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Howling your sorrows to the Moon~
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Yet another wolf RP xD But I want this one to be more realistic... No pink eyed wolves or 'She leaped off the 50ft bridge and landed without a scratch.' xD

There's not much to say, just read my first reply ^^; follow on or start some where else! Try to have detailed posts!

Also quick rules: NO cussing, sexuality, birth scenes, or such. Thanks!
Ok, a form to fill out! :D

What they look like:
Any Pups?:
What would they do in the pack*:

*As in hunting, scout, defend, take care of pups, care for wounded, Alpha Male, Alpha's Mate what? Also if pregnant say how far along, then have them poof and come back with the pups when the pups are coming! *pokes rules*

Ok, now mine!

Name: Tasha
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years
Personality: Kind, frisky, smart, nimble, but slightly sad, she got kicked out of her pack and had to leave all of her friends and family...
What she looks like: Grey coat, green blue eyes :)
Any Pups?: No
Mate/Crush: No mate, might get a crush >D
What would they do in the pack: Hunter, pup watcher.

Ok your turn! :D

04-15-2011 at 7:41 PM
OCC: Wow, this 'dreaming' thing was really able to give us the chance to let us know the wolf character more. Thanks ColorSplash for starting it! I find each story very interesting, and very sad as well.

04-15-2011 at 7:40 PM
Anastasia nodded, happy that everyone seemed to agree. The white femme put on a lazy smile which erupted into a yawn. Before curling up, the fae giggled softly at Tasha's remark. They needed to become comfortable with each other, including the new wolves and cracking jokes and making the mood lighter seemed like the best thing to do.<br /> <br /> "Good night," she said sleepily, lowering her head and dozing off.<br /> <br /> (Anastasia's dream)<br /> <br /> <i> "It's weak," The dark brute said in a deep voice, glaring down at the small white she-pup. <br /> <br /> "Give her a chance, sometimes it works out..." The white she-wolf began, staring at her nursing pups.<br /> <br /> "Maybe to you," he sneered, "I don't believe in chances, this young one doesn't have the slightest chance! Just leave it out to die," The he-wolf said in almost a disgusted tone.<br /> <br /> "Fine, if she doesn't live, then that's it, but if she proves healthy let her live."<br /> <br /> "And if she proves to only grow weaker, we either chase her out or kill her," The male said, swishing his tail and nearly smiling at the idea. "Either way, she's dead," The he-wolf growled, looking down with a scowl on his face. Then he trotted off, leaving the she-wolf to ponder. <br /> <br /> Although, it was guessed she wouldn't live, Anastasia did. But this angered the brute- the alpha and it caused her to be omega, the lowest rank that was mainly used as a punching bag, metaphorically. She normally starved, and no one was kind to her. By then her mother had died- from mysterious circumstances.<br /> <br /> "Sister, may I eat?" Anastasia asked weakly, looking up at her older sister with a sad look in her eyes.<br /> <br /> "Don't you dare call me that! You are no longer considered my sister, it disgraces me and the family!" She retorted angrily, venom in her eyes. The she-wolf then dragged the rest of the carcass along with her.<br /> <br /> Anastasia felt her empty heart crumble, now her family itself had disinherited her completely.<br /> <br /> After many more challenging moments of life, Anastasia always ended up with scars, wounds, and gashes. Life was cruel and terrible, even her own siblings dared not to look at her.<br /> <br /> 'I might as well leave, they wouldn't care, they'd be happy,' Anastasia thought bitterly. The, the next night, when the storm hit, she used it as a cloak so no one could see her run......</i><br />

