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Entire inventory for sale!
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All items in my inventory will be for sale for USD ONLY! (Through paypal) I havent been using my items and selling them will help out with some of my bills that keep adding up lately. So any sales are appreciated. If prices seem a little high please make an offer and I will consider selling it at your offer price instead. Please no bone or ala cash offers. I have enough of those.

African Sunset Background x1 - $ .50
African Wild Dog x1 - $2
Aporia Crataegi Butterflies x1 - $1
Apricot Swirl Striped Skunk x1 - $2
Arctic Fox x1 - $15
Asteroid x1 - $1
Autofeeder x2 - $4
Baby Banded Rat x1 - $2
Baby Griffin x5 - $6 each
Baby Hooded Rat x1 - $2
Baby Orca x1 -$1
Baby Siamese Rat x1 - $2
Bandana of Youth x6 - $2 each
Barn Owl x1 - $2
Bathing Black Cat x1 - $2
Bathing Tuxedo Cat x1 - $2
Birthday cake x1 - $5
Black Backed Jackal Plush x1 - $1
Black Pegasus Foal x1 - $2
Black Striped Skunk x1 - $3
Blossoming Forest Background x1 - $ .50
Blue Lobster x1 - $1
Blue Pearoosterx3 - $2 each
Box Turtle x1 - $2
Breakfast Bagel x1 - $ .50
Bridal Veil x1 - $ .50
Brown Rat x2 - $2
Brown Wolf Plush x2 - $ .50 each
Burning Sun x1 - $ .50
Cave Entrance Background x1 - $ .50
Chance x1 - $30 each
Chilly Path Background x1 - $ .25
Chocolate Chip Striped Skunk x2 - $2 each
Clockwork Butterfly x2 - $ .50 each
Clockwork Raven x1 - $ .50 each
Clown Fish x1 - $ .50
Common Death Adder x1 - $2
Confused Stork x3 - $6
Crocodile Hunter Necklace x1 - $.50
Cupid Costume x1 - $2
Demon Wings x2 - $4
Dolphin Beach Background x1 - $1
Dreaming Sheep Background x2 -$2
Elder Variegated Rat x1 - $ 2
English Cottage Background x1 - $1
Excalibur x1 -$.50
Fairies x1 - $ .50
Fawn Plush x1 - $ .50
Festive Fireworks Background x1 - $1
Forest Path Background x1 - $1
Freki x1 - $2
Frosted Mountain Background x1 - $1
Frozen Lake Background x2 - $1 each
Grassy Knoll x2 - $ .25 each
Great Pyramids Background x1 - $1
Green Fireflies x2 - $1 each
Hay Field Background x2 - $1
Heat Cookie x1 - $5 each
Hedge Pathway Background x1 - $1
Hellhound Mask x1 - $3
High Reaches Background x2 - $1 each
Hillside Night x2 - $1 each
Hooded Rat x1 - $2
Horse Stable Background x1 - $1
Interior Zeppelin Cabin Background x1 - $1
June 2011 Monthly Bag x1 - $2
Kitsune x2 - $5 each
Koala x1 - $1
Leucistic Owl x1 - $2
Lounging Golden Tabby Tiger x1 - $1
Lounging White Tiger x1 - $1
Lycaena Helle Butterflies x1 - $1
Lying Amur Leopard Plush x1 - $5
Magical Food Bowl x2 - $15 each
Magical Rubber Ball x1 - $1
Mandarin Fish x1 - $ .50
Mangrove Forest Background x1 - $1
Mars Surface x1 - $1
Melanistic Owl x1 - $2
Midnight Forest Background x3 - $1 each
Mjolnir x1 - $2
Moray Eel x2 - $2 each
Morning Mist Background x4 - $ .50 each
Morning Mountain x2 - $ .50 each
Mosquito in Amber Pendant x1 - $ .50
Mottled Koi Pond x1 - $2
Mountain Slope Background x1 - $1
Nebula Background x1 - $1
Nidhogg x1 - $1
Niflheim Background x2 - $ .50 each
November 2010 Monthly Bag x1 - $2
Nuzzling Birman Cat x1 -$2
Nuzzling Black Cat x1 -$2
Nuzzling Nebelung Cat x1 -$2
Nuzzling Tuxedo Cat x1 -$2
Open Ocean Background x1 - $1
Perched European Mink x1 -$2
Perched Patchy Mink x1 -$2
Peridot Birthstone Bracelet x1 - $ .25
Phoenix x1 - $ .50
Pied Blue Pearoosterx2 - $2
Pied Green Pearoosterx1 - $2
Piglet x1 - $2
Plate of Caffeinated Brownie x1 - $2
Prairie Thunderstorm Background x1 - $ .50
Prize Panda Bear x2 - $ .50
Quarry Mountain x1 - $ .25
Rainbow Cupcake Platter x1 - $2
Rataphant x1 - $2
Rebirth x1 - $.50
Red Cross Fox x2 - $ .50 each
Rejuvenator x7 - $10 each
Rhino Plush x2 - $ .50 each
River Nile Background x1 - $ .50
Riverside Day x1 - $1.50
Riverside Night x1 - $1.50
Riverside Twilight x1 - $1.50
Robyn`s Wedding Cake x1 - $ .25
Rocks x1 - $ .25
Rocky Hill x3 - $ .50
Romantic Setting x1 - $ .25
Scholar Collar x7 - $3 each
September 2012 Monthly Bag x1 - $2
Shooting Stars x1 - $ .50
Silver Wolf Plush x1 - $ .50
Sitting Amur Leopard Cub x1 - $15
Sitting Black Amur Leopard Cub x1 - $15
Skeletal Guard Dog x1 - $ .50
Small Koi Pond x1 - $1
Snowy Forest Background x1 - $1
Snowy Slope x1 - $1
Solar System Toy x1 - $ .25
Space Shuttle Plush x1 - $ .50
Spotted Skunk x1 - $2
Spring Fawn x1 - $3
Spring Hare Plush x1 - $ .50
Spruce Forest Background x13 - $ .25 each
Sputnik Satellite x1 - $1
Star Cluster Background x1 - $ 1
Starry Night Sky Background x5 - $1 each
Sunset Storm Background x6 - $1 each
Surreal Background x1 - $1
Survivor`s Martingale Collar x1 -$ .50
Tar Pit Background x1 -$ .50
Timestop x11 - $2 each
Timewarp x5 - $2 each
Timewatch x3 - $2 each
Underwater Cave Background x1 - $1
Valley of the Kings Background x1 -$ .50
Viking Spear x1 - $.50
Wallaby x1 - $2
White Dingo x1 - $2
White Dragon x1 - $2
White Pearoosterx1 - $2
White Pegasus Foal x1 -$2
White Stag x1 - $2
White Unicorn Foal x1 - $2
Winter Cabin Background x2 - $1 each
Yellow Cottonwood Seeds x1 - $.25

Please message me if you are interested in purchasing anything. It must go through Paypal only . I will give you my information only in messages. Also you must send the money first then I will give you the items. I have seen too many bad sale deals go through that I would rather not be one of them.

Thanks everyone! :) <3

10-2-2012 at 4:33 PM
<br /> i will order and pay for <br /> Clockwork Butterfly x1 - $ .50 each<br /> Clockwork Raven x1 - $ .50 each<br /> Clockwork Stag x1 - $ .50<br /> Arctic Fox x1 - $15<br /> Chance x1 - $30 each<br /> Heat Cookie x1 - $5 each


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