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Santa Paws: 4 Days Left -- Entire Choco Cake!
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Santa Paws his holding daily drawings for special items up until Christmas! These drawings will be posted each day both here, in the news, as well as in Mini Updates/Admin Updates, at some point before midnight. There is one prize per drawing and it's completely up to chance (haha, NOT the companion!) to choose the winner. The rules are simple and they are straightforward, but they are not to be trifled with.

Read the Rules!:
1.) Post ONCE in this thread before Midnight Ala time, on the day the thread is posted in order to be entered into the drawing. (If you post more than once, you may be disqualified from the running)
2.) You may post once per account.
3.) Players found creating more than the 2 allowed accounts to enter these contests will be BANNED from Alacrity; no exceptions. Don't do it -- we hate banning people.
4.) All Alacrity standard rules still apply! If you're not familiar with them, please take some time to do so -- you can find the link at the bottom of every page!
5.) We don't care what your post says, provided you follow the above rules, although Santa Paws is also picking a secondary winner based on criteria listed at the end of this post :)

This drawing will be for: an Entire Ultra Fancy Chocolate Cake!

The winner will receive an Entire Ultra Fancy Chocolate Cake, which has five uses and gives the dog you feed a piece to -10 Hunger, +50 Energy, +5 speed, and +5 drive!!

P.S. Santa Paws told me he'll pull this round's second winner based on the best gift you ever received and why. We want to hear about the coolest thing you ever had gifted to you, but more importantly, WHY it was so special to you. It's the "why" that counts for this one :D

01-16-2012 at 4:19 PM
My most memorable gift was when I got my beagle puppy!
edit history
2012-01-16 16:19:53 by #17940

01-16-2012 at 3:25 PM
The best christmas present I got was a little later then christmas! I had been wanting this game for months and months :3 and at christmas I didn\'t get it but a week later my mom gave it to me saying it hadn\'t come in time!

01-10-2012 at 4:09 PM

01-8-2012 at 8:07 PM
My most memorable gift was one that came from my dad. I never knew my dad, he left when I was born in the war in another country for 9 years. We would skype, and talk to eachother over letters, but one christmas he sent me a silver heart locket, and inside was a picture of me at age 5, and a picture of him at age 5. I have kept that very close to my heart <3 He came back when I was 11 <3 The locket means so much to me. For so long, it was the only piece of him I had.

01-8-2012 at 9:59 AM
I got a dog for hallaween he\'s a German shorthaired pointer dog suggested get those for this game

01-7-2012 at 6:32 PM
hi<br />

01-7-2012 at 6:32 PM
hi<br />

01-7-2012 at 6:31 PM
hi<br />

01-7-2012 at 9:49 AM
My best Christmas present is my dog Molly. My mom found her in the road and let us keep her for Christmas. I can post a picture of her on my profile later. Molly is so cute! That is my best Christmas present ever!

01-7-2012 at 4:48 AM
If this is Over This is my best Chirtmas Presant<br /> <br /> My Best chirtmas gift had to be my dog Abby. My mom used to work at a vet. She alwas brought home animals they she woul watch since she fetbad looking at them in the cages. But one day chirtma Eve to be exact she brought home a tiny bundall of fur who couldnt be anymore then 5pounds. And i instantly fell in love with her and my mother said we could keep her! Then i found out she was left in hte cold outside the door of my mom vets office at 5 weeks olld to this very day i still think about it. Abby was msot defiantly my best chrimas presant ever<br /> Abby is now 8 Years Old and livin Her life with 2 screwy Boys named Riley and Blue
edit history
2012-01-07 04:52:36 by #9037

12-31-2011 at 9:54 PM
My best gift that I ever got was having my family with me.

12-30-2011 at 5:05 PM
My best christmas gift was my guinea pig. She is getting old, but when we first saw her we knew she was the right pigger ;) Carly is special to me and my family, because unlike any other piggy she purrs. When we pet her she starts to purr!!??!! Lol she is my baby, you can find a picture of her on my profile. We also got a guinea pig named Casey 3 years ago for christmas. Sadly she died a year ago. It was hard to replace her and move on but we did after a while. Anyways in conclusion, I will never forget my guinea pig christmas. Let me tell you it sure was a unique one. That's why it was such a good christmas

12-25-2011 at 10:29 PM
ahhh neat stuff

12-25-2011 at 10:24 PM
My most memorable gifts came from my sweetheart. He got me a stuffed reindeer and a glass blown earrings and necklace set. :D This was our first actual Christmas together.
edit history
2011-12-25 22:25:33 by #15204

12-25-2011 at 4:16 PM
~~~Happy Holidays Ala~~~!

12-25-2011 at 8:17 AM
Would be my first rabbit. &lt;3<br /> & My Pooh Bear Pillow Pet! c:

12-25-2011 at 7:41 AM
My best gift ever would be for my dad to come home......

12-25-2011 at 6:23 AM
The best gift I received was my first puppy! I love her still to this day! &lt;3

12-24-2011 at 4:38 PM
My best Christmas present was from my daughters. It was a card they both got together and made. No santa just a big tree on it that said ' Merry Christmas to the Best Mom in the world'

12-23-2011 at 7:04 PM
The best gift I ever received was a necklace from my bestiest friend. It is the best present because it was from my best friend and she spent her own money on it


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