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Gender/Sexuality in Chat
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Yep, another one. Get over it.:)

I think anyone who was just in chat saw what was going on. And of course, more intelligent conversation pushed out of chat and here we are. Yeah, I know we have a gay rights thread, but we don't have a gender identity thread, I don't think and we certainly don't have one about whether they have mature implications or not.

I'm not even going to bother stating my opinion, as I think saying I'm bisexual, genderqueer and proud is enough to show my thoughts on the matter.

07-9-2011 at 3:06 AM
<b><a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/forums.php?boardid=7343&category=Debate">Same Sex Lifestyles and Rights Can be Discussed Here</a>

07-7-2011 at 7:12 AM
i agree with that

07-6-2011 at 10:23 PM
But what qualifies as a "big discussion?" Because people have asked me to explain myself before when mentioning gender issues. I don't think that's too "mature" a topic to discuss in chat because it's a reality. It's just something people <i>are</i>. Like saying "I have blond hair" or "I have olive-toned skin." There should be no restrictions on something as simple as gender/sexuality discussion so long as it doesn't stray into graphic detail.

07-6-2011 at 5:47 PM
You can still talk about it. You're not being silenced. We just ask that the big discussions be kept out of chat.
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2011-07-06 10:49:34 by #42

07-6-2011 at 1:39 PM
We've been using the symbol for years. We're not just going to change it because some peopl?e don't like it.xD

07-6-2011 at 9:03 AM
I was born a straight female and I still am... I mean, y'know, if you were born a dude but you "feel" like you "are" a girl, then that's cool. And if you're a girl who likes other girls or whatever that's cool too. It really doesn't bother me. The only thing that gets on me is that all of a sudden the rainbow is a symbol for LGBTs all around the world. I mean, seriously, people. I personally like the rainbow 'cause it's all color-y and stuff, and now people think I'm and LGBT person... LGBT needs a new symbol. Other than that, yeah man. I can live and let live.

07-6-2011 at 7:37 AM
You really don't get this identity issue do you? Fine, let's mix it up. Let's say being outgoing is taboo. Would you tell an outgoing person to hide themselges to protect the innocent children?<br /> <br /> Also. What confuses a kid is not a good measurement on how mature something is or isn't. Driving horribly confuses kids, shall we ban all talk of driving?

07-6-2011 at 6:22 AM
well most parents think it is too soon for their 13 year olds. it's not that ala is trying to keep an minority identity underwraps, ala is trying to be discreet about what majority of parents view as too mature. i don't think they're saying don't let anyone know youre gay, i think they're saying be discreet about certain things like that, especially things that could confuse the younger ones.

07-6-2011 at 3:22 AM
But homosexuality is not too mature for 13 year olds. I came out before I was 13. And this was the point when I was not sexually mature, barely knew what sex was (yay fail sex education), and I was able to talk about the LGBT community with ease when I realized it wasn't a sin. If you keep shushing such discussion, you are teaching LGBT youth that their identity is something that they are required to hide because it's more important to hide the "sensitive eyes of youngsters" (*coughsarcasmcough*) than to recoginize who they are AS PEOPLE.

07-6-2011 at 2:28 AM
From the admins<br /> <br /> ME--->" I was under the impression that mentioning ones own orientation was ok, but the discussion about homosexuality and its morals or what not isn't because it could turn nasty"<br /> <br /> ADMIN----->This is correct. You can say it in passing, or declaration, but not discussing. This is mainly because since this site does have player's as young as 13 (some even younger) their parents could be highly upset or offended if they see such discussions going on.

07-5-2011 at 11:42 PM
I, too, have had to explain things about my gender to folks in chat who were curious that wasn't explicit or at all mature in any way. There's absolutely no way you can tell people to completely keep their sexuality/gender out of chat because that's part of what defines a person.<br /> <br /> Saying "my boyfriend" has implications. If you're a female, you're thought of as straight and if you're male, you're thought of as gay. Either one could be bi, of course, but knee jerk reaction from someone else hearing that would be "oh, [person in question] is dating someone of the opposite/same gender! Said person must be [insert sexuality here]!"<br /> <br /> There's nothing at all mature about it.

