turned the hallway door creeked open so i ran there and again saw nothing. when i got back to the door i layed down and as soon as i did so the fire place started but instead of the blazeing redish yellow it was a blueish green and very hot. i decided to see what exactly was going on and so i ran around the house and then when i got to the downstairs door i say a black creature out of the corner of my eye.when i turned there was nothing there so i went back to the door and then i heard a growl and saw a lineless dog its eyes glowin in the darkness its dim see through markings seemed to shine in the fires light and when i went to see if it was another dog in the kennel it disappeared and thats when i got scared. i turned around and saw it scratching the wall the turned my head again to see it amazeingly opening the door to the hallway and then i heard the front door open i stared in hope of my owner comeing in but nothing came through the open passegway and so i nudged it shut then i went to try and sleep and heard the door open once more this time i heard footsteps and looked up to see my owner comeing in the door happy as could be i jumped on her causeing her to drop all her bags but she just laughed and picked them up once more and so as she went to put them up i decided to sleep and as i closed my eyes i saw the angered dog spirit looking at me with plain anger...

10-12-2011 at 10:53 PM
Astaria wandered through the streets on the eve of Halloween. She was trying to find that perfect doggy costume, but every single one she saw, she didn't like. She was sad that she wouldn't be able to go to Casey's Halloween party with an awesome costume. Astaria wanted to show u, since Casey was her best friend, but she didn't have the right costume. When Casey announced her party, she told everyone to wear amazing costumes. Seems like everyone would be going except her.<br /> <br /> Astaria kept strolling through the street, looking in the shops' windows, hoping to find something. As she window shopped, Astaria could hear footsteps behind her. She turned around, but no one was there. Astaria ignored it, but she heard it again 15 minutes later. She turned around and still, no one was there. Astaria thought it would be best to head home now. She walked a little faster and heard footsteps moving faster to catch up with her. She began to run and disappeared down an alley, hoping to lose the footsteps. When she thought all was safe, she continued her way down the alley. As Astaria was exiting the alleyway, a large figure jumped in front of her yelling in her face, "Boo!" Astaria yelped in fright and cringed backwards. The figure took a step back into the light of the street lamps and now Astartia was able to see who it was. It was her friend Xander, dressed as a gentleman with a top hat, spats, a tuxedo, and a monocle hanging off his eye. <br /> <br /> "Hey Astaria, I've been looking everywhere for you!" He yipped. Astaria smiled and walked closer to him. <br /> <br /> "Why were you looking for me?" She asked him curiously.<br /> <br /> He smiled,"Because I found you the perfect costume!"He exclaimed. "Come on, it's at the kennel." He yipped. Astaria followed him and they both went home to see the costume.<br /> <br /> When they got to the kennel, Xander revealed the costume he found for her. It was an Egyptian Princess Costume, with the scarab necklace, the golden tiara, and the Nemes Headdress. Astaria barked happily. "It's perfect, thank you Xander!"<br /> <br /> At Casey's party, everyone had a blast. They all played party games and bobbed for biscuits in the tub. Astaria was happy to finally have her greatest costume yet. She smiled at all of her friends and had so much fun. This was her favorite Halloween that she would never forget.<br /> <br /> -THE END<br /> <br /> Happy Halloween! =)

10-12-2011 at 6:13 PM
{Not a true story}<br /> Halloween Hero<br /> By Dionalli, featuring Wisteria<br /> ~:*:~~:*:~<br /> Beep! Beep! Beep!<br /> The alarm was loud, insistent and very annoying. I groaned and rolled over, but still it rang. I couldn’t stand it for more than a minute, before I dragged my butt out of bed to turn the thing OFF! My stunning Pit Bull, Wisteria, was snoozing on her doggy bed in the corner of my room, twitching as she chased imaginary rabbits in her sleep. Grinning at how cute she looked, I gave a short, sharp whistle. In almost an instant, Wisty was awake, wagging her brindled tail sleepily. I crouched down to give her a fuss, scratching her chin gently, just where she liked it. Her snowy-coloured jaws gaped in an enormous yawn as we headed downstairs for breakfast. <br /> ~:*:~<br /> The newspaper rustled as I grabbed it off the doormat. My pumpkin grinned evilly at me from where it sat on the porch step. It was Halloween day, so most of the people on our street had pumpkins and lights and fake gravestones. My neighbour had a gravestone (made of cardboard) saying ‘died on the toilet’ with a roll of toilet paper strewn over the earth. In good spirits, I headed back inside to get my cereal. Sitting at the table, eating a hearty bowl of Golden Grahams, I listened to Wisty crunch up her dog biscuits. She finished, naturally, before I had even eaten a quarter of my breakfast. As I flicked boredly through the newspaper, I heard Wisty scrabble at the back door, until the handle clicked and it opened. The smart dog had quickly figured out THAT trick. I now had a bolt on the top corner; otherwise she would be out at all hours barking at squirrels, which highly displeased the neighbours. Turning my attention back to the paper, I skimmed through the pages with little interest, until one article caught my eye. It said;<br /> ‘Horse Thieves Sighted!’