04-15-2011 at 4:05 AM
((:O Very interesting!))<br /> <br /> Tasha's Dream:<br /> <br /> "I love you." Her mother whispered, blood oozing out of a large gash on her side. She blinked once more, smiled and closed her eyes."I love you." her mother whispered, then was no more. "Mommy? Mommy? Mommy!" She cried, she was only 3 or so months of age at the time. Two of the packs had fought and her mother died. Then two wolves came over to Tasha. <br /> <br /> "Come on!" The brute growled grabbing her. "Careful!" The fae warned to the male, "She's just a pup." <br /> "Fine you take it."<br /> The she wolf gingerly grabbed Tasha and grumbled "Her. Not it." <br /> <br /> They had arrived at the other pack's camp. She got fostered by an older she wolf, Tasha's pup hood had been hard she got bullied and beaten by the pack. <br /> <br /> Finally she was ale to run away one stormy night.

04-15-2011 at 3:28 AM
Accilia gave a small laugh. "G'Night you guys." she said,she hurried and curled around her rock with the name.She soon felt a little daze and fell asleep.<br /> <br /> Flash Back Dream:<br /> <br /> "Luke!" Accilia shouted out,the big truck sliding across the slippery water,and the truck fell over,the back end opened and all the cages with wolves in them,"Luke!" the thunder raged like a dog with rabies. The cages slid down the wet mud,and the opened.The she-wolf's coat all muddy,but that was the least of her problems.The big brute had always liked her stood in front of her,Luke stood on the other side. "DON"T TOUCH HER!!" Luke growled,soon the fight begain,Luke had lost,but lost his life,and love.Now she had to escape the brute,she hurried and slid down the side of the mud and ran into the forest just trying to hide,a tree was struck with lightning and she hurried and jumped over it,she crawled into the little hole in the wood and slept through the storm.

04-15-2011 at 2:20 AM
OCC: xD Same ;P<br /> <br /> "True and most packs hunt down the stealers." Said Tasha, having a similar vision. <br /> <br /> "Good point, most packs are still asleep. If we want to sure then we have to sleep.." Tasha said nodding. "And it looks like Accilia has a head start." She added giggling, trying to lighten the mood.<br /> <br /> Tasha curled up near the other wolves, her eyelids drooped, then closed. <br /> <br /> ((Should we zoom farther ahead? So we won't be like "She twitched in her sleep." xD))

04-15-2011 at 12:05 AM
OCC: Mom doesn't want me to go on the comp. a lot during school days now. -_- Of course, I still try!<br /> <br /> IC:<br /> Anastasia perked her ears towards the newcomer. Slightly tired, the femme really didn't speak but she rather gave the new guest a friendly smile. The she-wolf didn't know that there were quite a few loners wandering about. Normally they dispersed during the spring and summer.<br /> <br /> 'We're just some oddballs waiting to be challenged,' Anastasia half mused to herself as she trotted further in side the cave and watched.<br /> <br /> There was something off-set about the new she-wolf, she seemed to have a troubled past, and seemed to almost be dazed. It made her unpredictable. When the newcomer screamed, Anastasia nearly had jumped out of her pelt, and nearly made her heart lurch out of her chest but Tasha still spoke on, rather ignoring the random outburst.<br /> <br /> Then, the new guest curled up and took a nap, as when she woke up, she tried to start a conversation with the he-wolf.<br /> <br /> Anastasia, quickly trotted closer to Tasha, feeling the most comfortable around her and listened intently.<br /> <br /> The white painted she-wolf agreed.<br /> <br /> "Yes, if we're lucky, we may even find a struggling deer, or if we're even luckier, a herd of elk," Anastasia said, giving a warm yet firm look at the newcomers. The femme didn't want to steal, last time a wolf had stolen from her pack, they had been tracked down and brutally killed. Anastasia wasn't able to suppress a shudder at this.<br /> <br /> Trying to distract herself from her past, she glanced outside, trying to decide whether it right or not.<br /> <br /> "I'm no leader," she said, facing the wolves," But I think if we take rest, maybe the sun will come out and melt the snow a little bit, plus it may be clearer and we'll have more energy," Anastasia suggested, looking at the wolves and trying to see if they agreed,<br /> <br />

04-14-2011 at 3:51 AM
Tasha nodded, "In the morning if the snow has slowly ever so slightly, then we'll hunt.. If not. Then we steal, but I wish to avoid it at all costs. We'll only steal if we're going to starve to death." Tasha said, looking at Kiro and Accilia.

