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Will Pitbulls be more understood if on Ala ?
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I personally hate that pitties are thought of fighting dogs, then being abused for fighting eachother, and by their owners. Some owners may take care of their pitties, but others abuse them.

I think that is pitties are on Ala, they may be understood as an agility dog, since Ala is a site for training dogs then trialing them in agility. Then, they may be used more for agility than fighting. I'd love to see that happen. Plus, maybe they'll also be used for breeding, but I'm not sure if that will be good. On Ala it will be fine, but in real life it could, if the pitties would be more understood.

So, what do all of you guys think ? Do you think pitties would be more understood as good dogs that can be used for things other than fighting ? Or do you think nothing will change ?

07-25-2011 at 8:47 AM
I believe PitBulls are as vicious and as sweet as any other dog. I can't believe people want to ban PitBulls just cause 3 people die every year in the USA because of them. That's mostly because of stupid behavior of humans or bred that way. And PitBulls are actually the safest dogs to pull apart from a fight, as a chihuahua fighting with another chihuahua would bite the human and so would a doberman or lab. If people start killing the dog fighters then maybe they'll get a better reputation and England will unban them and everyone will love them. <3 I myself have a PitBull and she is the sweetest dog ever, she bit someone once when she was like 3 months old but that's because he was running away from her and teasing her with a Football<human stupidity error. And she would only ever fight someone/thing for self defense. Her mom attacked her once and went straight for her neck, Macy never left any marks on her mom, she was just pushing her mom and trying to get away. She wouldn't hurt a fly on purpose.

07-25-2011 at 6:49 AM
"- Well, what I'm trying to get to is that PitBulls aren't vicious only if they were bred right, they are vicious if you treat them badly when growing up."<br /> <br /> Actually breeding does play an enormous part in the dog. There's a reason why people who want police dogs go to certain breeders who breed for a certain temperament.<br /> Behavior is in fact genetic, if you breed a naturally human aggressive dog chances are the offspring will carry that gene.<br /> <br /> While yes raising a dog improperly can lead to issues, genetics should not be overlooked. <br /> <br /> Every dog attack I've seen was from the ignorance of the owner or someone involved, ignoring warning signs, or just being stupid.<br /> If not, then generally a medical issue is to blame for the attack.<br /> <br /> Not trying to sound rude, but just because a dog came from a breeder doesn't mean it is well bred.<br /> http://www.pbrc.net/breeding3.html<br /> <br /> <br /> *brain spew off*

07-25-2011 at 2:32 AM
I really don't think that having pits on Ala is going to change anything. I mean...what difference could it possibly make?<br /> <br /> I love pit bulls, and I don't think they're any more dangerous than any other breed of dog. Any type of dog could attack a person, not just pit bulls.<br /> <br />

07-24-2011 at 5:19 PM
"Pits are vicous unless breed right, which is rare in this breed now a days. You they attack they should be put down. Period."<br /> <br /> It's only if they are treated right during puppy to adult stages. Depends, if they are played with too rough as in being teased and such, then yes they may turn vicious. I known this because my aunt is a PitBull breeder and her friends teen son had adopted two from her. He began to play with the male PitBull rough, teasing him with treats and such. Well, there were actually two males they had adopted. And when the my aunts friend's son had a friend over, they were pretend wrestling and the PitBull had thought that his owner(the teen boy) was getting hurt by the boys friend, so the dog lunged at his friend but accidentally got my aunts friend's son instead. They police said they had to put that dog down because they said he would just turn out more vicious. - Well, what I'm trying to get to is that PitBulls aren't vicious only if they were bred right, they are vicious if you treat them badly when growing up.<br /> <br /> Now, I don't think that just because PitBulls are on Ala now does mean that people will understand them more. It takes more than just adopting an image of a dog online. To get people to understand them, you need to be around well treated PitBulls in real life.

07-14-2011 at 7:11 AM
Many dogmen brought their dog fighting dogs in public, back in the day when it was a national past time. They love people. <br /> <br /> A Pit Bull displaying humane aggression or fear, is not a good example of the breed.<br /> <br /> But I do have to disagree on being very protective, they're a not a guardian breed and a well bred Pit Bull who fits standard would greet a stranger.<br /> <br /> From the UKC standard<br /> <br /> "The APBT is not the best choice for a guard dog since they are extremely friendly, even with strangers. Aggressive behavior toward humans is uncharacteristic of the breed and highly undesirable."<br /> <br /> But they excel in just about everything xD<br /> <br /> Even sledding sports, like bikejoring, skijoring.