<br /> It basically said that there were two or three people going from ranch to ranch, stable to stable, seeing if any horses caught their eye. So far, eight horses had been stolen without a trace and the police had no evidence or clues to who the suspect was. I shuddered at the thought of my own mare, a pretty grey warmblood called Asha, being stolen away to who-knows-where. I started as something cold nudged my arm, only to relax as I realized it was only Wisty. She had sat down and was looking at me expectantly. I glanced at the clock, which read 9:45. Time to head down to the stables. I checked briefly that I had everything – boots, helmet, costume, lunch, Wisty – and then we were off.<br /> ~:*:~<br /> 8PM. Most of the stable’s riders had left, but the small number who were still here were in a flourish of activity. There was a big Halloween party at the farm down the road, so I was headed down there with my two best friends Ashlin and Faye for some Halloween fun. Wisty was tied next to Asha’s stall, watching me curiously. Both dog and horse had been bathed, unwillingly in Wisteria’s case, so their coats were clean and bright. I wore snowy jods and a long shirt with my best pair of Dressage boots. Having polished Asha’s saddle and bridle, the black leather gleamed against her pale gray coat. We were dressing up (kind of) because there was to be a big costume contest at the farm, with the prize being a month’s worth of ice cream coupons. My friends Ashlin and Faye were also dressed up; Ashlin, on a golden mare called Spain, was dressed up as an Angel, her long hair flying loose in the wind. Faye had a completely different look, dressed all in black. She was riding as a Headless Horsewoman, on her sweet Piebald Hopscotch. At 6:30 we all left together, riding at the back of the mob of riders; the Headless Horsewoman, the Angels and us, the Ghosts. The road was lit up with hundreds of pumpkins, their carved faces flickering mysteriously. It would have been quite frightening alone, but amongst friends and with Wisty at my side, it was a fun journey. The wind made the bare branches rattle together, but the horses didn’t bat an eye. It was like they were conversing amongst themselves as we rode, Asha and Spain nickering softly with Wisty giving the occasional ‘woof’. <br /> ~:*:~<br /> After only five or so minutes we arrived, laughing and giggling because Hopscotch had decided that he wanted some grass and it had taken all three riders to pull him on. All of a sudden, two small, white Jack Russell terriers came racing towards the group, heading straight for alert Wisteria. Their owner, a young man called Alan was pursuing, panting and out of breath. The three dogs were sniffing warily at each other, but they seemed to be getting along. “Hey guys,” he puffed, his face red. “Sorry about Daisy and Poppy, they like to greet everyone who comes.”<br /> I smiled and introduced Ashlin and Faye, then dismounted Asha. I let Wisteria off her leash and immediately the dogs raced off to the barn, slipping through the entrance. Asha whinnied loudly, tossing her head as if to say ‘what about me?’ Faye laughed and also dismounted, along with Ashlin. After tying the horses, we entered the party. On my in, I bumped into a tall man, dressed in a black coat and mask. “Oh, I’m sorry,” I said, embarrassed by my clumsiness. He said nothing, only glaring at me in the semi-darkness before stalking outside. Faye, who had seen the whole thing, nudged me. “What was his problem?” she asked, frowning.<br /> I shrugged it off, determined to have a good time. “Never mind. Come on, I love this song.”<br /> ~:*:~<br /> It was 9PM and the party was in full swing. The costume contest had been judged and Faye had won. I wasn’t too disappointed, because she had promised me a free ice cream and because she had worked super hard on her costume. