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Seeking Shelties
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I want one thats up for sale not auction. either post their ID here, a link, or "" me a price will pay more for dogs with better tp, drive, and speed.

Male or female :)
They must have a red base coat and brown or green eyes. I will look at dogs with yellow eyes.

Dogs with merrel coats will be considered.
dogs can be maxed or unmaxed. tp must be 145 or higher.

06-30-2012 at 6:55 PM
I have 3 low tp aussies for sale. A brother and sister and a new born. 147878, 153627, and 147876

09-21-2011 at 12:15 PM
I have a maxed Sheltie and Maxed Husky for sale they are on my side account,but the links are on my profile.

09-19-2011 at 11:30 AM
I have 1 female maxed corgi.She has pretty good tp comes with some items and a background and is for sale for 11k or 1 bone.her id is 52755


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