07-14-2011 at 4:57 AM
When pitbulls were originally bred for dog fighting... even back in those day any human violence would not be tolerated. They were specifically bred to be handled intently. Pitbulls can be very dog aggressive by nature, sure. But any dog can be. As well as any dog can be human aggressive. Pitbulls just are more dangerous due to the way they are built. <br /> <br /> I personally grew up around pits, and although they can be a very protective breed, they also excel in obedience and can be the most gentle animals.<br /> <br /> They also are very high maintenance and need alot of attention, training, and exercise.<br /> <br /> <br /> Plus they can chew through anything.<br /> <br /> :)<br /> <br />

07-14-2011 at 1:02 AM
It's actually not very rare... Reputable breeders just don't let just anyone have their dogs so that's why you don't see them around as much. But if you went to sports, events, shows, you'd see that there are plenty.<br /> <br /> It's uncommon that even a backyard bred Pit Bull would have human aggression. <br /> <br /> You can take a well bred dog and make them aggressive for whatever reason. Most dogs are aggressive from frustration (being in a backyard 24/7, not getting out), nervous, fearful (bad experiences), or simply encourage them to be aggressive. <br /> <br /> If ignorant, irresponsible people were out of the question, dog attacks would be almost unseen. There really aren't a lot of dog attacks as it is. Take into consideration that there are over hundreds of thousands of Pit Bulls in the US alone. And we see nowhere near that many bites.<br /> <br /> =]

07-14-2011 at 1:02 AM
<i>"Pits are vicous unless breed right, which is rare in this breed now a days. You they attack they should be put down. Period."</i><br /> <br /> That is not true. Pits, even ones used for fighting, are bred NOT to be human aggressive. In fact, it's much safer to grab a pit bull in a fight than any other dog.

07-13-2011 at 11:58 PM
Pits are vicous unless breed right, which is rare in this breed now a days. You they attack they should be put down. Period.

07-11-2011 at 10:44 PM
aust that's a little narrow minded. just because you had problems with a couple of pit bulls doesn't mean you should condemn the entire breed.

07-11-2011 at 6:04 PM
I love pitbulls and I will always stick up for them. But I have to say the dogs on here are virtual so it wont change most peoples minds about them. The number one reason why pitbulls are disliked so much is because all people do is remember the bad things whitch are usally caused by bad breeding and irresponsible owners. Maybe if we start showing all the good things pitbulls have done it will start changing minds.

07-6-2011 at 1:08 PM
I have had bad experiences with Pits and just because they were on ala is not going to change my POV.

07-6-2011 at 3:14 AM
I love pit Bulls, and would love to have one of my own some day. I think Pit Bulls are amazing dogs, and have many good qualities. But some people will never see that, and continue to see all Pits as killers. I honestly don't think that it'll make much of a difference if Pits are added to Ala. Unfortunate as it is, it will likely make no difference at all in the minds of some people.

06-28-2011 at 1:12 AM
Pits being on ala isn't going to change a thing. When people find ala they will generally be the types of people who already know that it's the owners and not the animals.<br /> <br /> I also think that people here are making an unnecessarily big deal about this. Yes, pits are misused by people, and yes that is bad, but people here seemed to take it too far. I'm overjoyed that the poll is over, I'm sick and tired of the nearly endless talks about it on chat and the obnoxious ads as well.

06-25-2011 at 4:41 AM
i Hope so. i hope people will shed a lovign light on pit bulls here instead of giving them a Bad image.

06-23-2011 at 6:39 PM
Celestial, It's nice that some people did that. I was just saying that a majority of the people did. Sorry if it wasn't clear.

06-20-2011 at 11:40 PM
Pearl, when I posted mine I said the breed's temperament, confident, tenacious, powerful, friendly, and affectionate. And also mentioned that they're strong/powerful,have a high endurance, fast dogs who are also lean and slender making them agile. Very versatile and good workers.

06-20-2011 at 12:19 PM
I agree that they are misunderstood dogs, but I don't think there will be much of a change just by having them a new breed on Ala.<br /> <br /> One thing I have noticed, though, is that people use this topic too often. Before you get angry, read on: When people say "vote for pitties!", all they mention is that they are misunderstood dogs. It seems that there is nothing on the breed's qualities. If you want them to win so much, why not add some good trait about them, not just about how humans are training them incorrectly.<br /> <br /> Does anyone agree?

06-20-2011 at 3:45 AM
I personally don't think having Pits on Ala will change many minds. Sure on Ala they'll be adorable and will represent real life Pits, but some people might think of them the same no matter what. I honestly love the breed and think that they can be amazing dogs if bred and raised the right way. I'd love to have them in real life, but in my area where I live, they're more of Pit haters and fighters. It's sad that they face hatred everywhere.

06-20-2011 at 3:09 AM
I agree ^_^<br /> <br /> Sadly it's still legal in some countries. :(


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