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Wisty suddenly freeze, before quickly weave between peoples legs to get at the door. Someone had closed it, presumably Alan to keep the dogs inside, but Wisteria knew how to open doors. I tried to follow her, but weaving between dancing people is a lot harder when you are a 5’9 human. It wasn’t safe for Wisty to wander around the farm at night. It backed on to a thick forest and if she got lost in that then she would be little match for a fox or badger. Too late I reached the door, for she had already opened it and was streaking through the night, barely more than a flash of white. The pitty was charging towards a horse trailer that was semi-hidden behind a tall hedge. In horror, I sped after my dog, fear lending me speed. Wisty could get flattened by the truck or kicked by the horse, both of which could kill her. As she slowed down to avoid a water trough, I leapt, grabbing her collar and holding on with an iron grip. Then I got a proper look at the scene in front of me. A tall man, the same whom I had bumped into, was urgently leading a horse towards the ramp. Only when it came into the light cast out by the trailer did I recognize the mare. It was Spain! I squinted into the trailed and made out the slender gray body of Asha and bold rump of Hopscotch. In my temporary horror, Wisty broke free of my grip, charging forwards again baying and snarling. I scrambled to my feet, skidding on the gravel, to see her leap. With her fur bathed in moonlight, she truly did look like a ghost. The moment was gone when her jaws connected with the man’s arm, sinking her teeth in deep. The guy cried out and shook his arm, trying to shake her off. Wisty let go and skidded away, off balance for a few moments, but she speedily moved in to attack again, this time aimed for an ankle. The man kicked out, but Wisteria dodged sideways to bite again. Spain, who had been getting more nervous by the second, reared up suddenly, her eyes wild. One black hoof struck the thief n the head and he collapsed, falling dangerously close the mare’s legs. I snapped out of my shock and raced forwards, grabbing Spain’s halter and pulling her away, murmuring all the time and stroking her sweaty golden neck. Wisty whimpered and padded up to me her ears back and tail low. She obviously though she was in trouble for attacking, but the dog had no idea she had saved the horses. I crouched down the stroke and comfort her, but someone yelled my name and I turned to see Ashlin racing towards me, her face stricken. <br /> “I saw what happened! Faye called the police, so they are on their way,” she said breathlessly, the words tumbling out. I handed Spain over, as Ashlin would know how best to calm her. Before taking the mare, Ashlin crouched down and gave Wisty a huge hug. I was surprised because Ashlin had never been much of a dog person. Then the bright blue-and-red flashing lights indicated that the cops had arrived, and everything was mostly a blur after that. I remember unloading all the horses, taking them back to the stables and giving them a hot mash. I also can recall stopping off at the 24 hour supermarket on the way home to buy Wisteria the biggest dog chew-bone I could find. She had, after all, saved four horses from an uncertain, possibly horrible, fate. <br /> ~:*:~<br /> I always wonder how that dog knew what was happening. It was like she had a sixth sense for trouble, as if she were the horse’s guardian angel. Heck, Wisty and Asha have been closer than ever now. Wisty now came to the stables every time I did, often seen snoozing on a hay bale as I worked Asha. To end my story, I will state the obvious. On that cold wintery night, Wisteria was truly a Halloween Hero.<br /> ~:*:~~:*:~<br /> <br /> Okey! 1716 words exactly! Happy Halloween :3

10-12-2011 at 5:14 PM
The night howled with darkness. As I slept, noises crept through the hallway. Several times I heard a low growl, but when I went to check the hall, nothing was to be sighted. I knew something was out there, but what was it?<br /> <br /> Chapter 1:<br /> Why???<br /> <br /> It was Halloween and kids ran around my neighborhood saying, "Trick or Treat!", to my neighbors, but as midnight passed by, the full moon shined through my window & bad thoughts came across my mind, none mattered except for when I had done something unforgettable, I had killed my beloved dog with my own hands, so now and then, the thought would play with my mind. Now, every Halloween I would hear the growl of my dog, Lady in the White. She would run across my hallway to different rooms, and every time I thought of her, tears would run across my face. I wouldn't sleep that night and wouldn't eat that night to punish myself for what I had done. And the one and only question that runs through my mind is, " Why!?!"<br /> <br /> Chapter 2:<br /> Letting her go<br /> <br /> I woke up in the morning with a broken face, so I wanted to keep sleeping, but then, a sudden thought occurred. My friend, Hal, was coming over to visit at 12:00 in the morning. I went to check the time and to find that it was already 11:30!!! I rushed to my room and grabbed some clothes to put on. I went straight through the kitchen and made a quick lunch knowing that I had missed breakfast. Suddenly, I heard the door bell ring, I quickly rushed to the door and opened it as quick as I could, finding Hal standing in the front steps. I let her come in and found her a seat, but before I knew it she asked a very unexpected question, "So, how was your night?". I was paralyzed, and didn't know what to say so I quickly asked her, " Would you like some coffee?!?". She was surprised by my question and she replied in a questioning voice, " Thanks? but I would like tea instead. So... how was your night?" "Um, I don't want to talk about that right now." "It's okay, I already know the reason, and besides you lost her like 5 years ago." "But I still miss her, she was my favorite dog and I just realized that." "I am sorry, but you sometimes just need to let something go. That is life." "But-" "No buts, get over it and let her go.", I knew she was serious so I tried to let her go.