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Vampires,Werewolfs/Wolfs and Humans RP!
Started By
Welcome to an all new roleplay it includes Vampires,Werewolfs/Wolfs and Humans!
there can be mixes like Half wolf and half vampire or with human eaither

1.No details about "it" just put fades to black
2.Please no cursing/swearing/cussing
3.Please be kind to one another
4.Please limit the drama there can be a little but not a whole lot
5.No powerplaying unless the person says its fine

Note:Your type means are you a werewolf or etc..

Parents(Can be blank):
Rank wanted:
Looks(no pics):

My People
Age:19years old
Personality:Noah is a kind man mostly everyone loves him hes charming and funny
Looks:He has hazel eyes and dirty blonde hair hes fit and has muscles/abs and a sort of six pack

Age:19years old
Rank:Vampire Leader
Personality:She is kind but when shes mad its hard to calm her down
Looks:She has beautiful waist long red hair and dark blue eyes

Personality:Shes mean but has a nice side for other vampires
Looks:She has light brown eyes and pale skin she is also fit

Personality:He is charming and kind but sometimes funny
Looks:He has a nice regular whitish tanish skin color and has green eyes and dark blonde hair

Other player's people
Nafia's People

Name:Maxine (Max)
Age:19years old
Rank:Vampire Deputy
Personality: She can be very mean and snappy but also very wise.
Looks: She has platinum blonde straight hair with amber eyes

Age:17years old
Rank:Wolf Beta
Personality:She is rather the opposite of Max and is very nice with a good sense of humor.
Looks:She has tan skin and raven black hair with black eyes.

Age:21years old
Rank:Wolf Fighter
Personality: He is very funny and athletic and rather smart.
Looks: He has curly dirty brown hair and very athletic. He has tanner skin and green eyes

Name: Trey Calhoun
Age: 19
Gender: male
Type: Vampire
Parents(Can be blank):
Siblings: dead
Mate/Partner: Sam
Kids: non
Fighter: ?
Personality: He can be aggressive but has a soft side, especially for other vampires.
Looks(no pics): He is very tall and fit. He is pale with spiky brown hair and brown eyes.

Joy's People
Name:Violet Ryder
Siblings:Only Child
Rank wanted:Doesn't matter
Personality:She is very fun not shy at all and likes to talk a lot. She easily makes friends and can get along with pretty much anyone.
Looks:She has dark brown hair and violet colored eyes. She has tan skin and a brithmark on her wrist that looks like the flower she was named after.

Name:Daniel Or Dan
Parents(Can be blank):Both are dead
Personality:He is protective yet friendly. He will talk to anyone and is pretty easy going. Even though he does not much like being a werewolf he choses to see it as a gift rather then a curse and uses it to help people.
Looks(no pics):He is tall at 6' 3" He has dark chocolater brown hair and dark blue eyes. He is fit and has a nice smile.

Clans and Packs

Thy kran vampire clan
Male Leader:
Female Leader:Lily

Male Deputy:
Female Deputy:Maxine

Male 2nd Deputy:
Female 2nd Deputy:

Lead Fighter:Trey

Lead Hunter:

Territory Patrol:

Mountain wolf pack
Alpha Male:Noah
Alpha Female:

Beta Male:
Beta Female:Justice

Omega Male:
Omega Female:

Lead Fighter:Nate

Lead Hunter:

Territory Patrol:

How these creatures were made
Vampires were originated in england when a human drank vampire poison
and made another human drink it they were both a couple than they had
a baby their baby was a pale white so was the couple they all had red eyes
and they had sharp teeth that were called fangs they killed and drank
human blood even when the baby was only five years old he turned about
400people into vampires the name of the first person who drank the venom
is Dracula.

Werewolfs also known as wolfs has a weird story to how they originated
a woman fell in love with a timber wolf the wolf loved her alot too one
day the wolf bit her hand causing her to turn into a wolf they mated
had pups and then they turned several other humans to wolfs people who
had sad lifes but now in this time some werewolfs are bad people some are good
and they help people but the very first werewolf was caused because of a
science wolf that was being tested on and well the lady fell in love with it.

So your wondering what happens during a full moon and a red moon?
On the time of the red moon which is the a few days before the full moon vampires
shift into vampires randomly without notice so most of them hide themselves
and others dont but the thing is they cannot unshift until the red moon is over
before and after a red moon a vampire can shift into a vampire or unshift into
their human forms anytime.

On the time of the full moon which is after the red moon werewolfs will turn into
werewolfs at a random time and cannot unshift into their human forms until the full moon
is over.

Single Males and Females+Coupled

Single Males
Nate-21years old
Noah-19years old
Trey-19years old
Daniel-21years old

Single Females
Max-19years old
Justice-17years old
Violet-18years old



The movements you know the submissive and all well you guys can make them up
like if you write "He/she gazes into her eyes(Im falling for you)" that is an
example you can use it if you want just put () before and after it

03-10-2012 at 8:19 AM
Trey sighed "If they try to hurt us or Linda, yes. We must leave them alone for now or else they will attack us" he said.<br /> <br /> Max kicked a rock hard in the woods. Of course, the packs were out of control and the vampires were all off being lovey to each other, what a world!<br /> <br /> Justice closed her eyes and tried to sleep although she couldn't

03-10-2012 at 8:08 AM
Sam looked at Trey "Do you ever think we would be able to kill the wolfs..." she said

03-9-2012 at 4:09 PM
Daniel made himself some food but he didn't feel like eatting. He sighed and sat at his table and put his head in his hands.<br /> <br /> Violet went to her room at the hotel and started putting all her new clothes and other things in her back pack and duffle bags. She knew she would have to do landry now though.

