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Santa Paws: 5 Days Left -- December 2011 Monthly Ultimate Bag!
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Santa Paws his holding daily drawings for special items up until Christmas! These drawings will be posted each day both here, in the news, as well as in Mini Updates/Admin Updates, at some point before midnight. There is one prize per drawing and it's completely up to chance (haha, NOT the companion!) to choose the winner. The rules are simple and they are straightforward, but they are not to be trifled with.

Read the Rules!:
1.) Post ONCE in this thread before Midnight Ala time, on the day the thread is posted in order to be entered into the drawing. (If you post more than once, you may be disqualified from the running)
2.) You may post once per account.
3.) Players found creating more than the 2 allowed accounts to enter these contests will be BANNED from Alacrity; no exceptions. Don't do it -- we hate banning people.
4.) All Alacrity standard rules still apply! If you're not familiar with them, please take some time to do so -- you can find the link at the bottom of every page!
5.) We don't care what your post says, provided you follow the above rules, although Santa Paws is also picking a secondary winner based on criteria listed at the end of this post :)

This drawing will be for: a December 2011 Monthly Ultimate Bag!

The winner will receive a December 2011 Monthly Ultimate Bag, which contains an assortment of this month's monthly shop items!!

P.S. Santa Paws told me he'll pull this round's second winner based on strangest holiday story. Unexpected things always seem to happen when they shouldn't and holidays are no exception! Post your strange holiday story for a chance to win! :D

12-20-2011 at 11:22 PM
Yeah... I got nothing else. :p

12-20-2011 at 11:15 PM
I love to sleep in. And my brother usually respected that on Christmas, but one Christmas morning he could not contain his excitement any more. He came into my room and woke me up at 5. Like a good sister, I *pleasently* told him, to let me sleep. Like a good brother, he did. An hour later, he came back and really shook me. And like a good sister, I bit him. Now he always lets me sleep in on Christmas!

12-20-2011 at 9:04 PM

12-20-2011 at 8:55 PM
entering<br />

12-20-2011 at 8:22 PM

12-20-2011 at 8:21 PM

12-20-2011 at 7:46 PM
Posty post<br />

12-20-2011 at 7:08 PM
What type of drawning are we suppost to be able to draw?Its doesn't state it clearly in the form! (; PM me with any information about this or any updates...I do want to enter this!

12-20-2011 at 7:06 PM
<br /> <br /> Here's my Story on christmas:<br /> <br /> One time on christmas I was picking out a christmas tree and we brought it home and the next day there was skinks all over!! so my family runs out side and one of the kids locks the door and we get locked out and the keys are on the table <br /> +the skinks are just running all over inside so I had to call my brother he came form red bluff and he had a key so he unlocked the door and picked up a broom and dust pan and starts throwing them outside till they were all out lol

12-20-2011 at 7:05 PM
I don't have any strange holiday stories unfortunately, our Christmases tend to be very low key.

12-20-2011 at 6:57 PM

12-20-2011 at 6:44 PM
<img src="http://gifs.gifbin.com/012011/1295259495_bulldog-belly-slide.gif">

12-20-2011 at 6:36 PM
*insert witty line here*<br /> <br /> <img src="http://gifs.gifbin.com/122009/1259834041_frankenweenie.gif">
edit history
2011-12-20 18:40:24 by #7980

12-20-2011 at 6:31 PM
Q: What kind of bird can write?<br /> A: A PENguin

12-20-2011 at 6:06 PM
Okay well here I go.<br /> <br /> <br /> Once, me and my family were out picking our Christmas tree :3 when we went to get our tree. As we were driving home, our Christmas tree fell of our car. I nice homeless person helped strap it back on while we were in the car. he told us he got it strapped. Soo, when we got home my dad went to get the Christmas tree a few minutes later, he actually saw the homeless man dragging the Christmas tree around the corner.. Heh.. In the end my dad got my brothers and got the Christmas tree back... After a round of make the homeless person let go of our tree.. ^^;

12-20-2011 at 5:55 PM
Post x3

12-20-2011 at 5:54 PM
We were all sitting in the back living room after opening presents. My aunts dog had got a pack of pupperoni so we had opened it and fed him a peice. We then all left my grandfather in the back room and went to the front room for a bit. When we came back my grandfather had eaten the pack of pupperoni because he thought it was pepperoni! (i dunno if that story counts! X3)

12-20-2011 at 5:24 PM
Sadly, I don't have a strange story to tell.

12-20-2011 at 5:17 PM
Haha, well. Strange holiday stories I do not have. My family is a very mild family when it comes to holidays. Nothing much happens during any holiday of the year; most pass as just another day.<br /> <br /> Would a "Happy Holidays" suffice for the raffle instead? =3

12-20-2011 at 5:06 PM
My cousin's girlfriend got a bunch of that squishy goo stuff in my brother's hair... took forever to get it out. When my cousin and her decided to get married, my brother joked about objecting because of it. He didn't, and they now have 3 kids with a fourth on the way :)


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