<br /> <br /> <br /> Chapter 3:<br /> Nightmares!!!<br /> <br /> That night after our argument about Lady in the White, I had terrible nightmares!!! I just couldn't sleep. I knew I had to let her go but how!?! Let her go, let her go, I whispered, but voices just kept coming. Voices murmured, " You killed her & didn't care!", "Don't you love her!?!", "Why did you do this to her?!?". I couldn't take it anymore and tears trickled down my face, I yelled, "STOP!!!" but nothing stopped. All I heard was a bunch of words cursing at me, but something even worse had happened I felt an unknown figure biting me!!! Teeth were piercing me all over ,and all of the sudden I had fainted! Still conscious, I saw pictures flashing through my mind. But then, all of the sudden, I couldn't breathe and my heart fell!!!<br /> <br /> Chapter 4:<br /> GRAVE<br /> <br /> I woke up in the hospital but when I stood up I saw me, DEAD!!! I was covered with a blanket and I wasn't breathing, knowing of what had happened I didn't want to leave the world so I attempted to go back to my body, but my body was shielded and I couldn't touch it!!! I wanted to get there but just couldn't. I tried all I can and before I knew it they took my dead body and put it in my own coffin. I still didn't want to leave but then I saw my dog!!! I went off chasing her but then I got lost. She led me to a very foggy place where it was dull and unhappy, but when I looked down I saw something more dull and unhappy, my GRAVE!!! It was open and something was pulling me to it, but I didn't know what it was. As I got closer the pull got stronger, when all of the sudden I was laying in a dark, gloomy place where it was dirty and uncomfortable. I couldn't move and just was so tiered that I fell asleep and never woke up again. Though I was dead, people still remembered me, they had rumors about what had happened, but no one knows except Hal. She always understood why I was in this terrible grief, and still misses me. But me and Lady in the White still roam around the house haunting whoever comes by and greets this house, for no one lives in it and no one will ever choose to...<br /> <br /> HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

10-10-2011 at 11:59 PM
<i>Something red. Something falling and drifting.</i><br /> <br /> A light colored husky poked her nose around the corner of her yard. She turned her head back briefly to ensure no one was watching before she snuck her way down the street. Something from her yard had escaped and she needed to catch it.<br /> <br /> Once she was a good distance away she began trotting, her fluffed fur preventing her from having any negative effect in the cold breeze that swept that treasure farther and farther away from her. Still, she kept moving. Last she saw her owner had been pushing them into piles, so one leaving the yard simply wasn’t a good thing at all.<br /> <br /> All kinds of strange things wrapped around the sidewalk she was trotting down. Tall people with disfigured forms, swayed in the wind, ducking in and out as though they would snatch her. Eventually she forgot the leaf when these scary figures startled her. She began to run, but there was more. Creatures floating under tree branches, laughing that echoed behind her as she set off sensors.<br /> <br /> She ducked into an alleyway eventually, it would be safe there. There was nothing there to hurt her anymore. She shook and backed her way down the alley, her paws taking unknown steps backward as her ears flattened against her head and her body crept lower and lower to the ground. The smaller she was, the less likely whatever was after her would actually nab her.<br /> <br /> “Are you scared?” A calm voice behind her made her spin around, a small yip escaping her as she did.<br /> <br /> “Scared? Why would you say such a thing?” She asked, straightening her posture immediately when she spotted the source of the sound. Another dog, lingering in the alleyway. He was much shorter than her once she had her long legs straightened back out. His body was lean, his fur mostly white with blue patches here and there. She stared at him and felt silly for ever having been afraid. All things considered, he was something she could easily bury in her fluff alone.<br /> <br /> “The way you were slinking around here, I could surely believe you were frightened.” The way he walked was a bit off to her. He was almost too smooth in movement, his eyes calculating everything she did.<br /> <br /> “Not at all.” She said, raising her head higher, her light eyes looking down to watch the small dog weave his way between her front legs. He looked up with a grin. <i>His canines, they look so sharp.