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What age should we be allowed to wear makeup any ideas??


06-10-2011 at 1:23 AM
i think it would be ok, if not so many of teenage girls were addicted to it. i'd rather ween them off it make sure they understand that they don't need makeup to "fix" them since they're never been broken

06-9-2011 at 9:23 PM
I personally have never worn make-up beyond the odd occasion during school plays. I had extremely sensitive skin when I was younger, and at around the time that most girls were starting to wear it regularly I simply couldn't without getting a very painful rash. I'm older now and the sensitivity has died away, but I never developed an interest in it and I still avoid it now. To tell the truth I didn't have much interest in it even then, and it wasn't as though I didn't need it; I had bad acne at the time. To tell you the truth, I'm a supporter of the whole 'natural beauty' thing. To me, wearing make-up out suggests that you're not comfortable being seen in your own skin (I don't mean that in an offensive way, I'm merely expressing my own view and speaking in very general terms).<br /> <br /> But the question here is about age. In my opinion, kids of any age should be allowed to play around with make-up if they want to, but they shouldn't wear it out until their old enough to choose to do so themselves. Basically, I'm saying that if a parent has to apply it for it to be done properly, their too young.

06-8-2011 at 10:04 PM
Personally, I think as long as you know why you wear it, it's ok. For example, I think it's fine to wear it if your wanting to look nice for a family reunion, or a date. I think it's another thing if it's to hide that zit or to hide that freckle on your chin. <br /> I wear brown or black eye liner and mascara when I go out, but I don't cover my face in foundation, or wear layers of blush or eye shadow. I never have and never will. <br />
edit history
2011-06-08 15:14:55 by #6307
2011-06-08 15:05:21 by #6307

06-4-2011 at 5:39 AM
well, make up is a part of expressing yourself. i truly believe its a shame when a girl becomes dependent on it and thinks she's ugly without it, its Horrible and somewhat cowardly, hiding behind it. so if you're going to let a young Impressionable girl wear make up to express herself fine, but make sure she doesn't Depend on it. [it's called parenting]

06-2-2011 at 7:26 AM
As long as you dont look like this at 13, you should be fine!<br /> <img src="http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQbRzMuliT78rmxo2FiJAiAqSWsfsyFTa_oKM5uaVFjRGVAazyl7g&t=1"><br />

06-1-2011 at 4:35 PM
In my opinion, makeup disgusts me. I believe you should be genuinely yourself, and not have to hide those zits etc. But if the person wearing makeup is happy with it, or it makes them more comfortable, then go for it! But if someone forces you to wear it because "that zit looks revolting!" then no. If the person doesn't want to hide the zit or anything similar, there's no reason for them to.

05-30-2011 at 7:56 AM
I think it's fine for people to start wearing makeup whenever they feel like it.<br /> <br /> I'd rather look silly from wearing too much when I'm 12 than 20. ;)<br /> <br /> You learn how to apply it, you learn what looks good... I think as long as it's your choice and you enjoy it, nobody else should tell you what to do with your own face.

05-30-2011 at 1:37 AM
In my opinion, being at least 13 is a good age for simple like eyeliner and simple makeup(like mascara). Makeup is a way to be expressive I think, like body art and tattoos.I am not comparing tattoos and makeup, but just how they are ways to express yourself. When people pack on makeup just to cover themselves up and not in an expressive way, that is different. I don't think people should pack on makeup to cover their natural beauty because they claim themselves as "ugly or some other reason. <br /> <br /> The "natural beauty doesn't need makeup", I disagree with how it is said because putting on makeup doesn't mean you are covering up your natural beauty. That is my opinion though, so I don't mean to offend anyone against makeup or anyone who disagrees with me.<br /> <br /> I started wearing makeup at 12. I would wear eyeliner mainly. I still basically wear eyeliner, sometimes eyeshadow and mascara.

05-12-2011 at 11:47 PM
I do not wear any makeup, so I go to a eu natural look (but my sister calls it laziness). However I have never shown that much interest in makeup, once when I was a kid my grandma came over and had a present for me and my sis. She gave my sister lipstick while I got a cute bunny figureine. It made me realize what I really care about...<br /> <br /> But on the age issue I have to say 16, because when I was in middle school girls would become obsessed with putting it on every single second. And even now in high school I see girls putting makeup on in class :/

05-12-2011 at 7:42 PM
I am an adult and I actually very rarely wear make up. To the age in which a child should be allowed to wear make up, is when the child shows an interest in it. I don't feel that makeup oppresses women. Nor do I feel that the use of make-up in any way defines the morals that a person holds dear. <br /> <br /> To me make up is simply a hobby and a way to help boost self confidence. To me both are positive. So in my opinion whenever a child shows an interest in wearing make up whether it is young or never I would support that. UNLESS, the child is being made fun of for NOT wearing make up. In that case it's time to talk about peer pressure and about a child deciding what they want to do. <br><br><br /> Make up for some people is also an art form. Again, while I do not wear it myself I can certainly appreciate those who do.
edit history
2011-05-12 12:43:06 by #14176

