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Hi everyone, I have been wanting a minecraft account for ages but i sadly cannot afford to pay USD, So i am looking to trade for one! Bascially this is how it works

Me and You work out a deal , I give you whatever we agreed on after you Purchuse me minecraft.

if you dont now how to buy someone a minecraft account its simple You go to www.Minecraft.net And click "Buy now" Their will be 2 Large options "Buy For This Account" And "Buy For a friend" You Click the Buy for a freind one. ok so now you know that your Probaly wondering what i am offer well here it is

Things you can choose from

But it must be fair but i am willing to overpay a little
Can Choose Mixtures with everything except things with a * Next to them

Anything from my shop +Bones Or Cash
Ala Cash
* Golden Egg (65 or 75$ Donation item Cannot remember)
Free Maxing on One-Two dog(s) Under 1000 TP
But if nothing here satifys You tell me! I can always find more things to add!


Username: *
  • = required field
  • two accounts per person
  • email verification necessary
  • the secret question is in case you forget your username or need to reset your email address