</i><br /> <br /> “You look like quite a prestige creature to be venturing out in the alleys alone as you are. Are you lost?” He asked.<br /> <br /> “No... I’m just... out for a walk, of course.” She stammered, unsure of what to do. She side stepped away from him. Her once straight ears were again finding their way back against her head.<br /> <br /> “Oh? Well if that’s the case would you like to walk with me?” He didn’t seem to mind that she had pulled away. He just kept grinning and staring. “I know all the best places for a lovely husky like yourself. The name is Jack, by the way.”<br /> <br /> “What places would those be?”<br /> <br /> “Were you not on the prowl for something? I can help you find it.”<br /> <br /> “Oh... right.” She tilted her head. How did he know about that? Had he been watching her?<br /> <br /> “I’m from one of those houses back there,” he said easily, “I saw you chasing after that leaf. I must admit it was rather cute of you to duck away from all those Halloween decorations. You must be rather pampered to have not seen them before.”<br /> <br /> “Halloween decorations?” She wondered. Was he talking of all those creatures that had been lunging at her?<br /> <br /> “Yes.” He said, and shook his head. “Follow me?”<br /> <br /> Before she could respond he began trotting along. <i>No collar. No tags. Nothing to signify he belongs to someone.</i><br /> <br /> Still, something about his mystery made her follow along, taking a few longer strides to catch up to him. It was dark outside, she realized. When she had left it was already getting that way but now the sun was tucked behind the horizon, a bright orange all that kept the earth with any sort of light.<br /> <br /> “I don’t believe I caught a name,” Jack said.<br /> <br /> “Reina,” she said, shaking her head to rattle the tags on her collar, “where’s your collar and tags?”<br /> <br /> “I took them off. They are quite bothersome, no?”<br /> <br /> “Well... I guess they can be. But if I get lost they will get me home, so I’m told.”<br /> <br /> “If you get lost? You’re already lost, and I see no one returning you home.”<br /> <br /> “I guess not...”<br /> <br /> “Come this way,” he said, “I can take that thing off for you if you like.” Again, when she glanced down he was grinning, his too sharp teeth making her uneasy.<br /> <br /> “I don’t think my owner would like that very much...”<br /> <br /> “I’m sure they don’t like you wandering off, either. And they will dress you up in a silly outfit for their silly holiday later,” he said, stopping on someone’s lawn, one of the tall, swaying creatures a few steps in front of him. Reina kept her distance. He flashed his toothy smile at her before turning his direction toward the creature, leaping up and tearing a chunk off it with one simple bite. He shook his head a few times before spitting it out on the ground.<br /> <br /> “Hey, I don’t mind being dressed up.” She retorted. <i>No wonder he’s by himself, he must chew things up a lot with how easily he tore that off.</i><br /> <br /> “No? Let me guess, a princess?”<br /> <br /> “A lady bug last time, actually,” she said, looking up in thought for a moment, “but they thought it was cute.”<br /> <br /> “They thought you looked ridiculous. Hey, I can make you the perfect costume - very realistic. Your owners will be surprised.”<br /> <br /> “Really? You’d do that for me?” She wagged her tail, the sudden thought of already being decorated for her owners when she got back excited her. They wouldn’t be mad about her wandering off if she came home ready for their holiday. In her excitement she suddenly forgot her earlier fears.<br /> <br /> “Of course, why wouldn’t I?” He sat down and stared at her, waiting for her compliance.<br /> <br /> “So, where do we need to go for this stuff?”<br /> <br /> “You don’t need to go anywhere,” he said, standing back up. He walked over to her. “Just lay down, you’re too tall for my reach.”<br /> <br /> “Oh, right.” She flopped down on the ground. “So, uh, what exactly are you making me?”<br /> <br /> “Something real,” he said, his bi-colored eyes seemed rather calming as he stared into hers for a brief moment. “You don’t need to worry the exact details, I promise you will be thrilled with the results. There are few who can match this holiday so well.”<br /> <br /> “Why are you giving this to me, then?” She asked, watching him circle to her side.<br /> <br /> “You’re the lucky one I happened to run into tonight, that’s all. I’m giving to whoever encounters me first.” He got in closer to her. “You were following leaves, right? Do you see the huge pile of them over there?” He tilted his head to the side.<br /> <br /> Her eyes followed the direction. “Yeah, I was...” She didn’t have much time to ramble on about how she shouldn’t have been, or how she figured it was rather silly at this point in time all things considered. It was only one leaf. Her yard could have lived without it.