04-14-2011 at 1:28 AM
Accilia gave uneasy smile, "Ugh,I am not use to this at all!" she sighed and turned her head looking at the entrance too.She looked away she curled up into a ball and went to sleep.She sat up,falling over then sitting up again. "Hello?" the she-wolf said looking at Kiro,how could she be so careless and disrespectful.She started to worry a bit,but she calmed her self down quickly going to the snowy caved door."We need food,we have to hunt." she turned and looked back at Tasha. "Or we steal from a pack?" Accilia suggested.She gave a very uneasy look,stealing from a pack would be suicide,but it might just be.
edit history
2011-04-13 20:25:54 by #12854
2011-04-13 20:23:35 by #12854

04-14-2011 at 12:17 AM
(Sorry, I've been away for a while...)<br /> <br /> Kiro - I nodded, understanding the female's troubles. I kept my alert up, but decided to stay close to them and some of the other wolves that were nearby. I listened to all the other's stories, and tried to learn as much about everybody as possible.

04-13-2011 at 3:13 AM
Tasha, paused for a moment when the other wolf said "Don't touch her!" She assumed it was from some traumatic event in the wolf's life and decided to not ask about it. "Hopefully, the storm will calm, if not then we'll have to face it.." Tasha said staring out the entrance of the cave.

04-13-2011 at 2:25 AM
Sighs, "My hunter." she says under hear breath."Hmm,we need food.And this weather is horrible." she said,Accilia hurried and looked the other way remembering flash backs. "DON'T TOUCH HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she growls out randomly.

04-13-2011 at 2:23 AM
Sighs, "My hunter." she says under hear breath."Hmm,we need food.And this weather is horrible." she said,Accilia hurried and looked the other way remembering flash backs. "DON'T TOUCH HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she growls out randomly.

04-12-2011 at 11:45 PM
"Yes... there is a cruel pack. I highly suggest that you stay away fom them. We have no food... it's been so nasty out that we haven't been able to hunt quite yet." Tasha said shaking her head sadly.

04-12-2011 at 11:41 PM
Accilia looks at the other wolf,then looks back at Tasha. "Hmm,is there any near by packs?" she asked. "Do you have any food?" she asked.She pushed the rock back behind her and not showing the name.

04-12-2011 at 3:19 AM
Tasha shook her head. "No there are some other wolves here as well." She replied , looking in the direction of Anastasia and the others.

04-12-2011 at 2:38 AM
Accilia:She perked her ears and turned her head. "Yes." the Fae said softly and walked into the cave. "Are....you a lone?" she asked.

04-12-2011 at 2:37 AM
Accilia:She perked her ears and turned her head. "Yes." the Fae said softly and walked into the cave. "Are....you a lone?" she asked.

04-12-2011 at 2:35 AM
Accilia:She perked her ears and turned her head. "Yes." the Fae said softly and walked into the cave. "Are....you a loner?" she asked. She took her spot in a small corner and by a rock.'Luke ♥' she carved into the rock.And let out a small sigh.A tear rolled down her cheek,she hurried and shook it off before the other could see.
edit history
2011-04-11 19:37:39 by #12854

04-12-2011 at 1:22 AM
Tasha saw another wolf walking in the snow. "Hello!" Tasha said peering down at the wolf. "It looks cold, would you like to warm up?" She added.

04-12-2011 at 12:13 AM
Accilia:Slowly growling,walking in the snow was not her idea of living,but it would have to do until she found a pack or a den.<br /> <br /> --<br /> <br /> I'll write more next post!
edit history
2011-04-11 17:16:02 by #12854


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