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Custom Marking Auction #2!
Started By
Hello again everyone! Since the last custom marking auction went fairly well and it seems everyone really wanted a piece of the action, we decided to hold another custom dog marking auction!

Custom Dog Marking Auction
**Two Week Auction**

As with last time, any marking you can think of, goes! Either editing an existing marking or creating something entirely new, you can choose to make this a white marking, tan marking, or a secondary marking! Scribble your name onto the breed of your choice, add zebra stripes, polka dots, the options are only limited by your own imagination!

The winning bidder will be able to have their design added to the site, as a selectable marking available to all, you can be as creative as you want to be!

We currently have three slots open for bids:

Alacrity Cash Highest Bid: $20,000,000 - Jackdaw (#12605)

Alacrity Bones Highest Bid: 132 - Nyckie (#288)

USD Highest Bid: $60 - Undead Shinobu has Geist Cooties ^o^ (#432)

The Rules:

1 - There is NO starting bid. So whatever you start at, that is what it is. :D

2 - There is NO buy now bid. This will go until the time runs out, and the highest bidder will win!

3 - Place your bids HERE, in response to this post. DO NOT SEND A MESSAGE.

4 - ALL bids are final, you can NOT retract a bid once you post it.

5 - You MUST declare "Alacrity Cash", "Bones", or "USD" in your bid. (And yes, you may bid on more than one section, and get more than one design!)

6 - This will be a TWO WEEK auction, ending on Friday, October 21st, at 6:00PM Ala Time!

7 - Do NOT edit your bid post!! If you wish to make a higher bid, make a new post, please!

8 - If a bid is placed within 10 minutes of the end of the auction, the auction time is extended another 10 minutes, to give others the chance to counter-bid. This is to eliminate the chance of sniping a bid just because time is running out - so bid what you can, and hopefully no one will outbid you!

9 - You must bid from YOUR OWN ACCOUNT. You may not have another person bid in your stead.

10-22-2011 at 6:28 PM
By the no-sniping rule, I think that Ny does win :> <br /> <br /> Yay, we have winners! <br /> <br /> I can't wait to see what the winners come up with! :D

10-21-2011 at 6:06 PM
>_> Ny should win.

10-21-2011 at 6:01 PM
Time extended to 6:10 - last call for bids!

10-21-2011 at 6:00 PM
132 bones.

10-21-2011 at 5:54 PM
131 bones

10-21-2011 at 5:54 PM
130 bones

10-21-2011 at 5:52 PM
126 bones.

10-21-2011 at 5:52 PM
125 bones. o-o;

10-21-2011 at 5:49 PM
116 bones.

10-21-2011 at 5:39 PM
115 Bones

10-20-2011 at 3:13 PM
-rolls on Dr X- $60 USD please... &lt;3 Sorry.

10-19-2011 at 6:13 PM
$56 USD >3>

10-16-2011 at 2:24 PM
20 milion..Holy cow! I have no chance... Good luck everyone :0

10-15-2011 at 7:02 AM
110 bones

10-14-2011 at 8:01 PM
100 bones

10-13-2011 at 10:48 AM
$55 USD please :3<br /> Sorry, Dr X &lt;33

10-13-2011 at 6:24 AM
60 bones

10-11-2011 at 5:19 PM
@_@ Oh my dear gosh Jack.<br /> <br /> Good lucky everyone! :)

10-8-2011 at 6:17 AM
$20,000,000 Alacrity cash.

10-7-2011 at 8:55 PM
1 mill ala cash


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