<br /> <br /> Before she could continue, though, Jack nudged his nose into the fur on her neck. She almost jumped up but her sudden reaction made him quickly open his mouth, locking his long canines into her neck. A small whimper escaped her followed by a relaxed sigh as her tense body turned limp under the effects of his saliva.<br /> <br /> He withdrew his fangs after a few moments and sat back, licking his muzzle clean of anything that may have slipped past his clean attempts.<br /> <br /> “Now, Reina, you are the perfect Halloween dog. Your masters will be amazed, I assure you. Just try not to bite them too hard when you get home.” He grinned.<br /> <br /> -------------<br /> <br /> Dogs featured:<br /> <br /> <a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/dog.php?id=73067">Reina</a><br /> & <br /> <a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/dog.php?id=72005">Jack</a>

10-9-2011 at 1:12 AM
<a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/dog.php?id=53186">Hellion</a> smiled to himself. He had heard some of the older dogs talking about this upcoming holiday, Halloween. It seemed perfectly catered to his transparent coat; the notion of spooking people with a simple yip struck him as strangely hilarious. Not to mention the treats—cakes, cookies, and all sorts of goodies! The very idea made him drool. <br /> <br /> "It’ll be even better than last year!” <a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/dog.php?id=16823"> Homburg</a> exclaimed, prancing about excitedly on his stubby corgi legs. “And that’s really saying something! Boy, did I love dressing up like a zombie! It was so much fun!” The other dogs watched him spring about, mesmerized.<br /> <br /> <a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/dog.php?id=22358">Lexington</a> sidled away from the hyperactive dog and came to stop next to Hellion. <br /> <br /> “I came just after Halloween last year.” She told the husky. “But dogs were still celebrating, and the pups were still complaining from eating too much.” The old sheltie smiled. <br /> <br /> “Hellion!” <br /> <br /> The husky turned around to see <a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/dog.php?id=93509">Cthon</a>, the new German shepherd puppy, who was, as ever, accompanied by his complementary red and black umbrella. He nearly barreled into <a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/dog.php?id=41070 "> Starry Night</a>, who only just managed to leap out of the way. He and <a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/dog.php?id=27106 ">Lovelace</a> exchange miffed looks, and continued conversing in hushed tones. <br /> <br /> “Hellion! Can I go with you, on Halloween? Please?” The pup begged. <br /> <br /> The husky looked at the big shepherd pup, with the red eyes. He wanted to say no, but then there’d be the pouting, and the whining, and the dislike. <br /><br /> “Oh…fine,” he sighed.<br /> <br /> “Yay!” Cthon licked his face with his long pink tongue. Hellion shook his head, disgusted and touched at the same time. As the pup ran off, he called:<br /> <br /> “You’d better have a great costume!”<br /> <br /> ---<br /> <br /> The weeks before the momentous event seemed to fly by. But by the time it was the thirtieth, it seemed that the hot caramel of time had cooled to an unyieldingly slow block of rock candy. Hellion tried to sleep out the cold, rainy day in his kennel, but his own excitement, combined with the irritatingly loud scream sound effects and cackling that are so commonplace of Halloween time, he found it to be nearly impossible. <br /> <br /> The husky made a mad dash for the house, and slipped inside. While it lacked the screeching, it was filled with a far worse temptation—a kitchen, well-staffed and mass-producing tantalizing aromatic goodies.<br /> <br /> And, of course, Cthon.<br /> <br /> “Hellion!” He sprang onto him, sending him sprawling to the ground. Hellion scowled, which went unheeded by the pup. “Aren’t you excited? I haven’t slept in days!”<br /> <br /> “How nice.” He huffed, shaking him off.<br /> <br /> “I think I’ll be a hellhound! I found a really nice mask, and I think it would be perfect! I…–“<br /> <br /> Hellion blocked out the rest of what he was saying, and headed into the sitting room. It was less scented in here, and the view out of the rain-splattered window was wonderfully tiring. He closed his eyes, and finally drifted off to sleep.<br /> <br /> ---<br /> <br /> Blearily, Hellion opened his eyes…looking straight into another set of eyes, these ones dark red.<br /> <br /> “Blaugh!” He exclaimed in surprise, leaping up.<br /> <br /> “Hello, Hellion!” Cthon yawned. “I waited for<i>ever</i> for you to get up. Breakfast is out.”<br /> <br /> Hellion frowned, and slipped off the couch, slinking into the kitchen. Breakfast was bat-shaped pancakes and “blood”—pomegranate—juice. As he ate, he glanced about. His eyes come to rest on a note on the counter. It read:<br /> <br /> “<i>Hellion:<br /> We have gone out to go to the Halloween party across town. We aren’t expected to return until late tonight, meaning you and Cthon have the house to yourselves! Have fun, and be safe! Enjoy trick-or-treating!