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[ENDED] Colouring Contest!
Started By

Colouring Contest
x Closed for Judging x

Thank-you, everyone who entered!

Zyzy (#28004)
Joy (#26821)
ImpulsingPaws (#38635)
K (#18315)
Saghyme (#38426)
Pilot (#33068)

Hey everyone!
Welcome to the Summer Sendoff Colouring Contest!
This is the first time we've done a colouring contest on Alacrity, so we really hope you enjoy it. :)

This contest will be open for entries from September 1st until September 22nd. The Alacrity staff will do the Care Bear countdown and spend a week admiring your work, and the winners will be announced on September 30th!

Contest Rules & Guidelines

01. This contest is free to enter, and your entry may be digital or traditional.
02. One entry per person, not per account.
03. Your entry must be all your own work. No collaborations.
04. Your entry must be complete when you post it.
07. Entries close at 11:59PM (Ala time) on September 22nd.

Placement & Prizes

We have three big prizes for this contest:
• 1 Rainbow Cupcake
• 15 bones
• A custom dog of your own design

First place winner will get first pick from those three, 2nd place will get to choose between the two left, and 3rd place will get the remaining item.

That's not all, though...
Everyone* who enters without disqualification will receive $5000!
(*except the winners)


• Entering something which breaks any of Alacrity's rules.
• Entering anything other than the provided image to colour (see next section).
• Editing the existing linework in any way (feel free to colour the lines if working digitally, or add lines as you see fit).
• Entering something which is incomplete or clearly had no effort put into it (just flood-filling it, etc.).
• Making any edits to your entry after posting it (fixing broken links or changing to a better scan or size of your entry is allowed, though).
• Posting an entry after 11:59PM (Ala time) on September 22nd.

Doing any of these things will get you disqualified. This means your entry won't be counted, and you won't get to make another entry to the contest in its place!

Colouring Page

In honour of Alacrity's site mascot, Alastair, a sheltie was chosen for the colouring page. You can colour this dog to look however you want, though!
Digital: »click me«
Traditional: »click me«

1. Pick which file you'll be using. If you'll be colouring on the computer, use the link after "Digital". If you'll be printing the page out to colour it, use the link after "Traditional".
2. If a box comes up asking you to join or log in to Dropbox, just close it. :) You don't need to sign up for their service.
3. Click the blue "Download" button in the upper right corner, and select "Direct Download".
4. Another box may come up asking you to join Dropbox. Click the blue text at the bottom that says you'd rather just continue to your download.
5. And that's it! The lineart will download and save to wherever your browser is set to save downloaded files, ready for you to open in your art program, or print off. :)

How to Enter

To enter, please upload your entry on another site (deviantArt, tumblr, imgur, tinypic, photobucket, etc.) and post a clickable link to your entry in reply to this thread.
Do not post the image itself directly on this thread.
Do not post the URL as plain text (not a clickable link).
Improperly submitted entries will not be considered!

How to Post an Image:
Copy and paste the following code. Replace the bold text with the appropriate information:
<a href="entry URL">this text will be clickable</a>

If you have any questions about this contest that aren't answered here, please don't hesitate to ask in the Issue Hub! :)

09-21-2015 at 11:10 AM
<a href=http://www.ezimba.com/work/150922C/ezimba17239632880000.png>*Enters at last minute.*</a>

09-19-2015 at 3:08 AM
<a href="http://i.imgur.com/boNBoBX.jpg">and finally my entry :)</a>

09-15-2015 at 4:10 AM
<a href="http://fav.me/d99nz0t">A wild entry appears!</a>

09-11-2015 at 6:25 PM
<a href="http://imgur.com/M0HDDGY">Look, an Entry!</a>

09-8-2015 at 8:01 PM
<a href="http://sta.sh/0de5nk3nvv4?recent_preview=1">My Entry</a>

09-3-2015 at 1:41 PM
<a href="http://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg544/KaseyBallew/colouring%20page%20DIGITAL_zpszgxnfnon.png">Entry for contest</a>


Username: *
  • = required field
  • two accounts per person
  • email verification necessary
  • the secret question is in case you forget your username or need to reset your email address