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Sona contest! Big prizes!
Started By
Alright bro's here's what's goin down.

I want a new character/sona, BUT, knowing me being bad at creating this stuff, I'm letting you guys do it for me!
It can be either one certain species or you can mix them or create something entirely different. I would honestly prefer if you'd mix species (for example, Catbug and SharkPuppy. If you haven't heard of these adorable little things, go google them). You can choose the species or you can use this generator. You can use more than two species but I would prefer it if you didn't go overboard.

Bird feet
Primates/humanoid figures
Human-like hair
Bunch of accessories
Covered in scars
Using someone else's lineart
Taking a character you've owned and putting it in the contest
Copying someone else's character
No wolves

If you're doing an animal that actually exists/mix species that's real, stick with the color codings of the species you're using. IF its a mythical creature and its meant to be colorful, I suppose you can use un-natural colors.
I like chin scars
Heterochromia is cool too
Long tails or bobbed tails
Uniqueness and creativity!

If you're going to do a dog breed or mix a canine with another species/dog breed, I should let you know what breeds I like best, right?
Beauceron, St. Bernard, Samoyed, German Shepherd, Australian Shepherd, Kooiker, Shetland Sheepdog, Great Dane, King Charles Spaniel, Corgi, Panda Shepherd, Border Collie, Labradors (if you choose this, make it a mutt please).

Assuming some of you will actually do what I'm looking for, here's a list of animals that I like most:
˚ Amur Leopard
˚ Thylacines
˚ Asian Golden Cat
˚ Dhole
˚ Bat-Eared Fox
˚ Fennec Fox
˚ Musk Deer
Please don't feel limited to these animals, be creative! That's what I'm looking for!

Oh and also, you may make as many entries as you want! Go crazy!
Artistic ability does not matter, and if you somehow can't draw it, you may type up a detailed description and maybe photo examples.

Now, I'm sure you all are asking right now, "What's in it for me?" Well, here's what you will get:
˚ A full body, fully shaded, fully colored picture of whatever you want
˚ A 10 deviation feature from either your gallery, another users, or a mix! This feature will remain on my page for 2 weeks

(Alacrity user bonuses)
˚ 10 bones
˚ 500k

I know its not much, I may add some stuff later but this is all I can give you. The end date right now is going to be May 1st. If I'm not getting enough entries, I will extend the end date or close the contest all together. Have fun and good luck!

Oh and please post your entries on my contest DA journal! Thanks!

07-23-2014 at 11:12 AM
Is it still open?

04-28-2014 at 1:54 PM
I would like to try

01-22-2014 at 9:52 AM
edit history
2014-01-22 09:53:29 by #96

03-23-2013 at 2:55 PM
I might try something with a dhole x3<br /> I love Dholes.. :P


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