<br /> Lex and Friends</i>”<br /> <br /> Hellion groaned. Really? Not even <a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/dog.php?id=72595">Skullop</a>, or <a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/dog.php?id=65516">Hieronymous</a>, could stay behind? They seemed pretty enamored by the idea of trick-or-treating, too. <br /> <br /> The husky turned on the Halloween music, and laid down to watch the scary movie marathons.<br /> <br /> ---<br /> <br /> Finally, it was eight o’clock. Hellion and Cthon quickly ate their dinners, and then got ready to go trick-or-treating. It turned out the costume was too small, as it was fitted for smaller breeds. But the mask fit. <br /> <br /> “Oh well. This works fine, Hellion.” He said, peering out from behind the leering skull. <br /> <br /> “Good. Got your pillowcase?”<br /> <br /> “Yep.”<br /> <br /> “Then let’s go.”<br /> <br /> They went out, and saw the neighborhood, suddenly transformed into the home of every sort of monstrous fiend. Ghosts, zombies, vampires, goblins…the list went on and on. <br /> <br /> “Let’s go there!” Cthon pointed out a house, with a front yard-turned well-decorated mausoleum. Hellion trotted in that direction, Cthon close behind. As they approached, a small pack of rabid Papillons left, dragging overflowing bags stuffed with treats. Hellion couldn’t miss an opportunity like this.<br /> <br /> He stealthily crept up behind them, and then, unleashed a ferocious BARK!<br /> <br /> The Papillons yipped in fright. They looked about for the perpetrator, but saw only the rest of the Halloween scene. By the time they had recalled their candy, most of it was gone.<br /> <br /> ---<br /> <br /> Hellion repeated his tactic several times that night, and he ended up hauling the most sweets. He returned to the house with Cthon, happy.<br /> <br /> “That was fun!” Cthon said, flopping down. <br /> <br /> “C’mon, let’s sort. I don’t like…” Hellion glanced at the other dog. He was out, snoring loudly. The husky smiled. Halloween was now probably his favorite holiday. And, guess what? Cthon didn’t irritate him anymore, even when he did take the king-sized dog biscuit.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <center>(Featuring 8 dogs: Lexington, Homburg, Hellion, Cthon, Skullop, Hieronymous, Starry Night, and Lovelace. 920 words)</center><br />
edit history
2011-10-09 11:27:44 by #3277
2011-10-09 01:16:41 by #3277

10-8-2011 at 6:11 PM
The sun was slowly rising out in the horizon as Blu and Forest rose from their sleep. Down stairs they could hear the sound of there breakfast hitting their bowls so without a second thought they ran to the kitchen. When turning into the kitchen they saw a bunch of scary decorations, things such as ghost, skeletons and pumpkins. Forest stopped in the doorway with her eyes wide. "Wha-a-a-ats all this for?"<br /> Blu looked at her and giggled, "Stop being such a scaredy cat!" He walked over to his bowl and began easting his breakfast.<br /> "I am not a scaredy cat," yelled Forest. "I just wasn't expecting it, in fact i love it all" she responded quickly as she slowly walked to her bowl. <br /> "Forest, its alright to be scared sometimes," Paige, Forest and Blu's mom began to say, "It's Halloween."<br /> "Halloween? Whats That?" Forest and Blu both asked with their mouths full of kibble.<br /> "Yes, Halloween. Halloween only comes one time a year, you get to dress up as anything you want and get many wonderful treats." Paige replied as Chance, their father walked in.<br /> "We plan on going out to get your costumes once ya'll are done eating, your sister is going to take you out to a party tonight with all your friends." He said.<br /> "Dad! I have to take them? I wanted to go out with my friends! This isn't fair!" Samantha complained as she walked into the kitchen.<br /> "Yes, Sammy, you have to take your brother and sister tonight, you have had many Halloween nights before, this will only be Forest and Blu's first. You don't have to stay at all night with them, your father and i will meet up with you later and take them home so you can go out with your friends."<br /> "Ugh, fine."<br /> "Thank you."<br /> "Mommy! Mommy!" Forest yelped, "I'm done eating! Can we go get our costumes now? Pleaseeee! I wanna be a princess, no, a fairy!"<br /> Paige looked at her precious child and laughed, "Of course we can. Go get your father and brother and tell them we are ready to go."<br /> Forest ran out of the kitchen after her dad and brother so they could go get there costumes.<br /> <br /> "Are you ready?" Paige asked Forest and Blu.<br /> "Almost mom!" They replied together. As soon as they were done putting on their costumes they walked out together. Forest as a bride and Blu as a vampire. They both looked in the mirror and admired the costumes.<br /> "You both look so cute, i could just gobble ya'll up!" Their mom joked.<br /> "Not if i do first!" Chance yelled as he ran into the room and began chasing the kids around. Paige sat and watched while quietly laughing to themselves. Samantha came down the stairs and everyone turned to look, she was dressed up as little red riding hood and looked beautiful.