05-12-2011 at 6:26 AM
c.c Last time I touched make-up, I ended up with "indian war paint" and my mother chasing me through the house screaming at me.. ^.^;

05-10-2011 at 12:40 AM
my mom started letting me play with her make up that was left over from her collage theater class when i was like 6 ish... (dont worry the make up wasnt to old) but she would wash some off if we put on to much then had to go some where. i went for a few years with just tan eye shodows and light pink or brown lip stick for a few years... now im 16 and though i hate putting on make up when im just staying around the house when i go out i always have on black eye liner and mascara.... (i changed my image a few years ago lolz... some one said im kinda like a goth/ punk rock/ nice girl when it come to clothes) and clear lip gloss because my pale lips go great with the dark eye make up... but i dont go crazy... and i dont use colors that clash... so i guess it really depends on how good you are at putting it on... if you really need it... if you are ok at picking colors that highlight (im like paper white so the black really makes it stand out)... and how old you arre... if you are to young and you wear really dark stuff it might look tacky... so... ya i wrote this whole thing and found out i dont really have an opinion. XD

05-6-2011 at 2:55 AM
i say lip glosses and a little bit of eye shadow starting in seventh grade and once in highschool or sixteen you can go all out on it. if they start wearing it too young, they get hooked and obsessed with perfection and looks. by starting later, they're better at accepting their looks.

04-28-2011 at 11:45 PM
I say when they hit puberty =P I used makeup since 11 or 12 but mostly just to cover up acne >.&lt;

04-25-2011 at 8:12 PM
Im okk with my kids exploring makeup. My nice shes 5 she plays in it but shes not allowed to ware it outside. <br /> <br /> Kids are going to want to do what there moms do. They see there mom dressing up and putting on makeup they will want to as well. Its just kids being kids, so let them be kids.<br /> <br /> As for when they should be allowed to ware makeup outside the home and going to school with it on. I think that depends on the kid in question and there maturity level. If a 16 year old acts like a 5 year old and slaps on as much as possible then no. if a 13 year old understands its not to cover up every detail on her face and is to inhance her natural looks then yes. <br /> <br /> That make sence at all?

04-25-2011 at 7:35 PM
I've been wearing makeup since I was 12. My stepmother made me.<br /> <br /> I don't consider lip gloss to be makeup. It's more like better looking/tasting chapstick. <br /> <br /> I think it's important to let your kid explore makeup whenever they take the interest in it. If they're younger, eventually they'll forget about it. If they're older, well, by the time it matters, they'll know how to put it on. <br /> <br /> I've always been different than most other kids though, I only wear little eyeliner and mascara. Used to be a lot of eyeliner and mascara. But I've never had acne or problem skin, so I've never worn foundation or concealer. Most of the girls at my high school would cake it on. Their skin looked fake. But when they took it off, it was scary. <br /> <br /> The point of makeup is to accentuate what you already have, not paint on a new face. In my case, I have dark and long eyelashes, naturally bright lips, big eyes and clear skin. I'm lucky. I can go without makeup if I want to. And not everyone is that fortunate. <br /> <br /> It's important for you to be confident about how you look and love yourself no matter what. Telling a girl (or boy, for that matter) that they can't wear makeup when they want to, especially at an older age, can seriously harm their self esteem. <br /> <br /> Plus, it's so much fun to play with. I can do makeup wilder than Ke$ha's and more natural than Katy Perry's.

04-25-2011 at 7:26 PM
I think things like coverup [when they're older] would be fine, but idk about lil kids and makeup :(

04-25-2011 at 7:11 PM
Yeah, that's the only real concern I have with that. I really think people need to press natural beauty more than anything. It's hard to do with ads and everything the way they are now. :/

04-25-2011 at 7:07 PM
mm yeah but I've seen my lil cousin when she puts on makeup. She says its to "look pretty". I just don't think that makeup = pretty is something I would want instilled into a child.

04-25-2011 at 7:02 PM
I should probably point out that when I say they can wear makeup, I don't mean things like <a href="http://www.matthimes.com/images/baby.jpg">this</a>. I mean really? That just isn't safe or cute at all.<br /> <br /> Stuff like <a href="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ZpRh1aOH4o4/TNiwKws9dWI/AAAAAAAAADI/Emiezdln308/s1600/DSCN4416.JPG">this</a> doesn't seem like there is anything wrong with it, imo.


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