03-9-2012 at 4:03 PM
Sam smiled as Linda went to sleep "I never knew vampires went to sleep though she is a vampire baby.."

03-9-2012 at 3:55 PM
Trey smiled at their baby as Linda drank the blood.<br /> <br /> Justice curled up in her bed, not bothering to eat as she put her knees to her face.

03-9-2012 at 3:07 PM
Sam noticed Daniel spying on her family she looked at Trey "The wolfs are spying...And we need to keep Linda safe so we might have to be more secure.." she said as she held the baby tightly <br /> <br /> Linda opened her eyes they were bright red when she was hungry or upset and a beautiful hazel when she was okay

03-9-2012 at 3:02 PM
Daniel had fallowed Trey and Sam. He saw the baby, Linda, and growled to himself. He then turned and walked back to his house. At least he now knew where they were staying. This way he could keep a eye on them.<br /> <br /> Violet ate then walked to some clothing stores. She bought some jeans, shoes, shirts and a dress and skirt. She bought a few other things and then headed back to the hotel with so many bags she was surprised she was able to carry them. She decided she had better get a duffle bag or 2 and maybe a back pack to put everything in.

03-8-2012 at 12:54 PM
Sam smiled and nodded as they walked to his home she held the baby in her arms <br /> <br /> Linda cried Sam nursed her but she kept crying<br /> <br /> Sam sighed "I think you want blood.." she said killing a rabbit and putting its blood in a cup than she gave it to Linda<br /> <br /> OOC:I guess I will RP the baby xD<br />

03-7-2012 at 4:07 PM
Violet finally found a place that looked nice and walked to it. After she had been seated and her food brought out to her she ate slowly and thought about what to do next. She did need some new clothes. Maybe she should go shopping after this. That and look for a job maybe.

03-7-2012 at 4:05 PM
trey nodded "Perfect! And my parents are never there..." he trailed. In truth, his parents were killed by werewolves.<br /> <br /> Justice went into a motel-like place and got a room. She sat on a worn bed and stared up at the cracked ceiling, depressed.

03-7-2012 at 4:02 PM
Violet sta on a bench and looked at a map she had. She was looking for places to eat.

03-7-2012 at 3:45 PM
Sam shrugged "Maybe I can move into your home.." she said knowing he might have parents who might dislike her<br /> <br /> Linda opened her warm hazel eyes yawned<br /> <br /> Noah saw the family of three(Sam,Trey,Linda) he froze and ran off he stopped at a hotel more like a motel he thought and stayed in a room he laid down on the bed and sighed

03-7-2012 at 3:37 PM
Justice walked by the edge of the road into a small town. She sighed, it was better than staying in a tree. She made her way to it and looked at it, it had been a while since she saw anything as big and manmade for a while, excluding Daniel's house.<br /> <br /> Trey smiled "I think that perfect. Where should she stay?" he asked.

03-7-2012 at 3:33 PM
Violets stomach growled and she sighed. She checked her wallet and smiled a little. She had enough for a decent meal. She walked out of her room making sure she had her room key and walked out of the hotel. She now just needed to ask someone where the best place to eat was. She should have asked the guy she met before but it had sliped her mind.

03-7-2012 at 3:30 PM
Daniel sighed and thought about walking after Justice but decided not to. She didn't seem to be the same anymore. It was weird.<br /> <br />

03-7-2012 at 3:28 PM
Ryan nodded and stood up "All old ranks stay as were..." he said walking to his home<br /> <br /> Sam smiled "Maybe Lin for short.." she kissed Trey she was happy and excited<br /> <br />

03-7-2012 at 3:13 PM
Trey smiled "I think that's a beautiful name. She looks just like you" he said and kissed Linda's forehead and then kissed Sam.<br /> <br /> Justice sighed "I'm joining and I still get my rank from my old pack, Beta" she growled and turned to leave after.

03-7-2012 at 3:08 PM
Danile didn't like to eidea of having a baby vampire around but he also did not like the idea of being in a pack. He walked up to Ryan "I'll join but we need to get one thing clear. You may be alpha, and you can try and tell me to do things, but don't expect me to listen to you in a anyway. I will do as I please when I please"

03-7-2012 at 3:05 PM
Ryan nodded "Its not a turned one..it is born a vampire which makes it stronger.." he sat down on a rock "So wanna defeat it? join my pack"

03-7-2012 at 3:04 PM
Violet cam eto a town and got a room at a hotel. She went to her room and saw that the window looked out on the woods. She sighed and sat on the bed.<br /> <br /> Daniel looked at Ryan "What?! A Vampire baby?!"


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