07-5-2011 at 8:12 AM
Wait, seriously? Is this a thing? This happened?<br /> <br /> As in, I can't mention any LGBT things about myself because of.. morality, or what?<br /> <br /> <i>For real?</i><br /> <br /> I've already had to explain personal stuff a few times in chat that had nothing to do with sex itself. If my ability to do this gets taken away I might.. lose it <i>just a little</i>.

07-5-2011 at 6:01 AM
That's not true. It isn't dramatic. You may think it is, but live as me for a day and you won't. Be a bisexual genderqueer with homophobic family who you have to hide from. The only reason I hide from them is because I love them and I know I would lose them if I told them. And it kills me inside. It kills me that society views me as less of a person. So, if I want to tell strangers, I'm going to tell strangers. Because I have a right to.

07-5-2011 at 5:59 AM
well i think 'hiding who you are' is a little dramatic, if you want to tell your friends you can message them, theres no need to tell all the strangers on private chat. and yes i understand that if we were talking about race it would be a whole other situation, but society isn't there yet. society got passed predjudicism towards races, but that took Several Wars. and it's Still here. eventually society will get passed things like sexuality and gender (hopefully it won't take a war though.) you should be proud that your brave enough to live with whatever rude people dish out at you for it but not everyone can, which is nothing to be ashamed of. so im assuming you'll say they don't have to talk about it if they don't want to, which is true, except they might anyway and get their feelings hurt whereas of now, they try and they're told to take it to a more private place before insults are able to be fired. (i have to go now i'll reply tomorrow)
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2011-07-04 23:00:59 by #12307

07-5-2011 at 5:52 AM
But forcing people to hide who they are just because it could upset others is no reason to do it. SEriously, switch "homosexual" with "African American" and we wouldn't be having this conversation. We can talk about our race and our sex, and to an extent our religon, but not our sexuality or our gender identity? I'm not going to hide who I am because bigots will get butthurt about it.

07-5-2011 at 5:48 AM
when i have to block someone, it Ruins my day, i get this horrible feeling in my stomach and so i can understand why ala decided just private chat instead of having to go through that.

07-5-2011 at 5:46 AM
no they wouldn't what? and once an insult is out there it's out there there's nothing Efficient a mod can do, a slap on the wrist doesn't cut it in my opinion. some people might be alright with risking hurt feelings because it's as simple as blocking to avoid a thing like that but ala doesn't feel that it should have to go that far. why have a giant scene and then having to block someone ruin your day whereas you can just private message a person you want to talk to about it?

07-5-2011 at 5:41 AM
No they wouldn't. And see, there are people called mods for a reason. To stop such bullying. It's not that hard to report someone if they are bullying you for your sexuality. If they continue, block them. If they find other ways, report them again, maybe to an admin, depending on how bad things are getting.

07-5-2011 at 5:39 AM
i don't believe someone should be able to say they are straight on public chat that's really biased that i can talk about my heterosexality on it because it's apart of teh majority. i think all sexuality or gender (plus a lot of other topics) should be Entirely for private chat, messaging, or 18 forum. yes i understand it's a hassle of sorts but i'd rather private chat than risk doing it publicly and having someone's feeelings get hurt. you may have gotten over bullying but that doesn't mean it's ok they're exposed to it. im sure a lot more people would agree if heterosexuality was banned from public chat as well, which i hope it shall be. it hurts to be told because your this you can do that, and i feel sympathy that the minority's culture and beliefs has to go through that.
edit history
2011-07-04 22:41:06 by #12307
2011-07-04 22:40:06 by #12307

07-5-2011 at 5:34 AM
That's incredibly unfair, though. And stupid. And unnecessary. And many words I can't say because there are children present. I'm not 18, so I can't talk about my sexuality outside of private chat? And I'm not going to save it for private chat. If someone who is straight can say it, I should be able to say the same thing as bisexual woman, as should a homosexual person. Either let me talk as much as a straight person can, or don't let them talk about their sexuality or relationships either.


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