<br /> "You look beautiful" Forest said. <br /> "Yes you do" her mom joined.<br /> "Thanks, are ya'll ready to go?"<br /> "Yes we are!" Forest and Blu replied together.<br /> "Alright, remember we will go to a few houses then go to the party. Mom and dad will then meet us there to take ya'll home. Stay close to each other and make sure you have your flashlights and goodie bags!"<br /> "We do sissy! We are all ready to go. See? We have our flashlights, our costumes on, and our goodie bags."<br /> "Good, off we go! Tell mom and dad good bye."<br /> Forest and Blu ran upstairs to their parents room to say good bye.<br /> "Bye mom! Bye dad!" Forest yelled. "We will see you later."<br /> "Good bye my angel," her dad replied, "have a wonderful time."<br /> "Yes dear, make sure you have a wonderful time." her mom said. Forest ran down stairs to join Samantha and wait for Blu.<br /> "Ssss" Blue hissed, "i'll see you laterrr."<br /> Paige and Chance laughed together at Blu's impression of a vampire.<br /> "Have a nice night son." His dad said.<br /> "We will see you later." Paige said.<br /> Blu jumped and ran downstairs as quick as he could. "Lets go." he yelled as he reached the door. "I can't wait."<br /> Samantha, Forest and Blu all headed to the door.<br /> <br /> "This party is great!" Forest said to her brother.<br /> "I know, what treats do you have in your goodie bag?"<br /> "I have a bone, a chew toy, 2 hot dogs, and a tennis ball. What do you have?"<br /> "I have a rainbow tug rope, a hot dog, 2 bones and 2 tennis balls."<br /> "A rainbow tug rope! I want it! Will you trade it for a hot dog?"<br /> "Hmm, i don't know. I like it."<br /> "Please Blu!"<br /> "Alright, I guess you can have it." Blu opened his goodie bag and grabbed the rainbow tug rope.<br /> "Thank you!" Forest said as she grabbed the tug rope and handed a hot dog to Blu. "Look its mom and dad!" She ran up to her parents.<br /> "Hi Forest, hi Blu." Chance said.<br /> "Hi daddy!" They replied together.<br /> "Are ya'll ready to go?"<br /> "No, we are not! We want to stay!"<br /> "Just a bit longer, then we have to go. Its getting a bit late."<br /> "Awee, alright." Forest and Blu ran off to have a little bit more fun before they had to leave.<br /> <br /> "Come on guys, get into bed." Paige pushed the kids towards the room.<br /> "But momm-" Forest began.<br /> "No buts, young lady! Its time for bed. The humans are coming back in the morning so you don't want to be tired."<br /> "Ugh, okay." Forest walked up the stairs towards the bedroom and Blue followed.<br /> "Thank you, i'll be right up to tuck ya'll in."<br /> "Okay mommy."<br /> <br /> "So, how do you think they enjoyed their first Halloween?" Paige asked Chance.<br /> "I think they enjoyed it very much, they got to do a lot."<br /> "Yes they did, Trick or Treating and a party, thats more then i did." Paige laughed.<br /> Chance chuckled and smiled at Paige. "You've always enjoyed Halloween. I'm glad we have children of our own to share it with."<br /> "Me to," Paige replied, "do you know what time Samantha is going to be home?"<br /> "I told her no later then midnight my dear, now run up stairs and make sure the kids are tucked in and i will get us a drink and snack."<br /> "Alright, i'll be down soon." Paige said as she quickly licked Chance on the cheek. Paige ran into the kitchen to grab both the kids a quick snack and a drink then headed up stairs. She but the drink and snack next to the kids and giggled as the eat it quickly. "Did you two enjoy your first Halloween tonight?"<br /> "Yes we did!" Blu responded quickly.<br /> "Yes mommy, tons of fun" Forest said while a yawn escaped her lips.<br /> "I'm glad you both enjoyed it very much, Halloween used to be one of my favorite times of the year. I love all the decorations and costumes."<br /> "Me to mommy." forest said as she lied down and slowly closed her eyes.<br /> "Well, its time to get some sleep my children. Sweet dreams." Paige tucked in Forest and Blu with a smile on her face. She made sure they were both all worm and cozy for the night and then turned and headed for the door.<br /> "Mom?" Blu called.<br /> "Yes Blu?"<br /> "Thanks for sharing Halloween with us, it was a fun night. I really liked dressing up."<br /> "You are more then welcome, but close your eyes now little one. Its time to get some sleep."<br /> "Alright mom, good night."<br /> "Good night." Paige walked out the room and shut the door on her way out as Blu layed down his head and thought about his night. <br /> 'Halloween' he though to himself, 'What a wonderful night, there are so many monsters, ghost, skeletons and treats for everyone. I can't wait for it to come again. Next year i will be a big wolf.' Blu smiled and fell asleep.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> --> Completed with 1327 words and features 5 dogs from my kennel. Paige, Chance, Samantha, Blu and Forest.
edit history
2011-10-08 18:15:31 by #15987
2011-10-08 18:13:46 by #15987


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