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The Testing Thread
Started By

So we don't spam up the rest of GD, here is a thread to test things such as different font colors, pictures, and other things.

No spamming up chat with font colors either! Post them here to test. :]

I'm testing my signature right now. C:


You must enter the HTML coding to test font colors on the forums.

{font color="#FFFFFF"}Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3{/font}

Replace the {} with the proper <> brackets.

Hex Code Chart http://johncfish.com/bggallery/otherchart/hextable.gif

06-15-2014 at 9:14 AM
&lt; font size="{4}" > T

06-6-2014 at 7:46 PM
<font color="#6600CC">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font>
edit history
2014-06-06 19:55:11 by #34324
2014-06-06 19:55:04 by #34324

05-31-2014 at 9:35 PM
The font size code is &lt; font size="{number}" > and &lt; /font ><br /> <br /> This is how it will appear:<br /> <br /> <font size="4">Hello, I am font size 4</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3">Hello, I am font size 3</font><br /> <br /> <font size="2">Hello, I am font size 2</font><br /> <br /> <font size="1">Hello, I am font size 1</font>

05-31-2014 at 6:25 PM
does anyone have the font size code?

05-23-2014 at 3:47 PM
<font color="#3300CC">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font><br /> <br /> <font color="#6600CC">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font><br />

05-23-2014 at 3:45 PM
(font color="#6600CC")Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3(/font)

05-8-2014 at 1:22 PM
<font color="#0033FF"><br /> <br /> Testing testing testing, 1, 2 , 3<br /> <br /> <font color="#0033CC"><br /> <br /> Testing testing testing, 1 , 2 , 3

05-8-2014 at 1:20 PM
<font color="#0066CC"><br /> <br /> Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3

04-12-2014 at 12:05 PM
<font color="#667C26">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font><br /> <font color="#3C277D">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font><br /> <font color="#438D80">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font>
edit history
2014-04-12 12:06:44 by #33466

04-12-2014 at 12:03 PM
<font color="#8C4351">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font><br /> <font color="#008080">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font><br /> <font color="#800000">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font>
edit history
2014-04-12 12:07:27 by #33466

04-12-2014 at 12:03 PM
<font color="#D2B9D3">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font><br /> <font color="#D4BAC8">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font><br /> <font color="#BAD4D3">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font>
edit history
2014-04-12 12:09:07 by #33466

04-12-2014 at 12:02 PM
<font color="#FAE1FB">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font><br /> <font color="#FFEBFF">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font><br /> <font color="#826983">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font>
edit history
2014-04-12 12:10:06 by #33466

04-12-2014 at 12:01 PM
<font color="#848B79">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font><br /> <font color="#78866B">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font><br /> <font color="#667C26">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font>
edit history
2014-04-12 12:04:50 by #33466

04-12-2014 at 12:00 PM
edit history
2014-04-12 12:11:19 by #33466
2014-04-12 12:01:31 by #33466

04-4-2014 at 8:49 PM
<font color="#6959CD">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font><br /> <font color="#28AE7B">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font><br /> <font color="#858585">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font><br /> <font color="#8E388E">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font><br /> <font color="#F54D70">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font><br /> <font color="#F64D54">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font>
edit history
2014-04-04 21:03:08 by #96

03-21-2014 at 8:03 PM
<font color="#40592">Testing this color</font><br /> <font color="#40BF00">Testing this color</font><br /> <font color="#FF8000">Testing this color</font><br /> <font color="#FF0000">Testing this color</font><br /> <font color="#000040">Testing this color</font><br /><br /> <font color="#400040">Testing this color</font><br /> <br /> <font color="#FF4040">Testing this color</font><br /><br /> <font color="#80BF00">Testing this color</font><br /><br /> <font color="#BF0040">Testing this color</font><br /><br /> <font color="#BF80BF">Testing this color</font><br /><br /> <br /> <br />
edit history
2014-03-21 20:11:13 by #33301
2014-03-21 20:06:22 by #33301

03-6-2014 at 6:35 PM
testing testing

02-10-2014 at 5:49 PM
Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3

Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3

Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3
edit history
2014-02-11 12:13:17 by #15769
2014-02-10 17:58:29 by #15769

01-4-2014 at 6:08 PM
<font color="#87AFC7">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font><br /> <font color="#82CAFA">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font><br /> <font color="#E38AAE">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font><br /> <font color="#FBBBB9">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font><br /> <font color="#9E7BFF">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font><br /> <font color="#B041FF">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font><br /> <font color="#E6A9EC">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font><br /> <font color="#C38EC7">Testing testing testing 1, 2, 3</font>
edit history
2014-01-04 18:21:29 by #15403
2014-01-04 18:13:13 by #15403

11-21-2013 at 3:26 PM
<font color="CC99FF">Once upon a time, in a land governed by</font><br /> <font color="FF99FF">a dreadfully ferocious creature with no sense of</font><br /> <font color="9933CC">benevolence, there was a hero who was remarkably generic.</font><br /> <font color="993366">There was nothing special about our hero.</font><br /> <font color="666699">He wasn't particularly strong, or brave, or smart.</font><br /> <font color="9999CC">In fact, some say that he was simply created off the top of someone's head so that they may test font colors.</font><br /> <font color="996666">"What rubbish!" our hero would murmur to himself.</font>
edit history
2013-11-21 15:32:11 by #2561


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